Schrader, Blumenauer, Wu, Wyden, Merkley all score 100% environmental ratings for 2009

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Environment America has released its latest scorecard - and five of the seven members of Oregon's congressional delegation earned perfect 100% ratings and were called "environmental champions": Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, and Congressmen Kurt Schrader, Earl Blumenauer, and David Wu.

From the statement:

“We applaud 184 members of both the House and Senate for being champions of the environment. These members received a 100 percent scores for consistently voting to protect the environment,” said Environment America’s Washington DC Director, Anna Aurilio.

The 2009 scorecard documents a continued shift in the nature of environmental votes towards more solution-oriented votes. Environment America found that House and Senate leadership and the new administration are placing a much higher priority on environmental protection in the past year and a half, leading to 85% percent of the votes prioritized by Environment America being solution-oriented. Most importantly the measures reaching and being signed by the President reflect greater progress on solutions.

“Congress has shown that it is serious about repowering America with clean energy by passing the economic recovery act with an unprecedented $80 billion investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy and green transportation,’ said Aurilio. “It’s time to build on that down payment by passing a comprehensive energy and global warming bill,” she added.

The Oregonian's Scott Learn has the story on Greg Walden and Peter DeFazio:

The state's only Republican in Congress, Rep. Greg Walden of Hood River, voted in favor of the environment a third of the time, Environment America said.

Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Eugene, had an 80 percent pro-environment tally. DeFazio voted against Great Lakes protection bill in September 2008 and against the federal stimulus package in February.

Download the full scorecard (pdf).

  • Sam Houston Clinton (unverified)

    So, this seems to be the DP's new tack. "We are so much better than __", where one is asked to fill in the blank with someone that one would never apply the premise to. You know Kari, I am a lot more civil than a rabid badger. Oh, right, rabid badgers don't blog. I mean, does this logic go any deeper?

    More specious logic for some very specious people. Hey, wake up. In absolute terms they're not enough to get us where we need to be. Don't give me some third party ratings where the third party has a vested interest in producing a range of ratings (and full-time staff positions to maintain). Ever heard of the "floor effect" in statistics?

    It's real simple, to my thinking. There are certain issues we need to address. Pick your top three. There is a minimum that has to be addressed to get anywhere near where you want to be on those issues. Do the majority of your "champions" get over the bar? I think not. Just start with the wars. No one that supports any kind of continued involvement in those failed colonial escapades should get a perfect rating from any enviro group. There is nothing more degrading, insulting and counterproductive to the environment than war. I'm not picky. Let's keep it simple. Did any of the people you mention bring up the environment during debates on Afghanistan? That's business as usual. And I don't care how much better they are than individuals that have set out to rape plunder and pillage.

    Besides, as was pointed out on Carla's "hero" thread, your champions and heros sound an awful lot regular old alpha males. That isn't a model that's near and dear to a real progressive's heart. It's pretty much par for the "I'm not a liberal like Rush sez" progressives.

    [Off-topic stuff deleted - editor.]

  • dan (unverified)

    useless factless propaganda

    these ratings mean nothing

    i bet politicians got good enviro scores for ethanol subsidies too.....and look what happened with that

  • KenRay (unverified)

    DeFazio is not on the list? No wonder he is my favorite Democrat!

  • Scott in Damascus (unverified)

    "these ratings mean nothing"

    Spoken like a true member of the 30% approval rating / Sarah Palin is a viable candidate for 2012 club.

  • rondo (unverified)

    I read the PDF link Kari and I am glad Global Warming is being taken seriously by this group.

    I just hope Schrader, Blumenauer, Wu, Wyden, and Merkley can pass new taxes and fee's to combat Global Warming. It's going to take A LOT of money to change the global climate - and I don't care if people are struggling in this Obama economy or not - we all need to step up and save the planet. I'd like to see BO'ers buying carbon offset credits and selling their cars.

    Not surprising there's few Republicans on this list. These people all own SUV's and Guns. I am sick, sick, sick of it.

  • rondo (unverified)

    "Spoken like a true member of the 30% approval rating / Sarah Palin is a viable candidate for 2012 club." - redneck in damascus

    I love it - Redneck in Damacus vs. Redneck in Alaska.

    What are you doing for New YEars "Scott"? I bet you'll be doing your sister after you git her all liquored up on MD 20/20!

  • Mark (unverified)

    It is a tricky rating. You for example had to vote for the bailout to get on the list? Come on people wake up! I guess the Republicans are going to make a list for their sleeping zombies too? How bout the pro ecocomy list? Yeah thats great we will print it and people who did not vote for the bailout will be excluded as well. This way we can get rid of all the people who actually serve the people. What a grand idea.

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    Speaking of Sen. Wyden, starting Monday, Jan. 4 he'll be holding town hall meetings in the counties of Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas, and three others.

    Bob Tiernan Portland

  • Brodhead For Congress (unverified)

    your a dweeb!

  • Brodhead For Congress (unverified)


    when the Oregon forests burn to the ground because of beetle infestation, your communist celebrities will get 100 percent of the blame!

    You are so predictable!

    You subscribe to the low level intelligence Sesame street/ Goebbels /Obama play book " Just tell the stupid big lie over and over again"


  • chris #12 (unverified)

    Good thing that none of the wars that these guys support cause any environmental destruction--I wouldn't want that to impact their perfect scores!

  • Stephen Amy (unverified)

    DeFazio is way better on the environment than either Wu or Blumenauer because DeFazio, alone amongst the Oregon delegation, has the honesty to speak about what an ineffective boondoggle Waxman-Markey is. No doubt Wyden and Merkley will vote in favor of legislation similar to Waxman-Markey when it comes up.

    I'd bet DeFazio was the only Dem in the delegation who did not believe our Dear Leader when the grand breakthrough was ordained in Copenhagen.

  • Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita (unverified)

    Greatly written indeed. I really enjoyed your article and found it to be very informative, keep up the good work, I'll be coming back to read any of your future articles..

  • Jiang Lee (unverified)

    Posted by: Kerja Keras Adalah Energi Kita | Jan 3, 2010 12:41:57 AM

    Greatly written indeed. I really enjoyed your article and found it to be very informative, keep up the good work, I'll be coming back to read any of your future articles..

    So, that's why you indulge the link spammers! Only ones that give you the ol' attaboy!!! Kudos that no one fell for this.

    Still it could have been worse. Carla would have had some bratty laughs at the Republicants to add. Since this level of awareness is possible from regulars, maybe a boycott until the gratuitous triumphalism and bratty nyah-nyahing ends?

  • Sam Houston Clinton (unverified)

    But, how important is the environment compared to M66/67? In the last 6 weeks that's 18 topics about the measures and less than a handful on the environment. Remember, when your kids ask why we weren't forward-thinking enough to do, oh, ANYTHING, that you repulsed the TEA crowd in '10!

    Like a stupid, hackish dittohead post about a meaningless survey is about the environment, anyway. You turned down a friend's post about coal, that was well written, and you'll no doubt turn down mine on population control (the SOS is going to make a major speech on the subject, as if you would be interested). Meanwhile, some insipid, "yeah, what he said" on the measures is the one in years that is singled out as a "notable comment" for its own post.

    Based on the trend, if Obama is re-elected, Kari should sell this domain name fast. It'll be worth zip by the time another Repubnant win energizes it.

  • Carlita A. Rudy Verdugo (unverified)

    We can't follow the Holy Father and save the environment. Save the environment? That's a job for God!

    • Carlita A. Rudy Verdugo Mt. Hood Christian Center, '88
    <h2>"Vote DP; It's easier than thinking!"</h2>

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