Bend business owner and motivational author considers run against Wyden
Kari Chisholm
According to the Bend Bulletin's Keith Chu, another Republican is considering a run against Senator Ron Wyden:
Bend businessman Sam Carpenter is considering a run for the U.S. Senate seat held by Democrat Ron Wyden this fall.Carpenter, the president and CEO of Centratel, a telephone answering service based in Bend, said Friday he’s exploring a Senate campaign as a Republican but hasn’t made a final decision.
“There’s a real possibility,” said Carpenter, who added that he has a team of advisers in place.
In addition to Centratel, Carpenter founded a nonprofit called Kashmir Family Aid, which aids children affected by the 2005 earthquake in northern Pakistan. He’s also the author of a motivational business book, “Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less.”
Not sure if Oregon voters really want a Senator who is motivated by making more and working less. We may get a chance to find out.
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10:51 a.m.
Feb 22, '10
Full disclosure: My firm built Ron Wyden's campaign website. I speak only for myself.
Feb 22, '10
Not sure if Oregon voters really want a Senator who is motivated by making more and working less.
Ever hear of the concept of "work smart not hard?"
Feb 22, '10
If only a progressive would take him on...
Feb 22, '10
I would give Chris #12's "progressive" roughly the same chances as Sam Carpenter.
Feb 22, '10
Am I wrong or do you purposely try to find the worst in those who's political ambitions differ from yours? (Of course, I guess I shouldn't expect anything different given the substance and political views of the majority on this site.)
2:49 p.m.
Feb 22, '10
Jason, get a sense of humor.
Feb 22, '10
It's actually refreshing to see a Republican who actually tells you what they really think. I for one am sick and tired of them claiming that all the ultra-rich got that way be "working hard" and "pulling themselves up by their bootstraps" - as if the working poor don't work hard.
Feb 22, '10
mp took the words out of my mouth. Inspiration over perspiration anyday.
Amen, chris #12.
Feb 22, '10
Yeah, we sure wouldn't want the government tainted by anybody who understood the concepts of efficiency, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, or productivity.
The progressive motto: work more, accomplish less!
3:29 p.m.
Feb 22, '10
It's a shame to see Ron attacked from within his own Republican ranks.
Feb 22, '10
"“Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less.”
Sounds like NAFTA, CAFTA, and whatever other corporate rights schemes Wyden loves: less work for workers, more dough for CEOs.
Feb 22, '10
Based on first impressions, I could vote for Sam Carpenter. Based on more extensive exposure to Wyden, it's highly unlikely I could vote for him.
Feb 23, '10
Posted by: Anonymous | Feb 22, 2010 2:58:11 PM
Yeah, we sure wouldn't want the government tainted by anybody who understood the concepts of efficiency, effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, or productivity.
The progressive motto: work more, accomplish less!
Did you read the previous post? This is one of the reasons BO indulges the dittoheads. They're the only ones that would call Kari a progressive with a straight face. No, I am a progressive, mp is a progressive, chris #12, jason and jack are progressives. Note: all choked on that line straight away.
I guess Dems don't realize how much they help dittoheads by calling themselves progressive. Gives anti-progressives a soft target, and marginalizes true progressives. "Progressive" has only two meanings to a tepid Dem. "Not a liberal like Rush sez", or "those f*cking purity trolls that split our vote".
Feb 23, '10
"It's a shame to see Ron attacked from within his own Republican ranks."
That is funnier than the offensive Sarah Palin joke I heard the other day!
And Bradley--you're right, I'm afraid. A true progressive wouldn't have much of a chance against Wyden's incumbency, Schumer's DSCC dollars, and the right-wing Oregon media. But a boy can dream, can't he? I'd love to be able to vote in that race (my purity troll status prohibits me from ever voting for Wyden).
Feb 23, '10
We need someone that will vote the will of Oregonians, all the time, not just when it's cool to be cool. Let Wyden be the next carpetbagger from NY
Feb 23, '10
At this point, I man so infuriated with Wyden that I truly hope he loses. His DC office has stopped taking calls from constituents. He has refused to sign onto Sen. Bennett's letter asking Reid to put the public option through reconciliation. When his consumer choice amendment got punked in Senate Finance, he (like the coward he is) just rolled over. Maybe a progressive challenger wouldn't beat Wyden, but I'll vote for whoever it is anyway.
Feb 24, '10
For the record, I am not "motivational author." My book is about time management/efficency in business and personal life. Dysfunctional governmental agencies could use a good dose of streamlining which will mean less waste. Does anyone, red or blue, disagree? (Thank you for the disclaimer, Kari.)
11:51 a.m.
Feb 24, '10
Sam Carpenter: Dysfunctional governmental agencies could use a good dose of streamlining which will mean less waste.
The "dysfunction" you speak about, Sam, is almost entirely the result of Republicans appointing people to head departments whose congressional mandate they fundamentally disagree with. And now that President Obama is in office, filibustering over 300 nominees, and issuing blanket holds, because the President didn't cave to a pork barrel demand to override the Pentagon's recommendation for a military contract, and give the work to a foreign company.
Frankly, joining the obstructionist brigade seems entirely counterproductive, especially given that legislative jobs are inherently frustrating to business leaders. And that's if you actually won. Despite the spit of a few PDX kook whackos you see posting in BlueOregon, Senator Wyden is an extremely popular Senator.
You sound like someone who would be better suited to run for an executive position. If you are absolutely determined to run as a Republican, I'd suggest you think about Governor.
By the way, there isn't a ton of glory in politics. It's a ton of hard work, and in the end, people hate you for things you have no control over.
Feb 24, '10
Posted by: sam carpenter | Feb 24, 2010 5:08:49 AM
For the record, I am not "motivational author." My book is about time management/efficency in business and personal life. Dysfunctional governmental agencies could use a good dose of streamlining which will mean less waste. Does anyone, red or blue, disagree? (Thank you for the disclaimer, Kari.)
I was going to say, "yeah, lockstep Dems like Steve Maurer" disagree, but he did it for me! Love it when that happens.
Personally, the comments mean a lot. Big points for "not motivational author"! What that "anyone" misses, and Steve points out, is that it is "anyone thinking for themselves". THAT, unfortunately is a minority of the voting public. Your candidacy is looking like a real, progressive option. I'll have to look deeper.
Thanks for the reply. That's another example of what would seem like a no-brainer to many, but is way beyond the average, tepid Dem. We regularly get lectured by contributers and candidates that never look back after leaving us their words of wisdumb. The touted progressive junior Senator from Oregon either ignores any dissenting voice, or ridicules it when he posts. Of course in Dem logic we're to regard him as great, because he's much better than Wyden. Another reason we need a higher standard representing Wyden's district.
Gonna debate Pavel? If I were your campaign manager I'd definitely suggest a debate between you two, at the P'land Farmers' Market. That would really fire up the progressives. Talk about the issues, and GUARANTEED no tepid Dems would show up to beat down progressive erections.
11:58 p.m.
Feb 24, '10
Sam, my apologies if I've described you in a way you don't prefer. I was relying on the Bend Bulletin's description:
<h2>He's also the author of a motivational business book</h2>