OR-GOV: What message is Chris Dudley trying to send?
Kari Chisholm
Last week, Chris Dudley rolled out a series of painfully dull videos in which he parroted Republican talking points and boring political platitudes.
Seriously, if you're having trouble sleeping, Chris Dudley is the man for you.
But as Dudley prepares to announce his campaign for Governor, as early as this week, the much more interesting stuff is going on behind the scenes. [Update: The O's Jeff Mapes reports that Dudley will announce on Wednesday.]
Willamette Week's Nigel Jaquiss reported that Dudley's brought in a campaign manager named Chris Gulugian-Taylor.
In 2006, Gulugian-Taylor was the executive director of the Nevada GOP. He was forced to resign after Nevada Republicans were outraged by a nativist anti-immigrant email that he sent out via official channels and on behalf of the Minuteman border vigilantes.
The email had the subject line "Help stop the illegal invasion" and included the following text (according to LasVegasCityLife.com):
If you are tired of seeing illegals catered to, then join us to send these Un-American corporations a message.We’ll not allow these illegals destroy our country. We’ll not permit corporations like Chicago Title, Wells Fargo Bank, and Miller Brewing promote [sic] and financially support the take over [sic] of America by the Illegal Invaders.
Your voice is needed to let these Un-American companies know we will not tolerate them supporting illegals over law abiding citizens.
As LVCL noted, Gulugian-Taylor defended his actions - until party leaders pulled the plug:
Republican operative Steve Wark called sending out the release a “fundamental error in judgment.” Correcting for party loyalty bias, that means “major fuckup.” (And not least because the un-American Wells Fargo has supported Gibbons with the only political currency that really matters, money.)Finally, as pressure continued to mount, Gulugian-Taylor fell on his sword and offered his resignation, which party chairman Paul Adams swiftly accepted.
Less than a year later, Gulugian-Taylor turned up as a western states political director for Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign. The stink from the Nevada Minuteman incident followed him there. As the Associated Press reported:
The appointment of Gulugian-Taylor "would not increase the likelihood I would support Giuliani, that's for sure," said Luis Valera, chairman of Nevada's "Viva Bush Coalition," which supported President Bush's re-election in 2004."The Republican Party had made a lot of effort to reach out to Hispanics. With a stroke of a keyboard, he (Gulugian-Taylor) almost dismantled the hard work of a lot of people," said Valera, who is uncommitted in the 2008 race.
So, the question is: What message is Chris Dudley trying to send with his appointment of Gulugian-Taylor as his campaign manager?
Will Dudley's campaign make anti-immigrant sentiment the centerpiece of his campaign, as Ron Saxton did in 2006? Or is this a kind of "dog-whistle" politics designed to keep the base happy, while Dudley takes the high road in public, blathering platitudes about low taxes?
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5:49 p.m.
Dec 14, '09
Well, on its surface the move suggests Dudley may well figure that the anti-immigrant wedge issue will work well for him. The Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill will be introduced in the U.S. House tomorrow, and the Administration is promising to make this a priority in 2010.
The Latino share of the electorate in Oregon is far lower than it is in Nevada - so Dudley could figure that playing the anti-immigrant card will both shore up the right wing base in the Republican primary and also create splits among Democrats. Let's not forget that Democrats running statewide here in recent years - including Gov. Kulongoski and Sen. Merkley - have themselves resorted to using the issue of “illegal immigrants" to position themselves as tough on enforcement and score tactical points against Ron Saxton and Gordon Smith.
So - the "dog whistle" politics has cut both ways in Oregon, and this would sure be a good time for Bill Bradbury, John Kitzhaber et al. to take a stand against going down that road.
Dec 14, '09
This Chris Dudley. Is he the self-righteous scapegrace that used to lobby for the OSBA?
Dec 14, '09
Are any candidates running for governor in 2010 paying you, Kari? Good practice to make sure we're adding disclaimers to these types of posts to avoid any complaints that money may be fogging your judgement.
7:23 p.m.
Dec 14, '09
Castlerock: No, I'm not working for any of Dudley's opponents in the GOP primary. I am, as mentioned many times, working with Kitzhaber's campaign. Long way to go for both Kitzhaher and Dudley before they run against each other; each have primary opponents that hope to have something to say about that. To suggest otherwise would be rather presumptuous.
7:23 p.m.
Dec 14, '09
Oh, and I speak only for myself.
Dec 14, '09
Anyone with even limited reading comprehension skills should be able to see that the passages you quote from "Help stop the illegal invasion" refer to illegal immigrants and is not a rant against legal immigration.
And the implication that Hispanic voters are tolerant of illegal immigrants simply because they share ethnicity with some who violate our immigration laws is insulting and borderline racist.
As Mr. Petegorsky notes, Dems as well as Repubs have campaigned successfully against illegal immigration recognizing the public understands it for what it is, an issue of basic law and order.
I suspect Mr. Dudley will garner much support from Oregon voters should he make a strong stand against illegals part of his political platform.
Dec 14, '09
Dec 14, '09
Thanks for your prompt reply, Kari. It's just good to get out ahead of these things rather than let some troll come in here and twist your words to be those of Kitzhaber. You know how it can be...
8:07 p.m.
Dec 14, '09
Please don't put words in my mouth, Buckman. Paranoid rantings by the Minutemen about alien takeovers are part and parcel of an organization that's racist to its core. To quote just one report:
Dec 14, '09
Funny how the Minutemen get judged by the actions of a few but when Acorn gets in trouble, it's a different story. (Save your breath. I don't buy the Acorn crap anymore than any other person with a functioning brain. It's the hypocrisy that always gets you)
Dec 14, '09
Dan Petergorsky commented: To quote just one report:
Although this group publicly maintains that it is not racist and opposes only illegal immigration, the candid communications among its members frequently describe immigrants as 'cockroaches' and 'Third-World animals,' among other pejorative terms.
Not condoning the use of the above language/terms but - hmmm... 'candid communication' e-mail messages? But I suppose THOSE 'candid communication' e-mail messages are wholly different from the 'candid communication' type of e-mail recently found in the University of East Anglia Climate Research Center treasure trove that Sen Boxer kept referring to as 'stolen e-mail' and that the public has generally been told to ignore.
Amazing how that works...
Dec 14, '09
What this says to me is that Dudley is well-connected to the Republican political establishment. Despite being a ruthless, partisan hack, the guy is probably pretty good at what he does. Not a bad hire for a first-time, non-wing nut candidate who has to win a primary that may be decided by wing nuts.
10:06 p.m.
Dec 14, '09
Not a bad hire for a first-time, non-wing nut candidate who has to win a primary that may be decided by wing nuts.
And that pretty much says it.
Dec 14, '09
I'd skip the boring guy imagery for Chris. Not with Al Gore so much in the news. Al is the King of Dull so the association is too strong right now. Not to mention Al's terrible pick for VP, the wretched Joe Lieberman with the dull Elmer Fudd delivery.
However, going on the offensive against a local GOP candidate is the right move - rather than focusing on healthcare and other issues that used to flow so freely here before the Dems flushed them down the toilet.
In closing, Kari, let me say it's much tougher to criticize you after the sensational run of your Heisman site. Congratulations. I heard it referenced on ESPN and I was impressed. My advice: Work it into every post from now on. "Chris Dudley would have been a natural for the Heisman Trophy as projected by my site stiff arm trophy.com. I know, he played basketball but anyone who saw him shoot free throws knows he had some world-class stiff arms of his own. Plus he gave us enough bricks to build a football stadium."
Dec 15, '09
Just priceless- a major blunder already.
1:40 a.m.
Dec 15, '09
Cute, Bill. Let's stay on topic, OK?
Dec 15, '09
He just wast his time to doing all these.i don't think that these all things help is to getting governer seat.
Dec 15, '09
Kari, You wrote, "Seriously, if you're having trouble sleeping, Chris Dudley is the man for you."
Dec 15, '09
[Off-topic comment deleted. Debate global warming somewhere else, please. -editor.]
Dec 15, '09
I agree it's a good hire if you have to sell a non-wingnutty, rather white bread candidate to a bunch of frothing at the mouth teabaggery militia types in order to get through the primaries and into the general election.
I don't know if the nuts will bite however. The cult seem to be in full speed ahead over-the-cliff lemming mode these days.
Dec 15, '09
Those videos were awful. I watched them yesterday, and I was wondering when Kari or Carla would post them here.
As a registered Republican, I'm in utter disbelief (maybe I shouldn't be by now) at the stupidity of choices for candidates the party is making. Chris might be a nice guy, but seriously? Those videos were painful to watch, and it'll be just as painful to watch him debate or speak.
Bob T., as I know you visit this site...when are you and the leadership of the party going to step up to the plate and offer real candidates with real experience and an actual chance of winning? If this is how the Republican Party is going to be managed in Oregon, then the chances of actually competing for any statewide elections - not to mention ever regaining power in Salem - is about slim to none.
Dec 15, '09
Is there some chance that Dudley was novice enough to pick someone without finding out about his baggage?
Dec 15, '09
Echoing Dan's comments, immigration will be front and center in 2010 across the country as the Obama administration and the Dem. party fashion and attempt to pass an immigration bill. The burgeoning Latino base is counting on it, and the GOP racist base is counting on it too, to fire up their people.
Dec 15, '09
I guess my biggest surprise is that Dudley couldn't get somebody better. It sounded like he was being pushed as the the country club Republican candidate, you'd figure with decent financial backing they could have hired someone with a better rep.
8:52 a.m.
Dec 15, '09
Buckman - Around 1 in 3 legal immigrants to the United States from Central or South America have 1 or more relatives -- wife, husband, parent, sibling -- who are here illegally. It is not racist to say that many of those folks would prefer not to have those relatives deported.
As to the "borderline racist" comment... are you latino?
MP9703 - I absolutely disagree that opposition to immigration is limited to just illegal immigration. OFIR, one of the most active groups in the state on the issue, essentially calls for a 97 percent reduction in legal immigration, and a sizable number of those who are most active in opposing immigration are, in fact, racists who also believe that Obama is a Muslim Manchurian candidate born in Kenya.
As to the efficacy of campaigning on illegal immigration... go ask Ron Saxton whether running video of people jumping over a fence helped him or hurt him. He went from 3 points down to a double-digit defeat after those ads started running.
9:12 a.m.
Dec 15, '09
Bob T., as I know you visit this site...
For the record, the Bob Tiernan that comments on BlueOregon is not the same Bob Tiernan that is the chairman of the Oregon GOP.
I presume that GOP Tiernan visits the site, but we don't know that for certain. At least, I don't.
9:15 a.m.
Dec 15, '09
Piling on a little early, aren't we?
Personally, I think you all are missing the bigger issues: name ID and repetition. That's what campaigns are all about these days.
Imagine a candidate who can truthfully say, "Hi, I'm Chris. This is my wife Chris and my campaign manager Chris."
9:17 a.m.
Dec 15, '09
And does anyone think it's just a coincidence that Dudley has also hired the spokesperson for the recent successful Republican gubernatorial candidate in New Jersey--drum roll, please--CHRIS CHRISTIE!!!!
Dec 15, '09
In the end, it is about substance, not just name familiarity. Someone with a well known name who won't answer specific questions or who people just plain don't agree with (incl. former KATU commentator Ron "think about it " Saxton) won't necessarily win.
9:44 a.m.
Dec 15, '09
Oh, for Chrissake, Jack - why didn't I think of that? Duh.
Dec 15, '09
Thanks for the correction. I thought it was the same person. :)
Dec 15, '09
As to the "borderline racist" comment... are you latino?
Strange question. What possible bearing on the discussion does my ethnicity have?
Unless you’re implying that only Hispanics are capable of recognizing a racist comment when they read one. Which in itself would be considered...bigoted.
Also, there is a huge difference between having sympathy for the cases of individual family members who may be illegally in the US and a general attitude that excuses those who fail to follow the rules for immigration that scores of legal immigrants have managed to adhere to over the decades.
1:53 p.m.
Dec 15, '09
Oh, for Chrissake, Jack - why didn't I think of that? Duh.
Don't feel bad, Dan, it takes years of experience in politics to catch these kinds of subtleties. In any event, Merry Chrismas.
2:23 p.m.
Dec 15, '09
Buckman - Thanks for your comment.
I'm trying to decide whether I should annoyed because you are wrong or annoyed because you are wrong while attempting to speak for a group that I belong to and you don't while implying that it is racist of me to question whether or not you are actually affected by this supposed insult.
In either case, you are wrong.
According to a 2008 survey conducted by the Pew Hispanic Center, Latinos tend to be more sympathetic to the concerns of undocumented workers than the general population because 68% of us worry that someone we know may be deported.
3:54 p.m.
Dec 15, '09
And remember, as many as half of all "illegal aliens" entered the US legally...
4:16 p.m.
Dec 15, '09
I don't know if the nuts will bite however. The cult seem to be in full speed ahead over-the-cliff lemming mode these days.
LOL - that is the most colorful- yet apt - description I do believe I've ever seen of them.
<h2>As for Dudley... I loved watching him play for the Blazers, stiff arms/legs and all. But I am deeply skeptical that he can turn that notoriety into electoral advantage.</h2>