Breaking: Portland Archdiocese encouraging parishoners to vote "yes" on tax measures
Carla Axtman
The Archdiocese of Portland’s Justice and Peace/Respect Life Office is urging Catholics to vote yes on ballot measures that will fund state services via tax increases on businesses and wealthy Oregonians.“These are unusual times, which we have not seen in decades, if ever,” writes office director Matt Cato, citing wars, climate change and severe recession.
“Our Oregon economy ranks in the bottom five if we use unemployment, homelessness or hunger as our measuring stick,” he writes. “The Oregon state budget has huge gaps between expected revenue and expected expenses.”
A statewide vote is set to finish Jan. 26. Ballots will be arriving in households in the coming days.
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Jan 5, '10
It will be interesting to see what effect this tax would have on startups.
Many small businesses start on what can only be called the micro level. That is exactly how I did it in the early 90's with my first business. $300 and a hell of a lot of bootstrapping got me through those early months.
By the end of my first tax year, I was breaking even monthly on about $150+/- in revenue. Like I said, it was a small startup, like many here in Oregon. A few years later, I was making enough to live a comfortable, if somewhat spartan, existence.
I ponder what I would have done back then if I had been forced to come up with $150 to pay a minimum tax. Hell, that was 50% of my entire startup budget and basically 100% of my monthly revenue.
I certainly didn't have the cash on hand. Maybe my parents could have loaned me the money or I suppose I could have put it on my credit card. Regardless, is that the position we want to put our small businesses in. You know, those small businesses that grow up to employ the majority of you and create the majority of our job growth.
I am glad the state didn't put me in that position back then. You see, they didn't tax businesses more than $10 if they had no taxable income. Lucky for me. Lucky for all the employees I have hired in the years since.
(FULL DISCLOSURE: I was a sole proprietor when I started that business and SP's are not subjected to the potential tax increases. However, had an LLC been available back then, I would have used it. I also counsel all who are looking into starting their own businesses to avoid the SP form as it is too risky if they have any assets at all)
2:17 p.m.
Jan 5, '10
Whoa, nice. If the faith community gets behind these, look out.
Jan 5, '10
Well kudos to the Archdiocese.
Taxation and its relation to poverty has been an important element of Christianity since the time of the Apostles, and I'm glad that the church has given attention to this element of their faith (and mine) as they have to other, more conservative, beliefs.
Jan 5, '10
Personally, I can hardly think of a better reason to vote "no" than the Archdiocese urging a "yes" vote. (Not that I will vote "no," but still...). How much of their tax-free resources do they have left over after pouring millions into efforts to repress GBLT civil rights and restrict women's reproductive rights?
Remind me again, why are these so-called "churches" tax-exempt?
3:07 p.m.
Jan 5, '10
There are a lot of church groups supporting a yes vote including Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon and the Oregon Center for Christian Values.
3:09 p.m.
Jan 5, '10
If you couldn't afford $150 for taxes you couldn't afford incorporating as an LLC because the incorporation costs a lot more.
Jan 5, '10
Increasing taxes to decrease poverty? Maybe the priests should go back to having sex with little boys rather than getting involved in economics.
Jan 5, '10
Posted by: John Calhoun | Jan 5, 2010 3:09:35 PM
Wrong! It costs $50 to file an AO with the State.
Jan 5, '10
Increasing taxes to decrease poverty? Maybe the priests should go back to having sex with little boys rather than getting involved in economics. Perfect.
Jan 5, '10
I really don't care if its the Evangelicals from Applegate or the Portland Archdiocese - if they want to participate in the political process then they give up their tax-exempt status.
But then hey, that would actually SOLVE the state's revenue problems short term, now wouldn't it? :-)
Jan 5, '10
Oh sweet jesus I can't believe the crap I'm reading here.
If you want to start a business, completely ignore MP's rants about micro businesses. If you honestly think you can start a viable business for $300 living in your parents basement .....
If you want to start a coffee cart, work your ass off for 3-4 years. Pull together 20-30k MINIMUM and keep your day job (which you will now ask to switch to swing shift). Now ask yourself - do you really give a rats flying $%^* if your minumum tax is $10 or $150 (other than the fact that you would be paying the same tax as Enron in the good old days). Please note that the coffee cart on the next block is paying the exact same tax burden as you (but less than Washington coffee carts).
But now you ask yourself - what if I'm successful? Well, if your coffee cart pulls in just shy of $250k then your tax will increase about $52 a month. Again, less than Washington and California.
But when you read bedwetters like MP and the like, remember - if you have a job and work 40 hours a week take a look at last year's tax return. Did you pay less than 10% total tax burden like Nike, Intel, and Columbia Sportswear? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Oh, and if you are still looking to open a Greek style Cusina restaurant - there is a purple octopus for sale on Craig's list.
Jan 5, '10
And while I'm at it ....
tax all churches and religous organizations on all revenue, donations, and property tax.
Jan 5, '10
Hey Scott,
Though there is some merit to your idea of taxing churches, do you feel the same about taxing all non-profit organizations? If so your suggestion is reasonable.
Jan 5, '10
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Jan 5, '10
I knew Ecumenical Ministry of Oregon and the Oregon Center for Christians Values were supporting Measures 66 and 67,and now it is nice to see an arm of the Archdiocese weigh in in support of the measures.
As a Jew I am sad and embarrassed that the Jewish Federation of Portland and the Oregon Area Jewish Committee have not taken stands in support of Measures 66 and 67. Sitting on the sidelines without taking a position does not promote Jewish values.
People say money talks. In this case, money silences.
Jan 5, '10
As a supporter of the Jewish Federation, I am appalled at their 'neutrality' on these measures. Almost every one of the Federation's core issues in Oregon would be helped by the passage of 66/67.
Blinding silence on this referendum calls into question their credibility on being truly committed to those very causes.
Jan 5, '10
First, the Justice Peace/Respect Life office is likely a committee of the Archdiocese. Not THE Archdiocese. There are many churches that have Peace and Justice Committees. And I disagree that voicing support or opposition to a community issue somehow negates a non-profit status. The committee is not spending money, only lending moral support.
Jan 5, '10
With Catholic social teaching as its foundation, the office promotes the social ministry of the Catholic Church — respect for all human life, advocacy for the poor, seeking economic justice, and good stewardship of God’s creation — throughout the archdiocese by providing inspiration, advocacy, education, and prayer opportunities for parish staff and volunteer social ministry leaders.
This is the mission statement from the Portland Archdiocese Justice Peace office. Sounds like, for once, a group that walks the walk and talks the talk.
Jan 5, '10
Archbishop Vlazny has endorsed measures 66 & 67. The social justice office is a part of the Archdiocese and the office reflects the positions of the Archdiocese.
Noah Heller Tax Fairness Oregon
Jan 5, '10
Now it has come down to taxing religious organizations? Wow.
In the history of man, has a religious organization ever been taxed? Was the Catholic Church taxed in feudal lands where the Pope did not have an army in the Middle Ages?
I am curious.
Likewise, if you start taxing religious organizations, then inevitably the taxation of the income nonprofits receive from user fees, sponsors, and any grants will be called into question.
Religious organizations are nonprofits. Religious organizations were providing welfare and shelter to the needy hundreds of years before any government did. I could be wrong, but someone may drag up an arcane example from Mesopotamia to prove me wrong.
Jan 6, '10
Brian - in many cases, yes.
Several years ago Internal Revenue Commissioner Mark Everson addressed the Senate Finance Committee detailing abuses his agency had found. They found problems in virtually every type of tax-exempt organization. Nonprofits included not only charities, but colleges and universities, hospitals, pension plans, trade associations and think tanks. Everson noted that the nonprofit sector, including pension plans and the like, now totals roughly 3 million entities controlling $8 trillion in assets.
3:25 p.m.
Jan 6, '10
It is good to see so many faith based leaders (over 100) from across the state, endorse Measure 66 and 67.
Jan 6, '10
Abuse of a non profit status - maybe Bill Sizemore should weigh in on this. He appears to have a lot of experience in that arena...
Jan 7, '10
You ain't kidding - look what those morons just did for marriage equality in New Jersey (and Maine, and California, and Oregon and...)
<h2>Definitely vote for these two ballot measures, and support essential state services - but not because a bunch of ugly prejudiced unmarried child abusing bigots tell you that their mean-spirited, invisible Jebus thinks it's a swell idea</h2>