Civil War? Not for me. My heart belongs to the Wildcats.
Carla Axtman
While much of Oregon's in-state sports media is focused on this week's Civil War game between the OSU Beavers and U of O Ducks, the consistently excellent Linfield College Wildcats in the lovely burg of McMinnville have put together a pretty fantastic season of their own.
The NCAA Division III team is ranked 5th, completing an undefeated 9-0 season a few weeks ago. Last week, Linfield won it's first playoff game of the season, defeating Cal Lutheran 38-17. Yesterday afternoon, Linfield crushed Mary Hardin-Baylor in a 53-21 victory in McMinnville.
These kinds of winning seasons aren't a fluke for Linfield. In fact, the school has had 54 consecutive winning seasons, the NCAA record. They've won 4 national football titles (NCAA Division III: 2004, NAIA Division II: 1982, 1984, 1986).
So while all you Ducks and Beavers are spending the week trying to out-brag one another, I'll be sitting that one out. My heart (and college football wardrobe: purple and red) belong to the Wildcats from my alma mater, Linfield College.
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Nov 29, '09
Wow. That is just about the silliest thing I have ever read. As for me, I will be wearing my Evergreen Jr. high colors until dealth. What Jr. High team do you follow? By the way, how has the PCC basketball team been fairing this year? I hope they beat the crap out of CCC. Now that is a civil war battle!
I mean, geeze, i mean... this blew my mind... you usually write things that are thoughtful but this makes me question if you are an out of touch cat lady. I am glad you are wonky and know politics, please stick to that. Even mentioning div III teams in the same discussion as a civil war for the Rose Bowl... wow. I don't know what to say. That is just a weird post.
I went to Portland State and would love to see the viks do well in DIV II play but, god, how could I ever compare a small school football program to what is going one in the pac 10? Sorry, I am just floored.
Nov 29, '09
Coach Riley - Former Linfield Defensive Coordinator Coach Locey - Former Linfield Head Coach for 10 years Coach Langsdorf - Former Linfield starting quarterback.
Tell those three that what Linfield does on Saturday doesn't matter and I'm sure you would get a different opinion.
Go 'Cats!
Nov 29, '09
@wildcat11: Interesting facts but you are missing the point. These coaches were obscure at Linfield. They showed potential and made it through many steps (Linfield being one) to be who they are today. Are you more excited about the AAA baseball championships than the World Series because we have a team in Portland? The whole idea is silly.
I hope Linfield does well. I am sure almost any football fan in Oregon does. With that said, you just can't treat an apple like and orange. That would be crazy.
12:30 a.m.
Nov 30, '09
Oh, Golden, you're just being silly. Leave it alone.
The Linfield Wildcats are an amazing story - over five decades of winning seasons. Any team, at any level, would be impressed by that.
Frankly, I'm more impressed by a Division III national championship than I am by Division II or Division I-AA. After all, in D3, they do it all without scholarships.
Go, Wildcats, Go!
Nov 30, '09
Yeah, but div III champs play other teams without scholarships. So how is that more impressive? It is neither less nor more impressive than Div I or II champs because each team in each division has the same scholarship availability. It is great for any team in any division to be consistently great. But, as you know, there are big talent differences between the divisions. It's just not the same ballpark guys. I am not saying don’t be excited about your school team. I am pointing out that it takes a whole lot of wires crossing at the same time compare div III with div I.
Division III is to Division I
Frosh is to Varsity
Double A baseball is to MLB
CFL is to NFL
get it?
Nov 30, '09
Well, I didn't notice you posted Div I AA but my point remains the same.
1:06 a.m.
Nov 30, '09
Right on, Carla. Go Cats!
Nov 30, '09
Did any of the staff of B/O NOT go to an expensive private school? I remember Kari cheering for USC (University of Spoiled Children) Carla here is talking about an expensive liberal arts school in Oregon wine country. IS it par for the course for progressives to go to schools that working class, non-affirmative action eligible, folks can't afford?
BTW Go Boise State!
8:22 a.m.
Nov 30, '09
Mrs. Todd:
FYI: I worked an on-campus job, and an off-campus job (all 4 of my years there) while maxxed out on student loans in order to attend Linfield. Yes--it's an expensive, private school. My family couldn't afford to contribute very much at all. So I worked my ass off in order to go there.
I'm sure Boise State is a very nice school. And had I chosen to attend it, it's likely I could have managed to get through without having to work so hard for my education. But I wouldn't trade the experience.
But even if I hadn't, if my parents had footed the whole bill, would I somehow be not quite as good as you...because you were "working-class"?
What utter bullshit.
Oh yeah...and GO WILDCATS!
8:27 a.m.
Nov 30, '09
Your point would be valid if we weren't talking about 54 years of consistent and constant excellence at Linfield. That kind of winning isn't a fluke.
Nov 30, '09
Here's an apples to apples comparison, how many of those players on the no sholarship, team first Wildcats graduate in 4 years compared to their Pac-Ten counterparts? While I'm a fan of college athletics at all levels, it is the graduation rate which defines success in my book. While it is true the athletes at small colleges receive no financial incentive for playing, there is plenty of scholarship money out there for academic achievement which is the bread and butter for more expensive private schools like Linfield. When it comes to academic and athletic achievement, Linfield has no peers in this state.
Nov 30, '09
After all, in D3, they do it all without scholarships
This isn't exactly true, as while this is the official policy it seems all the football players tend to end up with Presidential Scholarships. Also I remember being in class with some of them and it was clear that some of them were only in college due to football.
Nov 30, '09
Mrs. Todd,
Your view of private school liberalism is pure BS. I go to a public school (OSU, also known as Lunch pail-U) and am as liberal as can be. I know people who go to private schools who are as conservative as can be, even at schools like Lewis and Clark.
People like you seem to have a fear of academia/rationality and so you attack the educated left as elitist for wanting a good education and applying what they've learned to public policy. FYI most private schools offer amazing scholarships to boost their enrollment numbers.
P.S. You can't compare Linfield's accomplishments to what is happening between the Oregon schools in the Pac-10. This may be one of the highest moments in Oregon (state, not university) sports history.
Nov 30, '09
Why all the hate because someone wants to root for their Alma Mater? Based on the attitude I suspect "Golden" is a fan of the University of Nike (errrr) Oregon. Its true, there is no way to compare D3 athletes to D1. But there is no arguing Ms. Axtmans point. Linfield has created an extraordinary football program at its level. Its pure athletics, no-one playing at Linfield is there to be a pro athlete (they are working to be doctors, lawyers, teachers, leaders). The program does not make money for the school. The players play for each other, school pride, and love of the game. Its a great story... (every year).
Nov 30, '09
no-one playing at Linfield is there to be a pro athlete
True but with exceptions, Scott Brocius comes to mind.
Nov 30, '09
Mrs. Todd and others criticizing are grossly mistaken in your characterization of Linfield students as somehow being "rich" The average family income of a Linfield student is actually less than that ofa University of Oregon student. Most Linfield students are from small-town rural Oregon. They go to Linfield because of the small nature of the student body, affordability, and rich environment for study. They are not rich......
Linfield like other independent colleges in Oregon strives mightily to make Linfield affordable for all students. Yes I am a Linfield graduate and NO did not come from a 'rich'background...good old fashion working class family.
9:24 a.m.
Nov 30, '09
Eric - Your comment on the fear of "educated elites" is spot on.
However, I disagree that Linfield's accomplishments are not on par with their Division I counterparts.
Yes, it is true that few Division III schools have even a handful of players who could start or even compete for playing time at a Division I school (Linfield has had a few over the years -- QB's Brett Elliott, Tyler Matthews, and probably current starter, Aaron Boehme), but there is something purer about the game at the Division III level -- all of these kids are truly student athletes.
For what it's worth, I attended the University of Colorado during their championship runs in the early 1990's. I know I am in the minority on this, but I definitely prefer watching the Division III games.
One intereting factiod... The UCLA's men's basketball team is the only other college team at any level to have had 54 consecutive winning seasons. If Linfield has a winning year next season, they will be all alone in the record books.
Nov 30, '09
As a Linfield Grad I would have to disagree with the statement that most of the students are not well off, I got the impression that most were udring my time there. Its far cheaper for OR residents to go to a state school and Linfield is up there in tutition, 28K a year when I was there a few years ago. But is having students that are well off a good reason to bash a school, I think not.
Nov 30, '09
Well, if roiling up trouble was your intent, Carla, brava!
I don't understand why the Linfield Wildcats create some sort of exclusionary field; by your implication their exploits mean that both the Ducks and Beavers must what? Withdraw from sport? Hang their heads in shame? Die?
Are you suggesting that Linfield ought to go to the Rose Bowl and play Ohio State? That they'd obviously BEAT Ohio State? That they'd beat Oregon and Oregon State put together with one hand behind their collective back?
Evidently, winning at football is so prioritized at your alma mater that Linfield lacks any curriculum in or culture of manners.
Seriously: I thought we had enough fights going on without pointlessly stirring one up. Next up: walk into a gay bar and scream "I hate queers!" That'll be fun.
10:46 a.m.
Nov 30, '09
I don't understand why the Linfield Wildcats create some sort of exclusionary field; by your implication their exploits mean that both the Ducks and Beavers must what? Withdraw from sport? Hang their heads in shame? Die?
Hart: So if I cheer for my team and draw attention to their fine efforts (which go largely unnoticed in any substantive way in the Oregon media), I'm somehow picking a fight?
Perhaps you might consider knocking that chip from your shoulder prior to commenting.
Evidently, winning at football is so prioritized at your alma mater that Linfield lacks any curriculum in or culture of manners
Or I'm just proud of the great tradition they've established and I think it would be good for folks to pay attention to this great story.
Seriously Hart, your comment presupposes an especially cynical and mean-spirited extrapolation. That's about you, not me.
Nov 30, '09
Thank you for shining a light on what the 'Cats are up to. I believe that the great majority of Linfield fans and backers understand our place with regards to MSM coverage in Oregon. Norm Maves Jr. from the Oregonian has always done a wonderful job in covering the 'Cats and we always appreciate it when outlets let people know what Linfield is up to. Linfield doesn't drive ratings or ad dollars but the 'Cats are a great story.
The Civil War is the "biggest" sporting event in Oregon but just know there is a team 45 minutes SW of Portland that gets to decide their National Title dreams on the field and not at the mercy of computers, pollsters, and University Presidents.
Nov 30, '09
Daddy was a Duck. Mommy was a Duck. They sent me to LINFIELD.
This year's self proclaimed Civil War is truly a monumental game. Neither team is on track for a national title. Rose Bowl? Yes, but it's not a national championship bowl.
I ask myself, if a LINFIELD player cold-cocked an opponent after the game, would he be reinstated?
Carla, LINFIELD does not have a gangsta mentality, does it?
Nov 30, '09
I too prefer watching up close and personal with people I have a connection to. I think it's the test of how much you like a sport. The more you like it, the more you can happily watch less skilled players, if it's a cracking match.
So, back to the civil war theme, it was a rare treat when our local, very clubby Multnomah Cricket Club (MCC) played OU under the lights. Definitely the best of both worlds. (OSU didn't play them in 2009).
OU was at our picturesque little home ground back in May.
Nov 30, '09
You guys sure did a great job of completely missing the point of Carla's Article (especially you, Golden). She didn't say that Linfield would beat either of those two teams on a field, or that they would even be competitive games, or that more people nationally know about linfield compared to the state schools.
She just wanted to express her appreciation for a program that has shown a high level of success for over half a century while everyone else is getting excited over a match-up that has had no real significance beyond bragging rights long? She's proud of her school, proud of the program, whats wrong with letting people know about another great season happening in oregon?
Nov 30, '09
I too went to Linfield, and loved their football program. One of my classmates both there and in HS is the current Head Coach, Joe Smith. As the child of a high school teacher and a church secretary, I was able to attend Linfield due to a Honors Program Scholarship that paid for half of my tuition. It took me over 10 years to pay off the loans for the rest of the amount.
Carla is just pointing out that we have a football program in Oregon that has more winning seasons than the legendary Notre Dame! It's something to be proud of!
Nov 30, '09
Great post and follow ups, Carla. I couldn't agree more. Interesting to see Linfield portrayed as an "elite private school in wine country." When I was there nearly 30 years ago, it was a small country school with a sizable majority of students relying on loans, grants and other financial aid.
Nov 30, '09
I am an old guy that can remember back to when Linfield could have beat Oregon and OSU and I can remember the years when the first NFL player drafted from an Oregon school was from Linfield. But that means little or nothing now. Hooray for the Ducks and Beavers. You have done well. Hooray for Linfield you have done well this year too. Most of the posts here have been petty and small. Rejoice that all of our teams are doing well and hope they win more with honor. Go Wildcats!! Go Ducks!! Go Beavers!!
Nov 30, '09
Well in a sense Linfield is a elite private school in wine country but thats not a bad thing. We are a school with a decent ranking and it does cost an arm and and a leg to go there. I graduated a few years ago and most of the students there were middle to upper middle class and a lot of parent support to be there. That doesn't mean some kids didn't have tons of loans but there didn't seem to be that many working class kids there.
Nov 30, '09
Go Cats! Disclosure: Proud Linfield Alum! I didn't build their website or work for them, but my heart pumps purple and red...
Funny, I remember the rich kids went to UofO. They got to hang out and go out on the town while I was doing work study, living on campus and working during the summer there, and signing 10 years of my future earnings away in student loans. I got a $10 check from my grandma and it said "Pizza Money" in the memo. I remember that check, it was that big of a deal. Hardly anyone had cars on campus. It has strong Baptist affiliations and McMinnville itself has a high ratio of churches per capita. Liberal only applied to the type of education, certainly not the politics of the institution. Strong R's and D's have come from this great school. I don't think Carla's posts are about disliking UofO or OSU. We have work product that shows we care significantly about public education in Oregon. I am thrilled for the exposure Civil War is getting for the dollars and potential recruits (including my own son!). And who ever gets a trip to Pasadena, that is a good thing for Oregon. But for me, I am all about a Div III game at noon on Saturday in the tiny town of McMinnville that won't be covered by ESPN. A National Championship is at stake!
Nov 30, '09
Thanks for bucking the haters and spotlighting a great college football program. The D-I snobs have no idea what they're missing.
Nov 30, '09
Nice article Carla...I was there at Linfield the same time you were and saw our team bring home national championships in the early 80's...watching games in the rain with the field being one big muddy mess and so much standing water on the sidelines that the players had to stand on the benches so they weren't wading in water. Now they've got a nice pro-turf field and everybody stays clean...kinda takes some of the fun out of what I always thought was "tradional" Linfield football, but it's good to see them playing so well. Thanks to technology I got to watch the victory last week on the web even though I live 3000 miles away.
Go Cats!
Nov 30, '09
Liberal only applied to the type of education, certainly not the politics of the institution.
While it not Lewis and Clark or Reed it does have a strong Democratic presence on the campus. I would say it about 60-40 Democrats to Republicans. I remember signing people up for the Young Democrats before orientation and we got more signups than the Young Republican even though they had lots of swag and we just had a sign.
Nov 30, '09
Whoa a lot of comments missed the point on this great article. Doesn't mention anything about Linfield being able to take on UO or OSU, just an alumni showing pride for her college.
But for all you doubts out there, say this out loud: 54 years in a row Linfield College has had a winning season, without scholarships.
P.S. - Don't forget about Linfield Good Samaritan School of Nursing in Portland, which so happens to be ranked the #1 Nursing School in the country. You'd be surprised how many Linfield Nursing grads you've probably met at a hospital, doctor's office, etc.
Go Cats - Go Ducks
Nov 30, '09
Linfield grad attending med school in the Midwest, and bummed that SLU doesn't have a football team.
P.S. The scholarships that Linfield gave me made it cheaper to go there (including loans) than it would have been to attend the University of Washington or Washington State.
Nov 30, '09
As a progressive who attended UO on scholarship and work study, I just like to see some good football, regardless of who's playing it. I appreciate the game.
And what's with that utter BS some poster put out there about only liberals go to private school? What a bunch of baloney.
But Carla, seriously, grab some friends, have a good Oregon brew or three and watch the game on Thursday night. It's a big deal for Oregon (the state), and it's a big deal for anyone who likes to see the game played well by a bunch of kids under unbelievable pressure. There'll be some serious energy on tap in this state, regardless of where you went to school. You might just find yourself with your O-O-O-O-O-O face on! Go Ducks!
Nov 30, '09
Count me as another working class kid who went to Linfield with loans that I paid back over ten years. I played football for four years and loved every minute of my Linfield experience. As part of my work study, I then cleaned the Catdome after the home games. I am proud to be connected with such an outstanding program that doesn't use up players for their eligibility, but puts an emphasis on SCHOLAR-athlete. By far the majority of Linfield players graduate, and it is interesting to note how articulate they are during interviews, compared to some D1 players.
We'll be glued to our sets on Thursday, but the game in McMinnville on Saturday will be football in its finest form.
Thank you, Carla, for the attention you've given to Linfield and D3.
Dec 1, '09
Posted by: Pat | Nov 30, 2009 2:32:44 PM
Thanks for bucking the haters
Coded litmus test language! All those that don't know the secret handshake, please leave the room!
And now for a special message for non-haters:
Michael Jackson had beautiful dreams, and they were not of boys. He suffered from a disfiguring disease. Give generously. Everything is God. Think rainbows. Men keep hitting me with their pick-ups. Call a good personal injury lawyer. Everyone does it, Nixon got caught.
We now return you to the thread.
Dec 1, '09
I work at Linfield. I have also worked at Reed, Willamette and PSU. Reed kids and Willamette kids are often (but by no means always) very advantaged, while Linfield kids are most often nice middle class kids. I've never heard a Linfield kid talk about his or her stock portfolio, for example (I worked my way through all 3 of my degrees). All of these schools are good places that as an Oregonian, I'm proud to be associated with. If the Cats have a superb record, then I'm really pleased for them. It makes us all look good (even you, Golden)!
Dec 1, '09
The whole state wins this weekend. (Now that can't happen, can it?) The whole state should be busting with pride about the football about to be played. Many LINFIELD fans will be able to procure a ticket for the Thursday game and they will have their favorite. The rest will be watching on TV. What LINFIELD fans do not comprehend easily is why people not associated with the college do not then go out of their way to go see a game of great significance to the State of Oregon. LINFIELD has a NATIONAL REPUTATION for the state.
There were athletic scholarships at LINFIELD until their conference chose to join NCAA Division III long about 1998. BTW, LINFIELD won the National Championship in women's softball recently as well.
One of the most fun moments in LINFIELD sports history was not a football game but a weekday afternoon basketball game in McMinnville between the LINFIELD Junior Varsity and the U of O Frosh team that Bobby Moore was on (before the parking meter caper and the name change. LINFIELD would not let up and the Oregon team became very frustrated - and lost.
No injuries to all teams this week.
Dec 1, '09
I was at Linfield from 1982 to 1986. I never cared about football, which in retrospect was a bit of a shame -- Linfield was winning national championships every two years at that point, and if I was a football fan I could have had a really exciting time. I only watched part of one game. But what a game ... I couldn't have picked a better "only game I ever watched." It was a national championship, but I no longer remember which team they were playing.
I wandered into the TV lounge while the game was on, asked "what's going on" and one of the dispirited guys watching it said "we're getting our butts kicked." And we were. It was most of the way through the third quarter, and Linfield was down 22-0. At the very end of the third quarter, they scored (I think) a field goal, leading someone to resignedly say "at least it's not a shutout." I hung around for a bit, and then got sucked in and cheering right along with everyone else as Linfield scored 30 unanswered points in the fourth quarter and won the championship, 33-22. I got a little bit of the home team pride off of that.
I actually had no idea how Linfield was doing this year until Carla posted, but it's nice to hear that they're continuing their decades-long streak of winning seasons.
Dec 1, '09
Seriously, folks, we need to just sit back and enjoy the games. I am a proud Linfield grad too, now living in California (but hoping to move "home" someday). I am happy to hear the UO and OSU are playing so well, having lived through the horrible years. Anyone remember the 0-0 tie?
During those years Linfield was consistently winning, which made playing in the band much more enjoyable. (I got an activity grant for playing in the band, worked on campus, had an academic scholarship and loans; don't talk to me about "rich kids"). But the school is much more than just football. The whole environment is geared toward helping kids grow and learn - to expand their possibilities in life.
So root for your choice in the Civil War, and then root for Linfield on Saturday. Hopefully both games will provide positive publicity for the State of Oregon.
Dec 1, '09
Posted by: Mrs. Todd | Nov 30, 2009 7:02:09 AM
Did any of the staff of B/O NOT go to an expensive private school?
How did they overlook me? I went to TCU! Reconsider? Chortle.
And I'll be polite and not mention our wupp-ass performance this year. Oops.
Dec 1, '09
Thirty-five years ago I was a young professor at Linfield who enjoyed all sports and student activities at the campus. In subsequent years I taught at several "big name" universities...often having athletes in my classes...including several who went on to professional careers.
Somehow, though, the thrill of watching big-time football in packed 75,000 seat stadiums just never rose to the thrill of small-college football. At Linfield you got to know the student-athletes (as well as their parents, siblings and other assorted friend/relatives) both on campus and at the games. Mostly the athletes were serious students while, sadly, this is not often the case at big universities. Smaill-college athletes play their sport purely for the love of the game. While less skilled (of course), they are no less committed to being the best-they-can-be as a TEAM.
I'm thrilled that Linfield is again having a championship season and also thrilled that the OSU-UO game has national implications this year. May both of the games this week be injury-free and bring attention to Oregon sports.
12:06 p.m.
Dec 2, '09
Did any of the staff of B/O NOT go to an expensive private school? I remember Kari cheering for USC (University of Spoiled Children) Carla here is talking about an expensive liberal arts school in Oregon wine country.
Uh, for starters, BlueOregon doesn't have staff. We're all just volunteers here.
USC wasn't expensive for me. My father spent 17 years on faculty, and my tuition was an employee benefit for him.
As for "spoiled children", that's utter nonsense. According to a recent University of California Regents study, students at USC enter with a lower average family income than the average UC student. Admittedly, however, 10 years after graduation, the average USC alum has a higher personal incomes than the average UC alum.
If you call that "spoiled", well, so be it.
Dec 3, '09
Civil War decided, now I root for the Ducks.
Dec 4, '09
All things being even - Linfield is in their league the better team. Now of course a heavyweight is going to pound a featherweight but that is not the point to the bouts. Linfield's consistent winning against teams of colleges on par with them is incredibly impressive. It's not easy to never have a losing season in 54 years. Of course Linfield isn't heavyweight but they can still be a champion. To say a heavyweight boxing champion could beat a featherweight champ is really besides the point and silly. You appreciate the class difference and look at the relative ability - same here.
Go Wildcats - talk about class. As I recall, some years ago going into a national championship game one a key football player got into a fight with a cop and threw a punch. They pulled him from the big game and lost the championship. THAT is class on a while other level.
Dec 5, '09
I too am a Linfield grad, serving in Iraq this year, watching score updates on If you aren't a Duck or Beaver, you should still matter. I live in Duck country, work in Beaver country and still cheer for Linfield. I am glad for all the teams in Oregon having good season this year, enjoyed the Civil War hype, but don't knock me for believing in my team, my school, and the work required by all the students, rich or not, to attend Linfield. You can say it's a one step above high school football, but it takes the same time commitment as D-I football and you do have to go to class to stay on the team. But honestly, is a school good because of football, or it's an education thing?
Dec 12, '09
thanks for all admin Are you really cool