OR-GOV: Is there a Draft Bruce Hanna effort underway?

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Over at NW Republican, blogger Ted Piccolo isn't very impressed by Chris Dudley and his big ol' out-of-state cash haul.

The cash is impressive, his brain team? Not so much. ...

Topping the list of very impressive politicians is... wait for it.... WAYNE SCOTT! Yayyyy! Whoooo whoooo.

I mean really? Wayne Scott has a history of stabbing Republicans in the back, raising taxes, losing the Oregon House of Reps and of course giving valuable Republican campaign cash to a campaign opposing a term limits ballot measure. Smart that.

Later, he updated his post to note that there's a Draft Bruce Hanna effort underway. Rep. Hanna is the GOP leader in the House - and by all accounts is a charismatic and reliable conservative.

I have learned there are a couple of pretty key meetings going on today that may end up bringing Rep. Bruce Hanna into the race (I personally like Rep. Hanna). There are several Portland area businessmen and women who have met with Chris Dudley and are thus far unimpressed. The initial response is "empty suit", BIG suit though.

I personally do not know enough about Dudley's positions to say, however as I mentioned above, the people he is beginning to surround himself with are not very impressive.

With Jason Atkinson on the sidelines and Bill Sizemore just being himself, Oregon conservatives are surely looking for another standard-bearer.

We'll see if Bruce Hanna is the conservative knight in shining armor in 2010.

  • Scott Jorgensen (unverified)

    Hanna's spokesman, Nick Smith, told me a few weeks ago that he won't run. But I imagine anything can change between now and the filing deadline.

  • Friends of the Aggadors (unverified)

    I'm for it. Let's draft 1/4 of our lege to fight for the US, around the world!

  • Roseburg Ronnie (unverified)

    No chance. Once Oregonians learn about Leroy Hanna (Bruce's daddy) and the dirty deals made in Douglas County to protect the Coca Cola franchise and their fast food restaurants, the bloom will come off the Hanna flower.

  • (Show?)

    Ted doesn't see the connection between "being a good Republican" and "losing the House," I guess. It couldn't possibly be because the trueblood GOP policies were anathema to majorities of voters in the Leg elections of the last two cycles--it had to be that he raised taxes!

    The arguments about similar leftist purity trolling to Ted's, by the way, don't logically wash--given the simple fact that the things the left is trolling about are actually popular things like health care reform, tax fairness and addressing climate change. Because the center has moved so far right, ideologues on the left have much better ground to stand on than their rightist counterparts.

  • LT (unverified)

    Hanna is a nicer guy than Scott (not hard) but may not realize that Oregon is not the same as Douglas County. Suppose he got the nomination and so did Kitzhaber. The former Gov. could talk at length about the county he used to represent in the legislature and how Hanna's approach didn't represent all citizens there and wouldn't be good for the state.

    Did Hanna really believe that if only they were vocal enough, all Oregonians would say yes, "Back to Basics " made so much sense no one would ask tough questions?

    Tough questions (more than raising money) from people who are not Republicans (think of all those folks registered outside a major party) and folks of all persuasions from in and out of Douglas County would show what Hanna is really made of.

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