Breaking: Bruce McCain withdraws from Multnomah County Sheriff race

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Just about a half-hour ago, around 1 a.m., Bruce McCain - candidate for Multnomah County Sheriff - posted this update on Facebook:

Please check you Inbox for an Update re: the MCCDA endorsement vote and my decision to withdraw my candidacy. Thanks to all my Facebook Supporters who shared our vision for a Corrections Sheriff that was not meant to be.

I'm not subscribed to his email updates, so I don't know the details. There's nothing yet on his campaign website, nor on the Multnomah County Corrections Deputies Association website.

The Facebook update coincides with a shift tonight of his ad here on BlueOregon - which used to advertise his campaign and now advertises his services as an attorney. (The ad has been running for nearly three months - and is due to expire in about a week.)

Other candidates that have filed include interim sheriff Dan Staton, corrections sergeant Muhammad Ra'oof, and undersheriff Tom Slyter.

Update: From the comments, McCain confirms the news and provides some detail:

Yes, I have decided to withdraw as a candidate for MultCo Sheriff after the Corrections union voted 138-129 to endorse Staton and give him $20,000. Normally this would have been just a big bump in the road, but I was running on a platform of MultCo needing a Corrections sheriff.
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    ...and for once, my nightowl websurfing habits actually win me a scoop!

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    I wrote an article on Blue Oregon critical of Bruce and then at his gracious invitation, I took the time to meet with him. While we are worlds apart on a couple of key issues, I very much enjoyed my conversation with him. I'm supporting Staton in this race and hope McCain is able to do the same.

  • Bruce McCain (unverified)


    Congrats on your nightowl scoop. Yes, I have decided to withdraw as a candidate for MultCo Sheriff after the Corrections union voted 138-129 to endorse Staton and give him $20,000.

    Normally this would have been just a big bump in the road, but I was running on a platform of MultCo needing a Corrections sheriff. That agenda was effectively rendered moot when the Corrections union voted to cast their lot with my Law Enforcement opponent. So, I chose to exit earlier (and hopefully more gracefully) rather than continue to swim upstream against what will now be a tide of endorsements for Staton.

    I tried to pull my ad, but with only a week left, I reverted back to "civilian life" till it expires.

    Finally, I very much enjoyed meeting Jesse. I am not a fan of Portland's "voter owned elections" and I will vote to repeal it if and when it ever gets to a ballot. But Jesse will soon receive my $5.00 check to help him get on the ballot.

    Consider it a vampire-werewolf truce...

    Bruce McCain

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    <h2>Thanks to you both for the update on your summit meeting. And congrats on the scoop, Mr. Night Owl!</h2>

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