Your favorite local blogs?
Kari Chisholm
OK, folks. I've been asked, by the good folks at, to put together a Top 10 list of the best blogs in Portland and/or Oregon. (They've been running all sorts of Top 10s - for different cities, topics, industries, you name it.)
I want to give 'em more than just political stuff, so you tell me: What blogs in Portland do you read? What inspires you? Upon whom do you rely for good info or insightful opinion?
Share your favorite local blogs in all areas - commentary, news, sports, food, business, culture, humor, etc.
Where do you invest your time?
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connect with blueoregon
Feb 19, '10
Feb 19, '10
really would like to know about more of them. At this point I check out blueoregon, loadedorygun and portlandindymedia
Feb 19, '10
You mean there are blogs other than Blue Oregon? I refuse to believe it!
Feb 19, '10
Great local site for parents - networking, events, activism, resources.
Feb 19, '10
Feb 19, '10
I know his blog is hated over here because he's a grumpy old crank, but the fact is he covers local government better than anyone else in Portland, hands down.
Feb 19, '10
A few favorites:
Feb 19, '10
oops - I forgot: and
2:05 p.m.
Feb 19, '10
I'm (immodestly) pretty doggoned pleased with what I do on state and national politics--when I get a mind to do it--at my blog. John Kenneth Galbraith once said, "Modesty is a vastly overrated virtue."
Les AuCoin The Les AuCoin Blog
Feb 19, '10
The blogs at I suppose I'm a little bit biased, but it is a pretty great county party website with good blog posts by subscribers.
Feb 19, '10 A good one to add to the list.
Feb 19, '10
Blogtown at the Portland Mercury.
Feb 19, '10
I'm with Les.
If we were modest, we wouldn't be blogging.
You wouldn't want to overlook Blogolitical Sean:
Feb 19, '10
Mercury Blog
Mapes on Politics
Feb 19, '10 is a great local blog. I agree with Leslie and Julie about BikePortland and Blogtown. Blogtown does a better job covering local Portland politics than just about anyone else.
Feb 19, '10
3:19 p.m.
Feb 19, '10
Keep 'em coming, folks. Especially the non-political stuff.
Feb 19, '10 and are also strong local sites.
Feb 19, '10
Outside The Interzone is my blog, from Corvallis. The tag line is "Miscellaneous thoughts on politics, people, math, science and other cool (if sometimes frustrating) stuff from somewhere near my favorite coffee shop." This is a political post of which I was particularly proud, but I mix it up a lot.
Feb 19, '10
Feb 19, '10
4:56 p.m.
Feb 19, '10 3.Blogto....
Okay, okay...we did run a story about this recently:
Feb 19, '10
Amazing travel writing with great photos.
5:14 p.m.
Feb 19, '10
David Walker, a former film critic at Willamette Week, still writes some of best movie reviews in town at
John Chilson always has fascinating stories about Portland and Oregon history at
And in the spirit of self-promotion, here's a link to Reclaiming Futures Every Day, a blog on juvenile justice run by my company Prichard Communications for a client here in Portland:
Feb 19, '10
PPS Equity is the top educational blog in the city. Lots of analysis of what is going on in PPS.
Feb 19, '10
Feb 19, '10
The only site I read to quench my blazermania jones.
Feb 19, '10
Feb 19, '10
Lost Oregon:
7:10 p.m.
Feb 19, '10
Neighborhood Notes
Oregon Economics Blog
Ridenbaugh Press
Feb 19, '10
"Themed". "Local themed blogs". Which is still interesting, given the assertion that a blog "is only a collection of bits and pixels". Given that the referenced blogs' servers are, for the most part, not in Oregon, it's a contorted use of the word "local" at best.
Mine is as local as it gets, but 90% of the subscribers are in England or the subcontinent. (A few points for local color and uniqueness?) There are lots of local servers up near the airport, but they're mainly hosting anonymous porn based websites and blogs.
Maybe the question should be, "which blogs do you use to get local information", as that seems to be how it's being answered. I would ditto the above list, possibly adding and, as informational as well as commercial. In that vein, I would add the raft of really good beer and ale blogs, most notably .
Feb 20, '10
Feb 20, '10
I just have to plug my own blog, It's partly about riding the max, mostly about an obscure accounting language.
Feb 20, '10
I second Blogtown, Portland Food and Drink and Lost Oregon.
10:13 a.m.
Feb 20, '10
My current top ten (in no particular order): urbanMamas, HinesSight, The Oregon Economics Blog Jeff Mapes on Politics, Portland Transport, Ridenbaugn Press, PPS Equity, Oregon Catalyst, Economist's View, And, of course, my own Global Strategies (here)
Feb 20, '10
I think the state of Portland political blogs is so poor at this stage it is embarrassing for a city which prides itself on progressivism. Political blogs in Oregon seem to have become echo chambers for party talking points and elected party officials' political agendae.
Republicans and Democrats endlessly calling each other names bores me.
Jack Bog's Blog earns my respect, not because I agree with his views most of the time, but he takes aim at both Republicans and Democrats with equal rancor. He also takes the time to do some serious investigative journalism, especially where state and local taxation is involved.
Portland Indymedia has become a little too biased in terms of the more radical, anarchist posts that get put up to the exclusion of more moderately dissident voices, but it's still an occasional read.
Feb 20, '10
11:51 a.m.
Feb 20, '10
I like the Les AuCoin blog as well.
Feb 20, '10
Any good downstate blogs to share, people?
Feb 20, '10
4:09 p.m.
Feb 20, '10
I should have said too. It's excellent.
Feb 20, '10
bikeportland the portland mercury
Feb 21, '10
My favorites are:
Feb 21, '10
What about Eugene's 'craziest' local blog (according to the R-G), "His Vorpal Sword"? I think it's the only Oregon blog with the distinction of having been attacked on Fox News by Brent Bozell, Ted Nugent and Hannity himself for several days straight.
4:21 p.m.
Feb 21, '10
OK, a plug for my own work, since the precedent's been established!
WikiProject Oregon blog -- we haven't been terribly active lately, but we have a strong core of writers talking about the interesting bits of Oregon history we come across, our encounters with various Oregon institutions, and how to contribute content to Wikipedia and related web sites.
I'll second the Lost Oregon mentions, and add another light traffic, but excellent blog: the Mount Hood History blog, by Gary Randall.
Feb 21, '10
Most of my favorites have been mentions (Blogtown, BikePortland, Portland Architecture, Bojack, etc.), but two I haven't seen yet:
The first two should be well-known here, I would hope. The second is delightful -- mostly (original) photography, with fascinating little chunks of Portland history thrown in. It's like taking little walks around town with your favorite obsessive acquaintance, who happens to know the history of some particular spot you find yourself in front of, next to, or underneath; and who happens to be carrying around some choice historical photos of these spots to accompany interesting little anecdotes he relates.
Feb 21, '10
Most of my favorites have been mentions (Blogtown, BikePortland, Portland Architecture, Bojack, etc.), but two I haven't seen yet:
The first two should be well-known here, I would hope. The second is delightful -- mostly (original) photography, with fascinating little chunks of Portland history thrown in. It's like taking little walks around town with your favorite obsessive acquaintance, who happens to know the history of some particular spot you find yourself in front of, next to, or underneath; and who happens to be carrying around some choice historical photos of these spots to accompany interesting little anecdotes he relates.
6:43 p.m.
Feb 21, '10
Les AuCoin once told me his favorite blog right after his own was:
Feb 21, '10
I'd like to second the kind words above and modestly suggest my blog, his vorpal sword. (no caps) But how about Preemptivekarma? My favorite Oregon blog after Blue Oregon.
11:47 a.m.
Feb 22, '10
First tier other than my daily reads (Blue Oregon & Preemptive Karma) in no particular order: his vorpal sword Chuck for... Institute of Jurassic Technology (quirky fun on steroids!) Homeless on the High Desert *Jeff Mapes
Second tier: Chuck Currie Mercury Blogtown Jack Bog The Red Electric Street Roots
Feb 22, '10
Apologies if this is a repost:
Dennis Newman's Natural Oregon
Oregon Wild
Not sure if it's a blog per-se, but it's a great resource Portland Hikers
Feb 22, '10
it has loads of wonderful images and the owner is truly devoted to it.. it's always up to date and has very interesting content!
Feb 22, '10
The best writing on the internet can be found here: His Vorpal Sword and the most scrupulously researched too.
Feb 22, '10
I must say, if it wasn't for me, y'alls would never have known that Portland was built on an ancient unicorn burial ground.
I am perhaps the most underrated blog in Portland besides:
The ZehnKatzen Times
I am, after all, the first person who mentioned Tom Peterson's had finally closed. And the unicorns. And the Portland street signs.
Outside myself, I like http://cyclotram.blogspot.comCyclotram for atul's focus on real true local warp-and-woof, like the Stark Street Milestones.
Did you know that there were milestones on Stark Street? Well, you would have, bucko, if you'd of read Cyclotram. Do try to keep up, yes? And, like me, he knows what the Willamette Stone is-and got pixs to prove it.
Miles Hochstein tirelessly records the face of Portland at Portland Ground. Lost Oregon deserves all the kudos it can get – a person who's adopted Oregon as his home and loves it more than some native I know. Lost Oregon's his love letter to us.
I like PMerc's Blogtown because Matt Davis has been freaking eating Big Media's lunch on essential City Hall Reporting for a very long time now. If the PMerc finally gets seen as serious journalism, it'll be because Matt Davis made it happen. He's amazing.
Feb 22, '10
Feb 22, '10
THe best of TRUTH:
Feb 22, '10
"john", "D", nice to know that you read BO regularly! Or did you miss the first word in the title? That's your typical dittohead response. Can't read the first word. Or are you one of "us"?
Mar 9, '10