OLCV endorses both Bradbury and Kitzhaber
Kari Chisholm
On Tuesday, the Oregon League of Conservation Voters announced that they have endorsed both John Kitzhaber and Bill Bradbury for Governor.
The Oregon League of Conservation Voters typically endorses only one candidate in every race. But this time, it was OLCV's judgment that both Bradbury and Kitzhaber have been extraordinary champions of the environment:
“A dual endorsement is fairly rare, but this is an exceptional case,” said OLCV PAC Board Chair Charlie Burr. “Having two gubernatorial candidates with such especially strong environmental credentials represents a milestone in Oregon’s environmental movement.” ...But what became clear is that Bradbury and Kitzhaber both have strong vision for Oregon’s environmental future, including clean energy and green jobs, with the resumes to back them up.
Can the dual endorsement be spun as a win for either side? Depends on who you ask.
WW's Hank Stern calls it a win for Kitzhaber, while Portland Monthly's Brian Barker calls it a win for Bradbury.
What do you think?
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12:55 a.m.
Apr 7, '10
[My firm built John Kitzhaber's campaign website. I'm also advising OLCV on their online efforts. I speak only for myself.]
Apr 7, '10
clear win for Kitz.
11:40 a.m.
Apr 7, '10
I'm not sure this is good for either one.
11:42 a.m.
Apr 7, '10
fairly clearly good for Kitz, I'd think. Enviro support was supposed to be Bradbury's ace in the hole. If OLCV is basically saying 6 of one half dozen of the other, that's not good for Bill.
Apr 7, '10
Overheard by little bird at OLCV board endorsement discussion:
Bradbury's better on our issues, but Kitzhaber is likely to win. We should hedge our bets.
Apr 7, '10
What Jake said. OLCV doesn't want to risk annoying either candidate. No one wins with this endorsement.
1:26 p.m.
Apr 7, '10
I noticed, in a very similar situation brought up over at NW Republican, Ross Day has recently thrown support from Americans for Prosperity behind Dudley. May not be the ideal guy, but he's got far and away the biggest war chest.
My compliments to Mr. Isaacs and his crew for keeping their eyes on the prize.
1:36 p.m.
Apr 7, '10
If that's true, that's pretty cbickenshit of OLCV.
Apr 7, '10
I don't see how this benefits anyone. In fact it just makes the OLCV seem like they are incapable of making a hard decision.
What's the point of making an endorsement if you're going to split it? It cheapens the endorsement's value- and it's hard to argue that it will make any sort of difference in the race. Better to go the path of SEIU and just sit it out.
Apr 7, '10
If they sat it out, it would suggest they think neither candidate was "strong" on the environment. That's not the message they're trying to send.
2:35 p.m.
Apr 7, '10
Jake Leander, were you actually there? Have you actually spoken with someone who was?
Because I've heard exactly the opposite from people who were in the room: that the two candidates are both such amazing champions that it didn't make sense to pick one.
Kitzhaber vetoed dozens of anti-environment bills as Governor and has been a serious policy champion on critical issues. Bradbury has fought for the environment since his first race, ran an environmental organization, and partnered with Al Gore on climate change campaign.
I'm a Kitzhaber guy, and would have preferred a sole endorsement, but OLCV's position here is perfectly reasonable.
Apr 7, '10
No, I was not there, hence the "little bird" vehicle. John is good on the environment, certainly, but Bill has been a leader on environmental issues throughout his career. His record is superior, no matter what was said during endorsement interviews or written on questionnaires. He's the Al Gore of Oregon on climate change and could be expected to push state government on the issue, an issue that is important to OLCV.
I do know that OLCV takes electability into consideration in making endorsements, and in spite of TJ's opinion, this is a reasonable course of action. It would be "chickenshit" if they endorsed only the inferior candidate because he had more money and better polls, but a dual endorsement is not a bad way to go.
12:06 a.m.
Apr 8, '10
Somebody cares what the Portland Monthly thinks about politics? "Top 100 Places to Get a Facial." Pitiful.
6:52 a.m.
Apr 8, '10
Jake - Aside from doing some stump speeches on global warming and attending the Al Gore camp, what has Bradbury actually accomplished in terms of legislation that differentiates his record from Governor Kitzhaber's on environmental issues?
Apr 8, '10
Great question, Sal!
Apr 8, '10
Sal and LT,
Why limit consideration to legislative accomplishments? And why minimize Bradbury's leadership on climate change, a crucial issue on which little significant legislation has been enacted, but much is needed?
Bradbury became involved in the effort to protect the 4,400-acre South Slough estuary on the southern Oregon Coast, which was established in 1974 as the nation’s first National Estuarine Research Reserve.
He founded and became the executive director of For the Sake of the Salmon, a regional non-profit organization, where he served until appointed Secretary of State by Kitzhaber.
Apr 8, '10
I do not mean to devalue Kitzhaber's vetoes of bills bad for the environment. They were important, but the next governor will likely have a Democratic legislature. So playing defense will not be as important. Vision and dedication to environmental progress is what will pay off. I think Bradbury is more likely to lead boldly on the environment, as Kitzhaber is more likely to lead boldly on health care.
Apr 10, '10
From the environmental debate, Kitzhaber was unwilling to take on PGE and their coal problem, unwilling to stand up against highly polluting LNG, and unable to provide a clear stance and plan against the CRC.
So, yes, in terms of the key environmental issues facing us today (climate change, transportation, energy future), Bradbury is stronger on the issues. Kitzhaber has vetoed a bunch of things, but it´s time to lead now that we´ve got the legislature.
OLCV ducked on this one. I don´t envy their decision, but it´s times like this that show whether you´ve got leadership or not.
Bradbury once again has been snowed under by people not believing he could win, hence he can´t raise money, hence, he can´t win.
<h2>Frankly, it shows no political guts. Choose the one who will win, or the one who´s clearly better on your issues. Or have simply no influence, once again, by refusing to choose.</h2>