Hugh Hewitt drools over Dudley, slams Kitzhaber - oh good!
Kari Chisholm
National right-wing crackpot Hugh Hewitt has weighed in on the Oregon Governor's race.
First, a little context for readers who don't know Hewitt: This is a guy whose first job out of college was writing speeches for Richard Nixon, post-Watergate. He's now got a conservative talk radio show that broadcasts nationally, and he's generally one of the most well-known right-wing bloggers. And he's almost always way over the top with the lunatic rhetoric (even accusing the Obama campaign of playing the Soviet national anthem at the Portland rally in May 2008.)
So, here's the drooling over Chris Dudley - whom Hewitt seems to think will be the next Scott Brown:
At 6’11,” Chris Dudley stands out in any room. But the former Portland Trail Blazer is especially noticeable in a room full of Republicans like Friday night’s Linn County GOP Lincoln Day dinner.He is younger than most except for the College Republicans from nearby Oregon State University and Western Oregon. He is new to politics. And he is a draw, fully wired into a social media network that will certainly grow as word of a serious hoopster-turned-pol spreads. ...
[T]he story of the Yalie with diabetes who made it to a 16-season NBA career will soon capture the national attention as the national political press corps looks for the next Scott Brown and notices the tall –very tall—Dudley...
Of course, he also called John Lim "Jack Lim" and mispelled Congressman Greg Walden's name.
Here's what Hewitt's got to say about John Kitzhaber:
[Kitzhaber] has spent much of the last decade pushing the “Archimedes Movement,” which some would call neo-crackpot, but others simply full-frontal single payer.If you liked Obamacare, you will love the Archimedes Movement. The Kitzhaber candidacy represents a left-of-Obama alternative to a state already traumatized by the lethal combination of hard-left environmentalism and public sector appetite.
With friends like this, I don't think Chris Dudley needs enemies. Keep bringing the crazy, guys.
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Feb 22, '10
Yeah Republicans should keep bringing the "crazy" while you and yours push this sanity.
Feb 22, '10
Well so far, Chris Dudley is just an empty basketball jersey. Huge should wait and see if and how he fills it before anointing him the next "Great White Hope."
Feb 22, '10
You know, this is a site for progressives and people who sign on just to be lippy, are really not adding anything to the mix. I followed up the Post article and it had nothing whatsoever to do with the Archimedes Movement or Dudley or Kitzhaber. It was just some unmedicated ADHD leap to a different policy that the commenter did not like. This says to me that the commenter had nothing whatsoever to say, but felt like doing some projectile puking in the direction of progressives. I say stay on point, or keep quiet.
As to the subject, I was actually interested in learning more about the Archimedes Movement. It certainly shows more bona fides for the job than being a former Blazer.
Feb 22, '10
Until Dudley utters a word of substance, he can be all things to all people. The tea baggers believe what they want to believe, while the Lake O Country Club people believe another version. I wonder how long it will take reporters to ask some questions and figure out what sort of political product Dudley really is. Allen Alley seems to have no clue how one goes about doing that.
One thing is for sure, his people and the Republican Establishment don't want him to have to show his hand politically, not in the primary and not in the general if he can help it. All they want is for Dudley to represent change, and for Kitzhaber and Bradbury to represent the present.
9:28 a.m.
Feb 22, '10
Gettin' real tired of ANY experience as long as it is outside the complexities of government of course, serving as a credential FOR government service.
Nothing against Mr. Dudley personally. He seems like a nice fella from his picture? Can I say that? Do you think I will learn to regret that statement? Is this a wise way to pick the person you will potentially help to vote into the highest government office in Oregon, based on the way a person looks? cough Sara Palin/George Bush cough
No. Kitzhaber may not be my type, or preferred gender for that matter, but if elected he will bring experience during a time when the proverbial S%&# is hitting the fan all over this state, country and world sadly.
There are good reasons why newly licensed 16-year-olds don't often get hired to drive cabs or 18-wheelers. Why would you hire the political equivalent of one to drive the whole state during a freaking hail storm of trouble?
I'm not trying to be a ____, but please start out with something smaller in the Target parking lot, at night, when no one is around and not during bad weather. Take your parents with you for Pete's sake.
Peoples' lives are at stake, in both the analogy and the actual governor's race.
Feb 22, '10
It's one thing to scrutinize Dudley's candidacy but to label Hewitt a "crackpot" reminds of the phrase re: the pot and the kettle.
Feb 22, '10
If Dudley is such a dud as a candidate, shouldn't you be exalting such endorsements if they get him the GOP nomination? Wouldn't that make it just so easy to win.
Feb 22, '10
Scary thing is that Hewitt and the three guys who write powerlineblog (another righty blog)are seen as the "sensible" right.
I read Powerline daily and Hewitt occasionally-parallel universe....
Feb 22, '10
Gee whiz... throw in a 'douchebaggery' reference or two and this post could well have been written by Carla.
Now... a little more context for readers who don't know Kari. For the record, Hewitt raised a humorous but otherwise perfectly valid question about the opening act for the May 2008 Portland rally, The Decemberists - he did not 'accuse' the Obama campaign of playing the Soviet national anthem.
The full context of the quote lifted from his website is as follows:
'Turns out that Obama's opening act at the megarally was The Decemberists, a hugely popular indie rock band, which typically opens their concerts with the Soviet National Anthem.
How odd that the MSM didn't tell us that a few of the 75K in attendance may have come for the tunes.
And did the Obama rally begin with the Soviet National Anthem? The concert went for 45 minutes and was widely pitched on Facebook etc. But did the band trim their act to make it Obama-appropriate?'
Further, how curious the Wikipedia reference to the fact the band is (was?) known for using the Soviet national anthem as an introduction to their concerts was conveniently removed just prior to the Portland rally.
The 3 selectively lifted paragraphs from Hewitt's opinion column about Dudley included here in Kari's post characterized as 'drooling' contain nothing non-factual - nor does Hewitt state HE thinks Dudley will be the next Scott Brown:
As to his comments about Kitzhaber... well, he HAS spent much of the last decade pushing the 'Archimedes Movement' - which some WOULD call neo-crackpot, and some others single payer. And it would reason that those who favored Obamacare probably would be supportive of the Archimedes Movement. As to his comments about Oregon, they're admittedly rough for Blue Oregonians to take - but then again, it's not a big secret that Oregon does have fiscal problems... and Democrats have held the governorship for 24 years now.
Feb 22, '10
I've seen the Decemberists on seven occasions. They never once opened with the Soviet National Anthem. However, they did once use Christian Fodenventzel (sp) doing a voiceover introduction.
Now if we were to play Hewitt's game, why does he even know the Soviet National Anthem? He must be a commieniss.
4:01 p.m.
Feb 22, '10
Actually, I don't blame Hewitt at all. If I were in the national GOP, I'd consider Dudley one of the party's bright lights, too. Who else you gonna praise--"demon sheep" Carly Fiorina? I mean, it's pretty bleak for Republicans right now.
Feb 22, '10
I'm pretty sure Hewitt also incorrectly stated that Democrats have held the governor's office for the last 24 years. I'm pretty sure we're on just a 20 year run: 4 years for Barbara Roberts 8 years for Kitzhaber 8 years for Kulongoski = 20 years.
Maybe he doesn't know about the history re Kitzhaber succeeding Roberts, but if he's going to judge Kitzhaber so thoroughly, he should acquaint himself further with the guy's history.
Feb 22, '10
Here are Hugh Hewitt's crackpot bona fides.
Feb 22, '10
Connor Allen, I know we would like to forget that he was (and presumably still is) a Democrat, but Neil Goldschmidt was governor from 1986 - 1990.
Feb 22, '10
"I'm pretty sure Hewitt also incorrectly stated that Democrats have held the governor's office for the last 24 years. I'm pretty sure we're on just a 20 year run: 4 years for Barbara Roberts 8 years for Kitzhaber 8 years for Kulongoski = 20 years."
As fbear said you forgot Goldschmidt but I think you could also say a lot of today's Republicans wouldn't consider Vic Atiyeh, Tom McCall or Mark Hatfield proper Republicans so you could almost say it's been 52 years.
Feb 22, '10
There are 21st century Republicans who wouldn't consider McCall, Atiyeh, and probably Hatfield, Clay Myers, Norma Paulus, Dave Frohnmayer along with legislators like Nancy Ryles, Mary Alice Ford, Jeanette Hamby, Delna Jones, and some others "real " Republicans.
Feb 22, '10
LT, don't I know it. I long for the days of sane Republicans. One other name that merits consideration here is Bob Packwood although he suffers some of the same problems as Goldschmidt. And maybe you could even include Jack Roberts in the group.
Feb 23, '10
- at 6'11", he does stand out in any room
So, what's the difference between saying that and "seated or standing behind his mobility device, Bradbury doesn't much stand out"? Irrelevant is irrelevant. That's the biggest pisser about PC speech. It undercuts its own goals, like all neurotic behavior.
Mar 1, '10