
Dan Petegorsky


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Lambi Fund of Haiti

Mercy Corps


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    If you want to contribute to Haitian run and founded organizations that are credible and linked into communities, you can also give to Lambi Fund or Fondasyon Kole Zole.

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    Thanks, Evan - added Lambi Fund to main post

  • Galen (unverified)

    I donated to the Red Cross (Not the Red Cross of London, that one is a fraud) they seem to have a lot of people and supplies already there and will need the funds to continue aid. If you go to yahoo news you can find a legit link to the real Red Cross.

  • E (unverified)

    I suggest the Clinton Foundation as well. Point is, donate $$, not clothes and shoes your kids have outgrown.

  • Emilie Parry (unverified)

    Please prioritize in your donations local NGOs, such as www.Fonkoze.org (Fondasyon Kole Zepol) and Lambi Fund (www.lambifund.org) -- I've worked for both, they are very grassroots, Haitian-led, founded, and directed. Other local/grassroots-oriented orgs. to consider: www.haitiaction.net, www.pih.org

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    Folks might also consider giving to Partners In Health as well: http://www.pih.org/home.html

    For those unaware, PIH has been working in Haiti for years. They've been working in the most poverty-stricken areas of Haiti, delivering health care, working within the communities as a partner and providing free health care and education.

    The organiztion is the project of Paul Farmer, who some might know from the book Mountains Beyond Mountains: http://www.amazon.com/Mountains-Beyond-Healing-World-Farmer/dp/0375506160

    His amazing work in Haiti has been a labor of love. If anyone knows and understands how to overcome the massive obstacles now placed in front of it's people, it's Dr. Farmer.

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    And of course one can always make a donation to Food For The Poor, a large charity group that has a good reputation for effective and prompt relief to situations like this. Even atheists can get along with this group.

    Bob Tiernan Portland

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    That should read "Even atheists such as myself can get along with this group."

    Bob Tiernan Portland

  • notchomsky (unverified)

    This is an opportunity for BO regressives to learn some history. Haitians have been tortured by U.S. policy-makers since they revolted against their French slavemasters at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

    Google "history U.S. interference in Haiti".

  • Kurt Chapman (unverified)

    The people and government of our United States are reponding to this unimaginable disaster the way we normally do. we do so with our hearts, our people and our technology. Any of the NGO's listed above are, I am sure excellent.

    However, due to the magnitude of this crisis I would suggest The Red Cross. they are alreadt there on the ground, plugged in to the UN and the US response folks and will also be a huge help.

  • Zarathustra (unverified)

    Locals are giving their time and physical presence as well. I would encourage employers to donate time off so they don't have to use all their personal leave to do so, and make their donation know publicly, to encourage others.


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