Dick Schouten must be doing something right.
Kari Chisholm
President John Adams famously said, "Facts are stubborn things." By that, of course, he meant that when the facts are against you, it's hard to win an argument.
In 1988, President Ronald Reagan - in an attempt to quote Adams - accidentally said, "Facts are stupid things." It was a misquote, but today's Republican Party has taken that maxim to heart.
Whether it's Sarah Palin claiming that Earl Blumenauer's end-of-life advice measure would lead to "death panels", Rush Limbaugh's claim that President Obama is going to outlaw fishing, or Oregon state senator Chris Telfer claiming that there's a magical pile of money hiding in Salem (oh good! she's running for Treasurer!), it's clear that facts are no longer a necessary requirement for making an argument in today's GOP.
But there's a fresh and local one that I just came across.
In Washington County, they've got a barnburner of a race for the open seat of County Chair. The race features two sitting commissioners - Dick Schouten and Andy Duyck.
Schouten's been endorsed by the Washington County Democrats; OLCV; the NW Oregon Labor Council, AFL-CIO; and Washington County elected officials like Sen. Suzanne Bonamici, Sen. Mark Hass, Rep. Tobias Read, Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian, and many others. Duyck's most prominent endorsers are the Libertarian Party of Oregon and a raft of county commissioners from Tillamook, Polk, Josephine and Douglas Counties. (Yeah, I don't get it either.)
But Duyck's also been endorsed (personally only, he says) by the chair of the Washington County Republican Party, Kevin Hoar. And here's where it gets fun.
Hoar claims that Schouten will run Washington County the way that Multnomah County is being run. Nevermind that under former chair Ted Wheeler, Multnomah County paid down $24 million in debt.
No, what Hoar is so upset about is his claim that Multnomah County has "40,000+ employees" as compared to Washington County's "less than 5000 employees". And worse? In Multnomah County, Hoar claims that "each commissioner has 20-25 full time staff".
What are the real facts? Well, if you visit the HOME PAGE of Multnomah County (not some deep dark budget page, just the home page), you'll learn that "More than 4,500 Multnomah County employees provide citizens a wide range of health and human services, public safety services and other government services." Off by nearly an order of magnitude.
And about those commissioners? Chair Jeff Cogen has eleven staff, Commissioner Deborah Kafoury has three staff, Commissioner Barbara Willer has one staff, Commissioner Judy Shiprack as three staff, and Commissioner Diane McKeel has three staff. Even assuming that Willer, who was just appointed, is likely to hire a couple more, that's a grand total of 23 total staff -- not 20-25 each, as Hoar claims.
But that's not all, folks. After Kevin Hoar gets done wildly mis-stating the facts, he really gets his engine running:
[Dick Schouten] is a strong advocate for the pro-radical environmentalist, anti-business and private sector job growth, pro-traffic gridlock and forced urbanization, pro-secular social progressive, reckless pro-tax and spend policies that Multnomah County is famous for. ...As Republicans, we cannot afford to idlely sit on the sidelines and concede local government control to left-wing ideologues and radical activists like Dick Schouten. ...
The leftists and their machine of government unions, eco-radicals, and car hating are ready to gobble up our county and turn it into the socialist workers paradise that is Multnomah County.
I don't know about you, but Dick Schouten must be doing something right to get so deeply under the skin of lunatics like Kevin Hoar at the Washington County GOP.
Jon Isaacs, the executive director at OLCV, told me that that Schouten's race is "one of the most important local races in Oregon in 2010, if not the most important" because of the critical role Washington County plays in our regional urban growth. And it's an election that is likely to be decided in May. Voters will start voting in just 17 days.
So, go help Dick Schouten. Make a small donation. Sign up to volunteer. Become a Facebook fan. Tell your friends in Washington County how important it is that they vote for Dick Schouten for county chair.
The socialist workers paradise awaits!
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10:34 p.m.
Apr 12, '10
Full disclosure: My firm built Dick Schouten's campaign website. I speak only for myself.
Apr 12, '10
Schouten is a moderate and a much better fit for the 21st Century in Washington County. Those county commissioners from other places are endorsing Duyck because he and they want the Tillamook and Clatsop State Forest managed for timber production over all other values. Schouten sees that the state forests should be managed for multiple use -- including timber, but not timber primacy.
Duyck opposed the 2006 Metro Greenspaces Bond, too, which won in a landslide.
Schouten is a thoughtful, reasonable, and optimistic person -- we need more like him.
4:08 a.m.
Apr 13, '10
Dick Hoar is the same guy who refused to allow 2008 Republican nominee for US Congress, Jpoel Haugen, attend party events in Washington County because Haugen was "too liberal". Never mind the fact that Haugen won the primary with 70 percent of the vote and close to 80 percent in Washington County. This caused Haugen to withdraw his Republican nomination and run as an Independent in the general, leaving the R's without a candidate..
4:08 a.m.
Apr 13, '10
Dick Hoar is the same guy who refused to allow 2008 Republican nominee for US Congress, Jpoel Haugen, attend party events in Washington County because Haugen was "too liberal". Never mind the fact that Haugen won the primary with 70 percent of the vote and close to 80 percent in Washington County. This caused Haugen to withdraw his Republican nomination and run as an Independent in the general, leaving the R's without a candidate..
Apr 13, '10
I think it's very appropriate to point out a candidate when he/she misstates the fact, or exaggerates information; however, I think it's unequivocally unfair to characterize the entire Republican party, or all GOP candidates, as a group that takes that "maxim" to heart.
As with all assumptions, it would be nice if you could show and/or prove with "facts" that an overwhelming majority of Republicans do as you say. Facts themselves are subjective at times, just as one can solve some algebraic equations using different formulas or methods.
Facts are often philosophical, especially in the political world. Some facts are just as they are - cold, hard facts. And I think it's appropriate for you to point out when any candidate blatantly misrepresents the facts. It's just disappointing (but not surprising) that you would use the acts of one candidate to broadbrush an entire party as void of facts, which isn't entirely factual in the first place.
But neither is politics.
8:44 a.m.
Apr 13, '10
In my view, this is the most important local race in the state. In fact, the Washington County Commission races as a whole are hugely vital to the region and the way we'll be making decisions about land-use going forward.
As a resident of Washington County, it's been pretty frustrating to watch our local government manage land-use. Little regard is given to farmers and small businesses in favor of enormous corporations that require tremendous tax breaks to get them here--and put a huge strain on local infrastructure (not to mention the amount of land they're allowed to chew up--with goofy rules that don't require things like parking structures and do require things like lawns that suck up tons of extra water). Yet residents of the County, in big numbers, want growth reigned in. They also want the government to address the massive infrastructure problems created by the huge development they've allowed.
Duyck represents more of that same "develop at all costs" ethos, based on my observation. If Mr. Hoar is really concerned about "pro-traffic gridlock" and reckless policies on business and land-use, he's backing the wrong candidate.
Apr 13, '10
Dick Schouten has been my friend and neighbor for 15 years, our children went through Beaverton schools together, and I am pleased and proud to support him for Washington County Commission Chair. You will have to search far and wide to find any candidate as qualified as Dick Schouten. He always impresses me with his clear understanding of complex issues, sincere compassion for his fellow citizens, and devotion to thoughtful, balanced, effective government that serves the interests of the community. Please join me in supporting Dick Schouten for Washington County Chair. Glen Geller
(Fun Fact: opponent Andy Duyck's billboard says: "Business. Jobs. People." Mr. Duyck's priorities are painfully clear.)
9:22 a.m.
Apr 13, '10
FYI, I edited this post slightly this morning to name the source of my quote -- Jon Isaacs. Initially, I posted without attribution. He's now given me permission to quote him.
Apr 13, '10
"[Washington County] Almost never asks voters for tax increases (none in 12 years)"
This isn't true either. The county asked voters for a small increase in property taxes (6 to 3 cents per $1,000 of assessed value) to pay for the revamp of the Washington County Fairgrounds in 2008. It failed miserably at the ballot box, however.
9:36 a.m.
Apr 13, '10
Jason, you're right, I have not produced a peer-reviewed study to demonstrate with empirical evidence that a specific number of Republican voters and/or elected officials are mis-stating facts some specific percentage of the time.
But ya know, when large numbers of party leaders, as well as prominent elected officials nationally and locally, are so clearly failing to do even basic sit-at-your-desk-and-use-Google fact-checking, well, a pattern starts to emerge.
Apr 13, '10
"[Washington County] Almost never asks voters for tax increases (none in 12 years)" This isn't true either. The county asked voters for a small increase in property taxes (6 to 3 cents per $1,000 of assessed value) to pay for the revamp of the Washington County Fairgrounds in 2008. It failed miserably at the ballot box, however. I guess that's why it said "Almost never" and not just "never".
Apr 13, '10
The quotes in Kari's post are not from a candidate, but from the Chair of the WashCo GOP, who is the voice of the county party. If you're unhappy with your party being portrayed as having a slippery relationship with the facts, then look no farther than the leadership of your county party.
Apr 13, '10
Jason wrote:
I think it's very appropriate to point out a candidate when he/she misstates the fact, or exaggerates information; however, I think it's unequivocally unfair to characterize the entire Republican party, or all GOP candidates, as a group that takes that "maxim" to heart.
There is an important difference between unfair over generalization about some group of people [prejudice] and recognizing significant trends that effect the larger community.
Perhaps because "facts" are more easily dispersed and confirmed to large numbers of people today, the shocking degree to which Republican rhetoric, talking points, and campaign themes ignore or contradict verifiable fact is abundantly apparent. Perhaps is has always been so, but it clearly the case today.
Squirrels climb trees, Italians like pasta, Nazis are antisemitic, and Republicans do not let facts get in the way of chosen rhetoric. There are likely exceptions to all these, but not enough to make the conclusions unjustified.
Apr 13, '10
Dick Schouten is a class act. Washington County was once a GOP stronghold but shifting demographic trends allowed Democrats to surge ahead In voter registrations. Dick will win this race decisively and transform the region. His ascendance is a triumph for progressives and citizens who care about responsible economic development and the environment.
11:29 a.m.
Apr 13, '10
Dick Schouten is an evenhanded, genuine public servant with the right set of experience and skills to lead Washington County. Growing up in the Netherlands, he has a global perspective and varied experience in local communities that have proven invaluable in his work as a county commissioner.
And hey: he's a cyclist, too. That should play well as cities like Tigard are hiring cycling coordinators.
12:37 p.m.
Apr 13, '10
(Fun Fact: opponent Andy Duyck's billboard says: "Business. Jobs. People." Mr. Duyck's priorities are painfully clear.)
Excellent way to present the point, Glenn. Thank you.
1:48 p.m.
Apr 13, '10
it's unequivocally unfair to characterize the entire Republican party, or all GOP candidates, as a group that takes that "maxim" to heart.
when some blogger on some website or some nut in a big crowd is held up as representative of group ideology, that smacks of bullshit. When the party chair and his chosen Boy are directly quoted, that's the leadership of the group.
In May we'll see how many Washington County Republicans are......er........on that bus....
Apr 13, '10
THe tea party movement was great at first, but it has been home to bigots and racists. Not saying all tea partiers are, but the protests somehow make those people feel quite at home. I don't recall that crazy muslim leader Farrakhan who called a million man march in washington having signs that read anything close to what I have seen at tea parties, even though he is supposed to hate whites and jews, sarah palin better distance herself especially if she wants to matter in the future check the story here:
Apr 13, '10
If you pick one primary campaign in the State to give $50 or $100 it should be Dick Schouten for Washington County Chair.
9:46 a.m.
Apr 14, '10
Kevin Hoar has always been a prankster; nothing he says can be taken -- even with a grain of salt. Andy Duyck has built a career in Washington County as a leading member of the Republican backward-looking wrecking crew. On the other hand, Dick Schouten is the forward-looking member of the county commissioners who has worked for progress in the county along with Republicans like current chair, Tom Brian, and former member, John Leeper. He's a winner and gets my $$ and phone bank work.
9:52 a.m.
Apr 14, '10
Pat Ryan sez: "In May we'll see how many Washington County Republicans are......er........on that bus...."
The moderate Republicans I knew back when I was leading them (Oregon Mainstream Republicans) pre-2004, did not agree with Duyck. My bet is that most of those courageous Rs who hate what has happened with their party and its Washington County leadership will either vote for Schouten or not vote. Duyck may get as much as 85% of the R vote but Ds outnumber Rs in the county.
Apr 14, '10
Who needs jobs when you have bioswales, bike lanes and are "green" and "progressive?"
Just waiting for him to propose tax excrement financing (HT Bill McDonald)urban renewal (read pork for developers-like that shining success in S. waterfront)
Apr 14, '10
Hi Mike,
I urge you to head over to our website (supportschouten.com) and see that Dick does have a plan for job creation:
- Promoting Job Growth and Smart Development:
Dick will build strong public/private partnerships that will attract smart and quality development, spurring job growth throughout the County. He will work towards greater uniformity of building and routine land use permitting across the County’s 13-plus permitting jurisdictions. Finally he will work with PGE, the Energy Trust of Oregon, and others who can help provide short term loans to retrofit homes and businesses to be more energy efficient and sustainable, while putting construction people back to work in these critical next 2-5 years.
Compare this to his opponents plan (from his website):
As a small business owner, Andy knows how to help build real job growth and understands the challenges of the current economy.
As comissionioner, Andy has fought to keep taxes low and maintain Washington County's reputation as a business friendly environment.
Andy works to bring new jobs into Wahington County, including high tech and green industries. Andy knows that in the current economy, getting people back to work should be the #1 priority for all of our elected officials.
Dick is offering real solutions, while Andy's plan lacks substance. Dick would be happy to go into more depth about his jobs plan. If you would like to contact him, you can send an e-mail to: [email protected]
Dan Lombardi Campaign Manager Dick Schouten for Washington County Chair [email protected]