Batten down your hatches

Carla Axtman

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    Hrm. This under-48-hours-from-big-move procrastinator is feeling a mite anxious about this one.

  • Zarathustra of The Troll Scat Munchers (unverified)

    Use twitter hashtag #botrolls to predict how many responses this thread will get before the envirotrolls show up!

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    Haven't you lived here long enough Carla? Unless it's actually snowing when I hear the forecast, it's not worth the pixels the map is created with...

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    Sheesh, kidding. What a letdown.

  • Dr John Smith (unverified)

    Posted by: torridjoe | Dec 12, 2009 1:14:53 PM

    Haven't you lived here long enough

    I guess none of the broadcast weather droids have either. I mean, they seem to have no concept that they have zero ability to predict when a blocking high sitting off the coast will move. How many days in a row during the heat wave, did they think it would move off to the east? Remember last year's cold spell? Same deal. Predicted 3 days, last week. It was 4 1/2.

    Fair 'nuff. A "cut-off" blocking high is like a cat. It does whatever it pleases. Why pretend that you have a predictive handle on it?

    Also interesting that "Chuck Weisse - meteorolgist" that didn't have any points, just wanted to inform us on climate change, has no interest in this subject. At least the prediction of envirotrolls was wrong.

  • Zarathustra (unverified)

    Posted by: Zarathustra of The Troll Scat Munchers | Dec 12, 2009 8:24:12 AM

    Use twitter hashtag #botrolls to predict how many responses this thread will get before the envirotrolls show up! ... Twitter: undomesticator #botrolls will hit the "snow" thread on Blue Oregon in five posts, I say.

    Nailed it!

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