Oregon's Republican Chairman told to "Shut up!"
Paulie Brading
The Political Memo in the January 31, 2010 NYT by Adam Nagourney is a wrap up of the Republican National Committee meeting held in Honolulu, Hawaii that ended today. Not surprisingly, the reporter wrote:
[T]he strains within the party over conservative principles versus political pragmatism played out in a sharp and public way, especially as the party establishment struggled to deal with the demands of the Tea Party movement. ...[T]he intensity of the divisions was put on display as Mr. Bopp and Bob Tiernan, the Republican chairman from Oregon, quarreled before reporters over whether the watered-down compromise had any real force.
Mr. Bopp insisted that it did, and Mr. Tiernan insisted that it did not, repeating himself and interrupting Mr. Bopp until Mr. Bopp turned to him and said, “Shut up!”
Mr. Tiernan and his vice chair Russ Walker have supported the Tea Party movement across Oregon and the nation. Republican voters will need to make a note that Michael Steele is quoted in the same article disputing any suggestion that the Tea Party movement was a problem for the Republican Party.
If a Republican incumbent or a Republican candidate is running and a Tea Party candidate is in the race and the Republican wins, my expectation is that the Tea Party guy is going to support the Republican, because we would support the Tea Party guys.
Not so fast! Dick Armey the leader of the Tea Party movement and Russ Walker's employer through the FreedomWorks group here in Oregon said, "it would be unwise for the Republican Party to count on Tea Party support."
So there we have it, two Republicans, Tiernan from Oregon on the Tea Party side and Bopp an establishment Republican from Indiana sparring over the future of the Republican Party. Their unwillingness to compromise reflects the Republican Party as a whole. Will one side conquer the other?
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Jan 30, '10
The fact that there is not a viable opposition party should never be celebrated. One party rule, by either party, is a colossal failure.
We need the republicans to become viable again.
3:53 p.m.
Jan 30, '10
FYI: I've cleaned up some formatting and fixed a few typos.
Also, for our readers, another regular reminder: The Bob Tiernan who often comments here at BlueOregon is not the same person who is the chairman of the Oregon GOP.
Jan 30, '10
What we need to do is adopt a Parliamentary system of government. Until we do that this will always be a two party system. As Randy Rhodes used to put it, "pick one."
3:59 p.m.
Jan 30, '10
Kari you're a prince!
Jan 30, '10
Personally I hope that the TEA party movement does not become part of the republican party. I would welcome a viable third party (although I doubt it would be TEA partiers)
4:59 p.m.
Jan 30, '10
Kurt - One of the most viable third parties in the country is right here in Oregon. And from what I've seen from your comments, it's right up your alley.
Jan 30, '10
If they're going to vote for the TEA candidate in solidarity, then it seems the TEA people should be courting non-Republicans. There are plenty of Democrats that are just a fiscally ignorant as TEA people.
Also, for our readers, another regular reminder: The Bob Tiernan who often comments here at BlueOregon is not the same person who is the chairman of the Oregon GOP.
The confusion is understandable. From where I sit, they both seem like first class jerks. Who cares if they jerk to the left or to the right? Both jerk around with our tax dollars, do they not?
Posted by: Garrett in SE | Jan 30, 2010 3:56:16 PM
What we need to do is adopt a Parliamentary system of government. Until we do that this will always be a two party system. As Randy Rhodes used to put it, "pick one."
Garrett rolls the dice. Mentioned 1,352 times on Blueoregon and ignored every time, will he be the lucky one...
Jan 30, '10
James Bopp and OR chair Bob Tiernan deserve each other.
Neither seems to believe what Barry Goldwater once said,
"You catch more flies with honey than by hitting them over the head".
But if the GOP establishment thinks they will win elections by hitting people verbally over the head as if they can force compliance, they will likely see no better success in November than in recent years.
Scott Brown of Mass., Gov. McDonnell of Virginia, as I understand their campaigns, actually ASKED for votes and specified which ideas they supported and how they would approach solving problems.
Bopp and Tiernan don't understand that concept. Perhaps that is why BT is party chair and also a former incumbent defeated for re-election.
The night he was defeated, the winning candidate said something on the order of "voters decided they wanted civility from their legislator".
Jan 30, '10
Remember, the GOP is an interventionist party from Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay, Abraham Lincoln on up to Teddy Roosevelt and on to John McCain, with the exception of Goldwater and Reagan who were more like 19th century Democrats, the libertarians from Jefferson and Madison. So, the GOP has little interest in conservatism, except that most Republicans are Conservatives...in spite of the party leadership. claysamerica.com
Jan 30, '10
Clay Barham,
I see that you mention the Democrats from the 1800s. The same Democratic Party who in the 1850s was a regional party based solely in the South shortly after the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854.
Do you really want to put Goldwater and Reagan in the camp of the Democrats from the antebellum period?
Should we discuss the Southern honor where Democrat Preston Brooks caned Democrat Charles Sumner as Sumner's feet were wrapped around the legs of his desk preventing him from defending himself?
If Southern honor means beating a defenseless human being, then the South and their politics can keep it.
Finally, does that make the Democratic Party of today in the same boat as the Lincoln Republicans from the antebellum and Civil War era?
Jan 30, '10
But … But … Bob's BFF with Michael Steele! He was pivotal in getting Mikey into the USGOP chair – just ask him! He's a big man in Oregon and therefore the GOP. Bon mots drip from his lips like gold ingots! How DARE some visionless hack from Indiana treat him like that?
I have sympathy for anyone who hopes the Tea Partiers don't become part of the Republican party. They already are and, just like the religious hardcore right, they are demanding their turn at the wheel and, also like the religious hardcore right, will either have it or interfere with the driver and send the clown car over a cliff if they don't get it because if they can't have it, nobody can have it.
The two or three sane Republicans that are still left know this and they're trying to ease the Tea Partiers back into a supporting role, and will have about as much success doing that as they did with the religious hard right.
Jan 31, '10
Sal, thanks for the link. Unfotunately, it appears other than trying to be a loose affiliation of Oregon voters who are neither hard-core dem or hard-core rep, the site has little to say about what the Independent Party of Oregon is about.
They do have a great aninal symbol though!
10:02 a.m.
Jan 31, '10
I hate to interrupt all the chortling and high-fiving, but if you check out Jeff Mapes's reporting on this, it is Bob Tiernan who is advocating against the litmus-test for Republican candidates and Bopp who is arguing for it.
I know that is bad news for the BlueOregon crowd, but I say, "Good for you, Bob!"
Jan 31, '10
"Bob Tiernan who is advocating against the litmus-test for Republican candidates and Bopp who is arguing for it."
The problem for Tiernan is that the activist base of the Republican Party in Oregon, the volunteers who do the actual work and provide the energy, have embraced the Tea Party ethos and agenda like a drowning man grabs a life saver. This base is going to agitate for a purity test regardless of whether Tiernan says it applies or not. His choice is to ride the tiger backwards and hang onto its tail or get off and face the end with teeth...
Jan 31, '10
"I hate to interrupt all the chortling and high-fiving, but..."
The fact remains that "Mr. Bopp and Bob Tiernan, the Republican chairman from Oregon, quarreled before reporters over whether the watered-down compromise had any real force. Mr. Bopp insisted that it did, and Mr. Tiernan insisted that it did not, repeating himself and interrupting Mr. Bopp until Mr. Bopp turned to him and said, “Shut up!”"
Sounds like Republican infighting to me, but I say "Good for you, Bopp!" Keep fighting to keep Repulicans from running any "squishy moderates... who accomplish close to nothing conservative".
12:39 p.m.
Jan 31, '10
Now the GOP knows how Victor Frankenstein must have felt.
Jan 31, '10
Zak: That is, if having to k'ou-t'ou to the Sanctimonious Hardcorps didn't teach them.
It's not a Republican "party" now so much as it is a distributed anomaly – kind of like Woodstock, only much whiter and a whole lot more uptight.
And the music is horrible!
5:16 a.m.
Feb 1, '10
Kurt says that the Independent Party of Oregon website "has little to say about what the Independent Party of Oregon is about." To the contrary, it contains many pages of IPO policies and positions. Check out the 2009 Legislative Scorecard and the Issues tab at the top of the home page.
Feb 1, '10
Your Readers might consider joining our new Centrists Group at Linked In and might like to look at my new blog for and about Centrists, The Rest of U.S.
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