OR-GOV: Chris Dudley, GOP's knight in not-exactly-shining armor
Kari Chisholm
While the GOP seems to be coalescing around Chris Dudley as their savior, the local media are taking a good, hard, long look at who exactly this guy is - and what he's accomplished that makes him think he's ready to be Governor.
Willamette Week has a detailed study of Chris Dudley's qualifications that's worth a read. In summary:
- His diabetes charity is losing money and filing its tax reports late. (A little tiny problem.)
- When he played for the Blazers, he lived in Camas, Washington as a tax refugee. (A moderately-sized problem.)
- He didn't actually move to Oregon until 2004, when he bought a $2.9 million golf-course estate in Lake Oswego. (A big problem.)
- The sum total of his post-basketball job experience is since March 2006. (Less than four years of non-basketball work experience in his life? You tell me. Problem?)
- He's not much of a political donor. (Interesting, but not really a problem. Then again, it tells us that this political ambition is a new thing. Could it be just a lark?)
- His grandfather was a close associate of President Nixon. (Also not really a problem. It does tell us that maybe politics is a longer-term interest.)
So, is his interest in public life a life-long passion - or a relatively recent lark? At the O, Jeff Mapes finds evidence to suggest it's the latter. And it's a very big problem:
Republican gubernatorial candidate Chris Dudley has missed voting in seven of the last 13 elections since 2004, a record that Dudley acknowledged was embarrassing and a mistake. ... He could not say whether he had ever voted during his playing years from 1987 until 2003.The seven elections he missed came since he retired and began living full-time in Lake Oswego. They include the last gubernatorial primary in 2006, as well as a statewide election on a proposed income-tax surcharge in 2004. He also missed the statewide primary election in 2004 and the 2007 statewide special election on ballot measures to raise tobacco taxes and to tighten a property rights law. He also did not vote in three local elections.
So, the question is: Having displayed very little interest in politics and public service, what makes Chris Dudley suddenly think he should be Governor? And what evidence is there that Oregonians can trust him to think deeply about the serious public policy questions that face our state?
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Dec 23, '09
”...Chris Dudley has missed voting in seven of the last 13 elections since 2004...”
Considering the quality of candidates we have been presented with by both parties in this last decade I wouldn’t begrudge anyone for failing to vote. I think we all get tired of voting for the lesser of two evils.
I suspect a large segment of the public will opt out of the next few election cycles after the disillusionment with BHO’s administration and the continued partisanship in DC.
As for his living in Washington, it says volumes about the unfair tax structure we have here in Oregon when productive citizens are willing to leave and put up with life in Camas.
Maybe he can address those inequities if he gets elected.
Dec 23, '09
Not only that, his economic views don't really jive well with what the Republican party has been trying to become. I'd seriously call Dudley more of a Nixon Republican than a Ron Paul Republican or even a neocon Republican. Which might make him slightly more palatable than the typical Sizemorian Republican to the bulk of Oregon voters, but I doubt the Republican party wants another Arnold Schwarzenegger that won't toe the party line enough to make him a good puppet, but isn't experienced and politically adept enough to make a name for himself on his own.
9:55 a.m.
Dec 23, '09
Excuse me, but who the hell is Chris Dudley?
Dec 23, '09
If we use logic and reason and not emotion, none of these are real issues you have presented. This seems to be grabbing at straws and avoiding real questions such as what does he believe? Is he pro patriot act? This is important because most of our politicians seem to be and its massive intrusion on our rights it is not just a Federal issue. Will he stand up for Oregon schools against Federal mandates? Does he support the Oregon Constitution including the right for the accused to have a jury that will examine not only the offense but the legality of the law and its application? Will he hire unbiased economists to analyze the smartest way to raise revenue for public services or just work for more lobbyists? These are real questions, where he lived for tax purposes is a garbage issue. Most people on this forum don't like to pay taxes, they just want others to pay them, so this is a baseless topic. The fact that he moved here to run his company and such other issues are merely bread & circus to detract from what really matters
Dec 23, '09
"... where he lived for tax purposes is a garbage issue"?
So, because the commenter derides progressive opinions on taxation issues, no one can criticize Dudley for choosing to be a tax refugee? Specious argument!
10:29 a.m.
Dec 23, '09
where he lived for tax purposes is a garbage issue.
No, no it's not. If you can stay awake, watch his campaign videos. He goes on and on about how great it is to live in Oregon...
Dec 23, '09
Given the news about the Blazers' Joel Przybilla yesterday, I would much prefer to see Dudley drop this silliness and suit up.
The larger point: who else is there in the mirage aka the Oregon GOP? The bench is, shall we way, pretty thin.
BTW: If you've been sitting on bad sports metaphors, now is your opportunity to launch some bricks. From the free throw line. Like Chris Dudley.
Dec 23, '09
Thanks for the info. A very lame candidate, indeed.
Dec 23, '09
The best quote in the article, from THAT Bob Tiernan
"Oregon Republican Chairman Bob Tiernan said Dudley's recent record was not dissimilar to that of many average Oregonians."
Now there's a campaign slogan....Vote for Chris. He's average.
Dec 23, '09
Kari: You seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time trying to discredit Dudley. If he’s really as lackluster as you make him out to be, he won’t pose any serious threat to career politicians like retread Kitzhaber, or “I’m workin for the union” Bradbury. I’m not saying that Dudley is my ideal candidate, but it is time for new blood in the governor’s office. Oregon can’t afford another 8 years of tired leadership.
Dec 23, '09
It is surprising and appalling how many big name candidates and would be candidates only vote in general elections. They are usually uppity yuppity rich folks who could probably care less about their communities (or don't really live in a community , unless it is one that is gated) so why would they have a clue who is running in a local school board race?
Although I hate to admit it, the examples that come to mind are mainly Democrats; John Edwards, John COrzine, Caroline Kennedy and Elizabeth Furse. The non voting Republican that I know of was the late Sonny Bonno, who, as I recall, hadn't even registered to vote before he ran for congress.
Although I think this is a big mark against a candidate, most others must not care because all of these candidates won.
Dec 23, '09
While a blank voting record may not be a campaign-buster, even when it should have been considering the bad examples G. S. cited, that does not mean that no one cares or should care.
Even a cynic should be able to admit that a blank record, in concert with other indicators of a lack of civic involvement shown pre-candidacy is of interest to even casual participants in the democratic process.
12:17 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
Why someone who cared so little about the governance of his community should think that the rest of us should consider him as our leader is beyond me. It's not like he is bringing some set of experience, talent, and mission that no one else has. It's more like amateur hour.
I am not one to think you have to be born in Oregon to be elected to high office. Dudley did go to Yale and despite the fact that he shares that record with the un-curious George W. I suspect that he is reasonably bright. However, he is a political amateur and has provided no reason so far, with either his past record as a citizen, or his campaign that would make even many Republicans believe that he should be the political leader and chief executive of the state. Good looks and money make good movie politicians, but lousy candidates and worse governors in real life.
Dec 23, '09
I don't want to criticize Dudley's character because I believe him to be a good guy and publicly spirited citizen, but no way is he qualified to be governor of Oregon or anywhere else. It shows the tired desperate condition of the GOP in Oregon that this guy is attracting any attention from anybody. Gordo Smith would be a much better governor than Chris Dudley, and that is not saying much.
Dec 23, '09
"... where he lived for tax purposes is a garbage issue"?
So, because the commenter derides progressive opinions on taxation issues, no one can criticize Dudley for choosing to be a tax refugee? Specious argument!
Its a total garbage compared to real issues. There are far more important issues such as his beliefs regarding social, political and financial freedoms.
Regarding who can criticize what, I have no wish to control who you wish to criticize or how, I just wish a more holistic approach to looking at people beyond their ability to avoid the very tax system that keeps our state from prospering. Lets please look at some real issues for a change.
Dec 23, '09
If you think Dudley can rightly be criticized for living in Camas to avoid income tax, just wait and see the exodus of PERS recipients (like Karen and John Minnis) if your tax the rich initiative passes.
1:12 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
Galen's right--being a tax evader is not sterling behavior, but much more important what his political views and intentions are. The truth will hopefully out on that soon enough. (Right, local media?)
Dec 23, '09
I live in Camas and work in SE Portland. Kari you want to see how much I pay in Oregon Taxes?. Dudley paid his "Fair Share" of tax on 20 Million earned in Oregon. How is that a tax refugee?
1:25 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
Anon, I didn't realize that PERS employees got paid over $250k. What a deal. Sign me up for one of those jobs. Now I realize that in the case of Karen and John Minnis the payment level is $125k each since it is likely that they will be filing separately in the future.
Dec 23, '09
Now we know why he was getting major contributions with no platform. Joe Repugnant looks at this and says "our kind of person"!
His grandfather was a close associate of President Nixon. (Also not really a problem. It does tell us that maybe politics is a longer-term interest.)
It doesn't matter that applying a similar criteria to the Bush clan would have saved us 41 and 43?
Want to get him in the primaries? I say he's lazy. Shows a history of bone laziness all his life. That's on J. T. Sixpack's radar.
It's significant because that was when there was a concerted effort to "Californize Oregon", which, with the other factors, doesn't exactly speak to pride of place.
2:16 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
"Now I realize that in the case of Karen and John Minnis the payment level is $125k each since it is likely that they will be filing separately in the future."
I doubt it--she has a history of going along and taking her husband (or brother in law's) side to sexual intimidation happening from within the family.
Dec 23, '09
I think we are all missing the most important question:
Where does Dudley stand on Mandarin education in our schools????
2:36 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
"Where does Dudley stand on Mandarin education in our schools????"
I think it's important. Maybe not as important as Dave does, but that's Dave's thing. He's certainly right, we all agree? Chinese education is a super smart idea, especially on the West Coast.
2:50 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
I think we are all missing the most important question:
Where does Dudley stand on Mandarin education in our schools????
Dec 23, '09
A least he is better than the two old guys running on the Dem side. Kitzaber looks rough and old, Bradbarry is old and out of touch with most of Oregon, Dudley is young and does not bring old political baggage with him, the two Dems are life long politicians, I thought people wanted to get rid of the lifers and get new blood in there. I says we try something new, the same old same old is not working for Oregon
Dec 23, '09
Posted by: Carla Axtman | Dec 23, 2009 2:50:47 PM
I think we are all missing the most important question:
Where does Dudley stand on Mandarin education in our schools????
Is snark of the day a competition? Seems organized with such an eminent judge!
"Old Guys" demonstrate what I was trying to say on the racism thread the other day. Age discrimination is much worse in our society. Could you imagine a poster saying, "well, both the Dems are black, and at least Dudley is a white guy...and he can jump!"?
Dec 23, '09
Sorry Galen, Dudley seemingly has no take on real issues. His resume is mostly the ability to raise money to run for office. That bares the cynicism of the adherents of that party tellingly.
4:02 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
I thought it would be interesting to look at what Bill Bradley did prior to winning a seat in the U.S. Senate. According to Wikipedia, Bradley spent four years of political campaigning for Democratic candidates around New Jersey. Since Bradley had gone to school at Princeton and then spent 10 years playing for the Knicks he had a long history with the citizens of New Jersey. Not a lot more than Dudley, but still significant.
4:25 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
Dudley paid his "Fair Share" of tax on 20 Million earned in Oregon. How is that a tax refugee?
There's a substantial tax difference between living in Washington and living in Oregon - especially if you're earning substantial income outside of Oregon (even if your employer's HQ is in Oregon.)
This is getting into the weeds a bit, but assuming that Dudley had a competent tax professional, as an out-of-state resident, he would have only paid Oregon income tax on that portion of his income earned in Oregon -- 41 home games. The rest would have been (non)-taxed in Washington.
Of course, the states where the away games were located could have made a claim on that income, much as Oregon does when visiting players and refs come to the Rose Garden.
Dudley's Washington residence would have partially sheltered the away-game income - and probably entirely sheltered any non-game income, like endorsement deals and investment income.
(Please note, I'm not a tax professional and I can't claim to be 100% up on every state's non-resident income tax rules. Perhaps Jack Bogdanski can enlighten us?)
4:27 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
In any case... the point is that Dudley was a Washington resident, not an Oregon one. Maybe he should run for Governor of Washington, given that he's spent more time as a Washington resident over the last 15 years.
Dec 23, '09
Dudley would have paid no Oregon property taxes while living in Camas either.
Dec 23, '09
The point is, geographical location or tax burden does not tell us anything. This is just side fodder to keep us distracted from real issues. Oregon is roughly 40% Blue and 40% red with 20% being independents. Does the guy have anything that would attract his own Party votes as well as independents? All I heard above is he is a neocon, which is George Bush III in my book. Necon = pro war, pro patriot act = wasted tax dollars & lives with a helping of civil liberty abuses on top.
Dec 23, '09
just to clarify I understand he is not running for President. George Bush III is a generic term for any neocon.
Dec 23, '09
I don't understand all the fuss about Chris Dudley's qualifications to be Oregon Gov.
He is clearly more qualified than Sarah Palin!
Dec 23, '09
Posted by: Pedro | Dec 23, 2009 5:11:53 PM
I don't understand all the fuss about Chris Dudley's qualifications to be Oregon Gov.
He is clearly more qualified than Sarah Palin!
Let's nominate my cat! Then, in the future, every candidate will look superbly qualified.
Dec 23, '09
Of course, the states where the away games were located could have made a claim on that income, much as Oregon does when visiting players and refs come to the Rose Garden.
I believe every state does this now. So he paid the state of Oregon exactly the same amount in income taxes from his job with the Blazers as he would have if he lived in Oregon.
Dec 23, '09
General Brown - Perhaps you didn't get my attempt to mock Dudley's qualifications by pointing out the low bar republicans have to hurdle to be nominated for say... vice president.
Let's face the facts. The GOP hasn't got anybody that can go head to head with Bradbury or Kitzhaber. Dudley's name recognition in the republican primary will keep the media from focusing on just the Democrats.
BTW - What's your cats position on health care?
Dec 23, '09
Sorry, Pedro; missed it. Events of the last few days have us pretty intense here.
Actually that's kind of an interesting question. If she were faced with a sick squirrel or rat, she would instinctively start stalking it. If it showed any distress, she would flip to protective mode and try to help it. Maybe she does have leadership potential.
She also would put in more hours than Dudley learning to make free throws.
BTW, I owe my rank to Steve Maurer.
Dec 23, '09
His diabetes charity is losing money and filing its tax reports late. (A little tiny problem.)
My worst political habit is that I can be too easily persuaded by a great position on a niche issue. I guess I don't really believe that anything comes out of the blue. So, if he were to come out for ending US sugar subsidies...I could be attracted.
Probably regret it later...
Dec 23, '09
Having watched Schwarzenegger for the last 5 years, let me tell you that you do NOT want an amateur playing Governor to satisfy her/his ego.
I don't care if the person is labeled Reep or Dem, if s/he agrees with a sufficient number of my positions, but s/he needs to have political experience because the job of Governor is a political job. Would you hire a machinist without machining experience or a plumber without plumbing experience for the most significant position in your company? Bono and Bradley at least had time in the political trenches before being elected. Flake though Palin is/was, she at least has political experience; Dudley has none and is therefore unqualified for the position of Governor.
11:53 p.m.
Dec 23, '09
Noah T wrote: You seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time trying to discredit Dudley. If he’s really as lackluster as you make him out to be, he won’t pose any serious threat...
Well, not if we all help him keep his failures secret. I've never understood this line of argument. "Gee, so-and-so is a real loser. No point in talking about him, even though he's getting support out there!" Right, all those Republicans who thought Jeff Merkley was a loser took that approach. Yeah, that's how I remember it!
In any case, I'm not the one who wrote those items for the O and the WW. No, they've got real journalists doing that investigative work. I must not be the only one who thinks Dudley's worth looking into.
Besides, if we're not going to talk about candidates for Oregon governor on this blog, what would be the point of having the blog at all? Blazers coverage?!
Dec 24, '09
The Blazers did have a great win tonight, Kari.
Dec 24, '09
I don't even see where Dudley lived is an issue. When we have two Senators who don't pay FICA and visit Oregon, about once every two years (except in the six months before an election), I think you have scat reason to complain about Dudley's residence.
Besides when Dudley was Blazer and earning income at the RoseGarded/Coliseum Oregon collected its fair share from him in taxes with respect to the services he used in Oregon.
Dec 24, '09
"you do NOT want an amateur playing Governor to satisfy her/his ego."
I understand how you feel about Ted Kulongoski, but forgive him please.
Dec 24, '09
"I don't even see where Dudley lived is an issue."
In politics, any issue can be made into an issue.
I believe in this case it would be called "carpetbagging."
10:09 a.m.
Dec 24, '09
Is snark of the day a competition? Seems organized with such an eminent judge!
If its not, it ought to be. Frankly these comment threads are mostly ridiculous right now. They could use some snark a good chunk of the time.
Dec 24, '09
Besides, if we're not going to talk about candidates for Oregon governor on this blog, what would be the point of having the blog at all?
You are deeply appreciated by Pharma, Pakistani and Turkish link spammers!
Posted by: Scott in Damascus | Dec 24, 2009 7:59:02 AM "I don't even see where Dudley lived is an issue." In politics, any issue can be made into an issue. I believe in this case it would be called "carpetbagging."
Carpetbagging was removed from time and space when Hillary did it.
Posted by: Carla Axtman | Dec 24, 2009 10:09:53 AM
Is snark of the day a competition? Seems organized with such an eminent judge!
If its not, it ought to be. Frankly these comment threads are mostly ridiculous right now. They could use some snark a good chunk of the time. I think you have scat reason to complain about Dudley's residence.
Freudian typo of the day.
Dec 24, '09
I believe every state does this now. So he paid the state of Oregon exactly the same amount in income taxes from his job with the Blazers as he would have if he lived in Oregon.
That is incorrect. If you live out of Oregon and work some days in Oregon and some days in other states, Oregon taxes only the income coming from days worked in Oregon.
So if Dudley earned $10 million a year (I have no idea what his pay was) and he worked 90 days in Oregon and 90 days outside of the state of Oregon, his Oregon taxable income would have been $5 million. If he lived in Oregon, his Oregon taxable income would have been $10 million. By living in Camas, using my hypothetical numbers he saved himself about $450,000 per year (Oregon tax rate at 9% and ignoring credits for taxes paid to other states).
Kari is also right that in addition to saving on his income tax from his job he would have paid no state income tax for his investment income and if he did not enter Oregon to do endorsements, then he did not pay any state income tax on his endorsement income.
Dec 24, '09
Just for curiosity's sake, I wonder this:
If you play for the Blazers and play all 82 games, you're paid for 41 home games and 41 away games, no issues.
But what if you're injured? Are the away games that you miss because you're injured still taxed in the state you were to play in, or are they taxed in Oregon?
Dec 24, '09
fbear - I would guess that you would still be taxed for the home games because the players usually attend the games, even if they don't play.
Dec 24, '09
Dudley's sports background won't win him an election - look at the case of Lynn Swann. Swann was a superstar on the Steelers teams of the 1970s that won 4 Super Bowls in 6 years.
Half the state turns black and gold every weekend, but Swann still was crushed by Ed Rendell.
@John Calhoun - Filing separate income taxes are the least of John Minnis' worries; the song he fears may change from the "Taxman" to "Folsom Prison Blues". (He might actually end up there - it's a mixture of low- and medium-security prisoners now.)
Dec 25, '09
Posted by: Carla Axtman | Dec 23, 2009 2:50:47 PM
I think we are all missing the most important question:
Facebook: RECENT ACTIVITY Carla and Ann Neumann are now friends. Carla became a fan of Chris Dudley. · Become a Supporter
Dec 25, '09
Some interesting opinions here parading as FACTS.
Chris Dudley may well be a budding superstar politician, however as another sports great neophyte politician showed us, the Governor's mansion is not a good place to begin politics. Jesse Ventura was the iconoclastic "none of the above" crowd appealing to the voters because of his difference. MN survived and Jesse went on his way.
The best Oregonian republicans seem to offer is "none of the above" due to their complete collapse. The state deserves better than a retread governor who left declaring our state ungovernable. Too bad that we will either get him or the next party democrat who served enough time and is next in line for Mahonia.
I hope and search for someone with bright ideas and political experience.
Dec 25, '09
If the biggest problem is buying an expensive home in Lake Oswego, Dudley must be very clean of any problems!
Dec 25, '09
ATG, actually injured players often stay home. For example, Greg Oden didn't usually travel with the team during his rehab rookie year.
Dec 27, '09
"The state deserves better than a retread governor who left declaring our state ungovernable. Too bad that we will either get him or the next party democrat who served enough time and is next in line for Mahonia.
I hope and search for someone with bright ideas and political experience."
OK, Kurt, where are the big ideas from anyone else? Dudley is on board with No on 66 & 67 but no alternative---that loses him the Yes on 66 & 67 voters and those who say that without a viable alternative (and trying to brainwash voters into believing that the "all funds budget" is either the solution to everything or likely to get the needed votes is NOT an alternative).
Who is willing to talk about kicker reform? Who is willing to talk about going over the tax breaks in the Tax Expenditure Report with a fine tooth comb? Who is willing to talk about campaign finance reform or appealing to that 500,000 or so voters who supported the nonpartisan elections Measure 65.
Those all go against conventional wisdom, and badmouthing Kitzhaber has become conventional wisdom in some quarters.
If you want someone else, start talking to Lim, Alley, and any legislator you can think of regarding the above challenges to conventional wisdom.
Or else the future of Oregon politics is going to be Jefferson Smith, Ben Cannon, and the other young legislators who are actually thinking outside the box.
Dec 28, '09