OR-4: Sid Leiken drops out.
Kari Chisholm
In the race for the 4th congressional district, Springfield Mayor Sid Leiken has dropped out. From the Register-Guard's Matt Cooper:
Springfield Mayor Sid Leiken announced Wednesday that he will run in May for the Lane County Board of Commissioners, ending his bid to unseat U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio in the 4th Congressional District. ...Initially lauded by Republicans nationally as their best hope to win a House seat long held by Democrats, Leiken faced an uphill battle against DeFazio, a 24-year incumbent. Leiken did poorly in campaign fundraising; as of the most recent filings, DeFazio had at his disposal more than 100 times Leiken’s campaign cash.
Plus, observers said Leiken’s violation of Oregon campaign laws last year could have hurt him. Leiken paid a $2,250 fine for unlawfully converting $2,000 of his mayoral campaign money to personal use.
No word yet about new GOP challengers to Peter DeFazio.
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Mar 4, '10
Leiken did poorly in campaign fundraising; as of the most recent filings, DeFazio had at his disposal more than 100 times Leiken’s campaign cash.
I am sick of campaign money and its hangers-on. Why can't the TEA crowd make themselves useful and use campaign spending as an indicator of how a candidate will spend as a legislator, and start monitoring and interfering with every detail of money movement? Is it not possible or advisable for Dems to take a pledge that they will not outspend their opponents' campaigns? Want to make a statement about "I can do more with less", "work smart", "fiscal responsibility", "politics is ugly; we just want to help people"? Vow not to outspend your opponent.
No, government is about power seekers and their hangers-on and winning isn't everything, it's the only thing.
Admittedly, that all wouldn't have affected this, as DeFazio is trusted, and that's a commodity in politics you can't buy. That's why BHO couldn't beat him in the Faz's district. Wouldn't taking the tack I mention go a lot further than the few dollars you might lose? It only fails if you value the dollars more than the trust. Since that doesn't translate into election wins, QED the political part is just a sham to get involved in the system for personal gain.
The hacks are now 350 pound gorillas, trashing the boutique politique just because they're 350 pound gorillas. The time has come to at least wean them from their mama's milk.
9:22 a.m.
Mar 4, '10
I've checked the FEC and SOS filings. I'm pretty sure that Congressman DeFazio hasn't filed to run for any office yet.
Mar 4, '10
If Sid's approval of his new website and campaign logo are any indication of the kind of decision making he would apply on the County Commission, Lane County should be very afraid.
I am not sure what message he is trying to get across to the voters of Springfield but whatever it is, it's kind of creepy. http://www.sidleiken.com
Mar 4, '10
Good news for The Faz, bad news for Lane County. Leiken's now running to replace retiring veteran Democrat bill Dwyer on the board of Commissioners, and unlike OR-04, that's a race Leiken might win. Between the open positions 1 and 2 on the board, our progressive majority is at stake this year.
If the Faz, as expected, has an easy re-election ahead, I hope he and his local contributors might let some of his large warchest go to his supporters downticket.
Mar 4, '10
Admiral Naismith Good news for The Faz, bad news for Lane County. Leiken's now running to replace retiring veteran Democrat bill Dwyer on the board of Commissioners, and unlike OR-04, that's a race Leiken might win. Between the open positions 1 and 2 on the board, our progressive majority is at stake this year.
Not likely. And calling Dwyer a "progressive" is pushing that term beyond the breaking point.
Pat Riggs-Henson will take the Springfield seat, and Jerry Rust takes West Lane. That creates the first truly solid progressive majority (along with Sorenson) in a very long time.
With luck, we may finally get a local "mini" M66/67 instead of the CoC-approved tax proposals from the past, all of which failed.
Mar 4, '10
"...along with Sorenson and Handy..."
Mar 4, '10
Pat Riggs-Henson will win. She's got the base, people love her and the mayor has got too much dirt and baggage.
KC, just sent you an email.
Mar 4, '10
"...Sid's approval of his new website and campaign logo ... whatever it is, it's kind of creepy"
Isn't it obvious?
It's a horse... walking down an incline... with a sad clown on its back.
<h2>It's symbolic, really. See, the clown is the voters who, though they should be jovial, are sad during this time of economic distress. Sid represents the horse who is destined to ferry them to prosperity down the inclined plane of... um... justice. (?)</h2>