Breaking: Bruce McCain withdraws from Multnomah County Sheriff race
Kari Chisholm
Just about a half-hour ago, around 1 a.m., Bruce McCain - candidate for Multnomah County Sheriff - posted this update on Facebook:
Please check you Inbox for an Update re: the MCCDA endorsement vote and my decision to withdraw my candidacy. Thanks to all my Facebook Supporters who shared our vision for a Corrections Sheriff that was not meant to be.
I'm not subscribed to his email updates, so I don't know the details. There's nothing yet on his campaign website, nor on the Multnomah County Corrections Deputies Association website.
The Facebook update coincides with a shift tonight of his ad here on BlueOregon - which used to advertise his campaign and now advertises his services as an attorney. (The ad has been running for nearly three months - and is due to expire in about a week.)
Other candidates that have filed include interim sheriff Dan Staton, corrections sergeant Muhammad Ra'oof, and undersheriff Tom Slyter.
Update: From the comments, McCain confirms the news and provides some detail:
Yes, I have decided to withdraw as a candidate for MultCo Sheriff after the Corrections union voted 138-129 to endorse Staton and give him $20,000. Normally this would have been just a big bump in the road, but I was running on a platform of MultCo needing a Corrections sheriff.
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connect with blueoregon
1:47 a.m.
Jan 6, '10
...and for once, my nightowl websurfing habits actually win me a scoop!
4:16 a.m.
Jan 6, '10
I wrote an article on Blue Oregon critical of Bruce and then at his gracious invitation, I took the time to meet with him. While we are worlds apart on a couple of key issues, I very much enjoyed my conversation with him. I'm supporting Staton in this race and hope McCain is able to do the same.
Jan 6, '10
Congrats on your nightowl scoop. Yes, I have decided to withdraw as a candidate for MultCo Sheriff after the Corrections union voted 138-129 to endorse Staton and give him $20,000.
Normally this would have been just a big bump in the road, but I was running on a platform of MultCo needing a Corrections sheriff. That agenda was effectively rendered moot when the Corrections union voted to cast their lot with my Law Enforcement opponent. So, I chose to exit earlier (and hopefully more gracefully) rather than continue to swim upstream against what will now be a tide of endorsements for Staton.
I tried to pull my ad, but with only a week left, I reverted back to "civilian life" till it expires.
Finally, I very much enjoyed meeting Jesse. I am not a fan of Portland's "voter owned elections" and I will vote to repeal it if and when it ever gets to a ballot. But Jesse will soon receive my $5.00 check to help him get on the ballot.
Consider it a vampire-werewolf truce...
Bruce McCain
10:11 a.m.
Jan 6, '10