In the wake of Air America's bankruptcy, KPOJ still running strong.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Yesterday, we learned that Air America is declaring Chapter 7 bankruptcy -- and shutting down operations permanently over the weekend. This wasn't a huge surprise, as they'd been through several rounds of financial distress and last-minute salvation. This time, it's over.

What does this mean for 620 KPOJ, Portland's progressive talk station? After all, KPOJ was the very first station to broadcast Air America programming back in March 2004. As a weekly guest for nearly five years now, I've been getting a lot of emails from our readers and their listeners worrying about the impact. Here's the answer:

KPOJ will be almost entirely unaffected. They're not owned by Air America - and very little of their regular daytime programming is provided by Air America.

Here's what's happening with KPOJ's lineup. Starting at 3 a.m., the Bill Press Show, the local show with Carl & Christine, the national Thom Hartmann Show, the Ed Schultz Show, and the Randi Rhodes Show are all OK and will continue to air.

From 6-8 p.m., the Ron Reagan Show is an Air America product - and will go off the air. The Mike Malloy Show, currently at 8-11 p.m., will continue to air. The overnight broadcasts of Nicole Sandler and Rachel Maddow are gone.

In short, from morning drive to evening drive, only the Ron Reagan Show is affected. The weekends tend to be a hodgepodge of weekly shows and rebroadcasts, so it's unclear right now what the effect will be once this all shakes out.

So, rest assured Portland progressive talk radio fans. KPOJ is alive and kicking.

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    Pretty good news, but if I had my druthers, I'd rather have Reagan than Rhodes, and Malloy is pretty much just like a Lefty Beck with "facts", so I could do without his prescriptions too.

  • Darth Spadea (unverified)

    How does KPOJ rank in comparison to KXL, etc.?

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    I'd rather have Reagan than Rhodes

    Agreed! I'm kinda bummed about the loss of Ron Reagan.

  • Bill McDonald (unverified)

    Kari, thanks. I looked for this exact news yesterday and I became frustrated when I couldn't find it. Memo to KPOJ: If there's a national story about Air America going under you might think about responding immediately with a message on your website clarifying how this impacts your listeners who could be very least I was. Even if it's just to say no big deal. Oh, by the way, a link to the pictures of Tiger's SUV was featured at the top of the site yesterday. You may want to update that, too. And while I'm venting: Carl, you're a terrific radio personality, but enough with the multiple forced callbacks. Yes, I know standups do that. I'm a comedy writer. One maybe two...but you call a line back 4 or 5 times often forcing it to the point of being ridiculous. Sorry to vent. It's been a tough week. I feel like Tiger's SUV. See, one callback works best.

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    As of December.......

    KOPB-FM OPB Public News OPB 6.6 9.1 6.7 5.7 6.3 349,800

    KEX-AM News/Talk Clr Chnnl 4.1 4.8 4.1 4.4 4.3 284,300

    KXL-AM KXL News/Talk Alpha 3.3 2.6 3.3 3.4 3.2 213,900

    KPOJ-AM Prog Talk Clr Chnnl 3.5 2.3 1.0 1.0 0.9 110,600

  • Adam503 (unverified)

    Pat Ryan: The truth of the behavior of the United States and the multi-national corporations is Glenn Beck is 100% propaganda and Mike Malloy is about 25% propaganda. The actual truth is far worse than Mike Malloy gets to broadcast.

    You think heroin poppies just find a way to plant themselves all by themselves in Afghanistan immediately after the US invasion of Afghanistan and within a year there's record breaking heroin production there.

    It's not a new form of tyranny. The British were the ones that invented addicting and profiting off addicting a population in the 19th century in China. Look it up. It's in the history books now. 100+ years later.

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    You know the facts.

    I know the facts.

    Malloy knows the facts.


    Only two of us seem to think that endless rage, despair, and over-the-top knee jerk invective (whether backed by "the facts" or not) furthers the progressive cause in any way.

  • geoffludt (unverified)

    Too bad Malloy isn't an Air America property ... that dude's cracked.

  • Jake Leander (unverified)

    It's tough to listen to Malloy. It's over the top invective, for sure. Randi, on the other hand, I find delightful at least some of the time.

  • Scott in Damascus (unverified)

    I wonder how this will affect Victoria Taft's listeners.

    Both of them.

  • dan (unverified)

    Too bad, I was just starting to get used to Reagan. I liked his laid back style, more entertaining than Thom, but less bombastic than Rhodes or Malloy. And obviously he has an interesting perspective on things given his family and history. Also, he's the only one other than the Morning Show that I have time to listen to live.

    Pat, as to Malloy, I agree with your point, although it is quite obvious that rage is the bread and butter of political talk radio across the political spectrum. And to his credit, Malloy had some good programming during Bush's second term, giving heads up on obscure foreign news stories that even Thom wasn't. That's something that's lacking in progressive media these days, covering stories that the MSM isn't, instead of just responding to the main political story du jour. His nightly reading of 1984 was terrific and had me glued for months. He also had some good interviews like with Don Siegelman's daughter and Mike Gravel (a hoot).

  • Peggy in SC (unverified)

    i stream progressive radio since i live in South Carolina (ugh). KPOJ has kept my sanity in a sea of redness. Thom Hartmann is what brought me to KPOJ. i love Ron Reagan's show - i mean loved ;-(

    wlll some progressive station pick him up? an internet streaming station?? i really hope so.

  • zull (unverified)

    Bummer about Reagan and Sandler. The Maddow show was pretty much rebroadcasts of her TV show anyway...which is nice, since I don't have cable, but oh well. 2am is a little crazy anyway. Reagan was a great voice for that nightly commute, hopefully he'll get back online soon with someone else. After getting thoroughly sick of Sandler by September, I gave her another chance and finally had just started warming back up to her show last month. (Hey, when you don't feel you should pay for the propaganda news on TV and your eyes are tired of reading things on the net...) Well, it's another reason to get Stephanie Miller on daily!

  • zull (unverified)

    As for Malloy, his Chicago/East Coast sense of humor doesn't really jive with the typical Oregonian sense of humor. A lot of his bombasticness is parody. He's not really parodying Glenn Beck at all, really. In fact, he sounds nothing like Glenn Beck. Beck is all passive aggressive self-absorbed delusional nuttiness. Malloy's style really parodies the spectrum of O'Reilly to Savage's styles (you've got to realize, a lot of the bombastic crap is just pure contrived acting for the sake of getting station switchers to pause and listen). Glenn Beck comes more from the school of early morning shock jock self-promoting prankster types. He's more interested in wrapping pure lunacy in a facade of false sensibility to see if people will buy it.

    I'm just saying, because it sure sounds like a lot of people commenting don't get that.

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    I personally find both Rhodes and Malloy offensive and turn to other stations when they are on. I am not into screamers regardless of what they are screaming. It sounds from the comments above that I am not alone in this.

    Of all the shows that doesn't get much attention that I love is the Stephanie Miller show on Saturdays. KPOJ should replace Rhodes with Miller and they would be way ahead.

  • Jim H (unverified)

    I'm with Pat.

    Did Ron Reagan start out on Air America? I always thought he had been doing a radio show in Seattle for years. His is the only show I cared to listen to since Maddow went into MSNBC re-runs.

  • pacnwjay (unverified)

    Zull and John.... I'm with ya! More Stephanie Miller... I've taken to streaming her from kkee in astoria.

  • Zarathustra (unverified)

    A technical note for all those net streamers that use Linux... If you get the IP address of the stream, you can often play it at the command line with the -dumpstream option, as "mplayer -dumpstream mms://", or whatever the protocol/address is. You will get a file named stream.dump. Run the command "file stream.dump", and it will say something like "Microsoft ASF". Rename it to the correct extension type by "mv stream.dump streamwhatever.asf", and you can play it on any device that supports the codec, at YOUR leisure. You can even stick it in the cron table and let the whole thing happen automagically. Careful to move or rename the files, though, as stream.dump gets overwritten without warning.

    You can do the same thing on Windoze with mplayer, but you have to know what format the file is to rename it. A lot of MS based players are stupid and look at the extension, not the header to determine the format, and won't work right if you don't give it the correct extension.

    BTW, I'm long suffering with a ultra-righty next door that blares some crap at 2pm and 2:30pm everyday. I can tell from the "grrr" level before and after that it's some right wing radio show. It has a really pretentious slow guitar solo descending the scale as the theme music. Can anyone tell me what show it is?

  • Fair and Balanced (unverified)

    Very disappointed that Reagan went away but Malloy is still there. I can't stand that guy. Lefty screamers are just as bad as the other side.

  • dan (unverified)

    Zull, you know that you can watch all of Maddow's shows for free online at MSNBC, as well as all of the other MSNBC talk shows.

  • LT (unverified)

    "Randi, on the other hand, I find delightful at least some of the time."

    Have not always been a fan, but she has done a great job covering the Supreme Court ruling this week.

  • NO2WAR (unverified)

    Oh come on you guys trash talking Mike Malloy. When I used to work night shift podcasting him was better than a second cup of coffee. I love the show. Ron Reagan Jr. was the best thing President Reagan left us and I hope they find a way to keep him on. Nicole Sandler has been around radio a longtime and will survive in some format.

    Won't miss Anna Marie Cox, Alan Colmes, or The “Lionel” Show. But do hope they find a way to keep The Jack Rice show and Ring of Fire.

  • steve (unverified)

    This could actually be good for Ron Reagan an others from Air America. I know that John Scott of Green960 in SF avoided AA shows, for reasons that have become clear. When these folks land somewhere else, they will be back, and probably on more stations.

  • riverat (unverified)

    At the bottom of the Ring of Fire web page is a statement that they are an independent production that was only syndicated through Air America and will continue without pause. I like Carl & Christine in morning, particularly their interviews with local politicians (and Kari of course;-), and Thom Hartmann but I can't listen as much as I'd like because I'm at work. Ed Schultz is bombastic but being a farm boy myself I understand his sensibility and he's been a tiger on health care and union/working class issues. I don't like Malloy's style much but the difference between him and the right wing screamers is that he is much more reality based. I hope Jack Rice continues.

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    From on Friday Jan 22: Carey Curelop, Operations Director for KPTK (and for two other CBS Radio-owned stations in Seattle, KZOK and Jack FM), said Friday (Jan. 22) that (Ron) Reagan will likely be back on the air in his old time slot as early as Tuesday (Jan. 26). Discussions are underway between Reagan and a number of syndicators to launch a national show, but Curelop says that in the meantime, Reagan will likely be heard, at least locally, on KPTK from 6-9 pm.

  • Peggy in SC (unverified)

    Glen Geller -- thanks for the info! KPTK is on iTunes radio!!

  • Scott (unverified)

    "Rush Limbaugh should choke on his own throat fat...Matt Drudge should be hung by his entrails...Glenn Beck should kill himself on live TV...Sarah Palin is a ho...Bush administration members should be water-boarded and then drowned...the founder of the Blogs For Bush website should get the crap kicked out of him..." - These are the vile, filthy, twisted spewings of Mike Malloy.

    Gee, I distinctly remember back in May 2004 when Randi Rhodes said President Bush should be shot just like Fredo in "The Godfather, Part II".

    And these two hosts are still on? It just illustrates that there is such a thing as left-wing hate radio. Don't ever tell me that liberals are more tolerant than conservatives.

  • fbear (unverified)

    So, Scott, how about Michael "Savage" Weiner, and his call for dropping an atomic bomb on a random Middle-Eastern city. Can you cite any examples of a left-wing talk show host calling for war crimes? Any examples of anything a left-wing talk show host has said that's anywhere near as bigoted as Weiner's war-crime cry?

  • Stephen Amy (unverified)

    Malloy is the best host on KPOJ- the most willing to push the AM envelope. The only AM host I know of who will directly reference Democracy Now! stories.

    On the '08 election night, I was part of a conversation with Tom Dwyer at a function in downtown. Dwyer said he has to have the copy for his ads approved by KPOJ-Clear Channel management!

    So, as usual, we're "progressive", but let us shy away from the real hard-hitting stuff. At least Malloy attempts to work in the hard-hitting stuff.

    I think KPOJ needs Per Fagereng (of KBOO) to take a local show and let's really get some progressive perspective going!

  • Stephen Amy (unverified)

    And, i'd like to say that Malloy sounds to me like a lot of people I knew, about 40-45 years ago, who were a few years older than me. The rage and indignation that went along with the events of the '60s is personified by Malloy, as it should be, because he was there.

    We could use a return to that passion and outrage.

  • Brian C. (unverified)

    Malloy is a progressive loon caricature but he's not nearly as tough to listen to as some of KPOJ's other offerings. Try Ring of Fire with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. They took a guy with no voice and tried to make a radio host out of him. It's not like I can't empathize with his condition but this aint a dude who should be speaking for a living.

    I think they'll do fairly well in this market with the current weekday lineup minus Air America. Ed Schultz is a rising mainstream star even though he really wanted to be a right-wing blabbermouth until he realized that market was saturated. So, he opted to fashion himself into a liberal Limbaugh and has done pretty well at it so far. Oh, here's a fun game I sometimes play on the drive home from work: Go back & forth between Randi Rhodes & Michael Savage. Always good for a laugh or two.

    Bad as the radio business is these days, KPOJ will be just fine. Damn shame Rick Emerson remains off the air though.

  • LT (unverified)

    "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. They took a guy with no voice and tried to make a radio host out of him."

    My sentiments exactly. I liked the content of the show but could only listen to RFK jr. for a few minutes at a time.

  • tl (in sw) (unverified)

    For all those who like the Ron Reagan show, his facebook page status message states:

    Just want you guys to know that the Ron Reagan Show is still in existance and you will very likely hear us live from the station you've always listened to! Will keep you posted - point is, we're not going anywhere!

  • Stephen Amy (unverified)

    No one has yet posted what facts Malloy has allegedly gotten wrong. So far nothing but ad hominem attacks.

    And, Brian C.- what evidence have you that Ed Shultz is not sincere in his political positions? He admits to having formerly been GOP, back when he was a sportscaster. He says his wife turned him on his political opinions. What is unbelieveable about that?

  • Space Camera (unverified)

    Posted by: fbear | Jan 23, 2010 9:21:05 PM

    So, Scott, how about Michael "Savage" Weiner, and his call for dropping an atomic bomb on a random Middle-Eastern city. Can you cite any examples of a left-wing talk show host calling for war crimes? Any examples of anything a left-wing talk show host has said that's anywhere near as bigoted as Weiner's war-crime cry?

    Uhhh...all the pro-Zionist Democrat Party that excuse atrocities in the Gaza?

    I thought Prez Reagan was dead! He had his first radio show in the 1930s. That must be a record.

  • Scott (unverified)

    "No one has yet posted what facts Malloy has allegedly gotten wrong..."

    Malloy claimed on his show that some of the wildfires in Southern California a few years ago were deliberately set by "the Bush crime family". "Allegedly"? Come on, folks, Malloy aparently stopped taking his meds a decade ago.

  • Stephen Amy (unverified)

    Thanks for the specific reference, Scott. I did not know Malloy said that, although he could've meant that the fires had been set by anti-government, right-wing crazies (and maybe they were).

    Okay, there's one questionable statement that Malloy made. But as far as his criticism of both parties, albeit somewhat harsher criticism directed at the GOP, I don't think there are false statements that Malloy has made.

    And, along with being the only AM host to reference Democracy Now!, Malloy is also the only AM host I know of who will challenge policies of the State of Israel.

  • emile (unverified)
    <h2>Too bad for KKEE 1230 in Astoria.They only had air america live as an air america program on their station,but they reverted back to their old format of sports talk(nothing wrong with sports by the way). Most of the lineup they had was the same as KPOJ so i dont know why they just didnt fill in the air america spot with something else,it was only on for a couple of hours anyway.They actually said on their web site that their lineup outside of air america live wouldnt change but it has.</h2>

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