OR-4: Sid Leiken's campaign circles the drain
Kari Chisholm
October 15 was the deadline for congressional campaigns to report their fundraising totals for the three-month period from July 1 to September 30. And, as usual, the incumbents raked it in. (Here's a roundup by the O's Jeff Mapes.)
And given all the tribulations that GOPer Sid Leiken has faced, you might expect that his fundraising would be a little short of the total raised by Congressman Peter DeFazio.
But if you thought the former-rising-star mayor of Springfield was still a viable contender - potentially even "vigorous competition" - you'd be wrong.
Sid Leiken's campaign is functionally over. All that's left is for someone at the NRCC to fly in and administer the last rites.
Peter DeFazio has $582,000 cash-on-hand. But Politico's Josh Kraushaar reports that over the last three months, Sid Leiken raised just $18,000 -- and has only $21,000 cash-on-hand. Kraushaar calls him the "most disappointing of all" of the highly-touted candidate recruits in the nation. From Politico:
Every two years, there’s a group of highly-touted recruits who never manage to get their campaigns off the ground. This quarter’s reports give an idea of who might be part of the next crop of flops. ...Most disappointing of all was Springfield, Oregon, Mayor Sid Leiken, running against Democratic Rep. Peter DeFazio. A Republican whose candidacy generated early buzz, he’s all but disappeared from the national radar. Over the past three months, he raised just $18,000 and has only $21,000 left in his account. Pencil DeFazio in for a 13th term.
Meanwhile, the latest twist in the state investigation into the $2000 cash transaction that Leiken claims paid for a poll conducted by his mother's unregistered polling firm is truly bizarre.
In an October 2 response to a mid-September request for more information to prove the poll was actually conducted, Glenda Leiken offered the following explanation (pdf):
I used a disposable/single use phone to retain my privacy, as my cell phone is my only personal phone line. The cell phone account was closed over 5 months ago and the phone company does not retain phone records for closed accounts, therefore phone records are not available.
Seriously. A disposable phone.
Who uses disposable phones except drug dealers, terrorists, and criminals? If Leiken's P&G Marketing really was a legit business, wouldn't she at least have had a regular cell phone - if not a landline?
And, as you might imagine, the Elections Division wants more information (pdf):
1. In your response you state that you used a disposable/single use phone. What wireless provider/company did you use? What phone number was issued to that phone?2. When and where did you purchase the phone? What date did you cancel the service?
3. Was this a pre-paid or pay-as-you-go plan? How was the phone and service paid for, i.e. check, credit card? Please provide a copy of the receipt.
At every turn, it seems that the Leikens are trying to claim that the lack of evidence of the existence of this poll is just a funny coincidence, that's all a misunderstanding of a legitimate and above-board situation.
But with a misreported campaign expenditure, a cash transaction, an unsigned and undated receipt, an unregistered company, a missing "tally sheet", a disposable phone - well, what are we supposed to think happened here?
Previously on BlueOregon:
- June 19 - Sid Leiken already having money trouble...
- June 22 - More on that Sid Leiken funny money business
- July 8 - Sid Leiken's funny money business, part 3.
- July 14 - Leiken's statements don't match his C&E documents
- July 24 - Sid Leiken's implausible and baffling explanations continue
- July 27 - As state investigation continues, doubts about Sid Leiken's candidacy percolate
- August 22 - Sid Leiken tearfully admits to bogus transaction report
- August 24 - Politico calls Sid Leiken's tearful apology a "Muskie moment"
- August 27 - Pollsters call Sid Leiken's alleged poll "suspicious" and "impossible"
- September 15 - OR-4: State investigators demand details of alleged poll for Sid Leiken
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Oct 17, '09
Here's some things Sid Leiken could do to get his campaign back on track and be popular in Blue Oregon:
1:12 p.m.
Oct 17, '09
Tough to be a Republican these days, eh?
Oct 17, '09
I would not be so quick to count Leiken out. DeFazio might still decide to throw his hat into the Governors’ Race. If he does Leikien’s chances go way up. The likely Democrat candidates are not going to find defeating Leiken easy.
1:24 a.m.
Oct 18, '09
If DeFazio runs for governor, the other Republican candidates will easily crush Leiken. The only thing holding back primary opponents now is the prospect of facing DeFazio, not facing Leiken.
7:20 a.m.
Oct 18, '09
If DeFazio runs for governor, the other Republican candidates will easily crush Leiken. The only thing holding back primary opponents now is the prospect of facing DeFazio, not facing Leiken.
Oh, really? Name one.
Oct 18, '09
Someone please get Glenda Leiken a lawyer before she talks her way into some jail time.
9:42 p.m.
Oct 18, '09
Oh, really? Name one.
Rick Dancer?
10:22 p.m.
Oct 18, '09
Jack, I feel quite confident that if DeFazio doesn't run for reelection, the GOP field will not be Sid Leiken's all alone. And at this rate, just about anyone could beat him -- you, Rick, a state legislator, or even a mildly well-connected local official or businessperson.
6:30 a.m.
Oct 19, '09
Kari, two points:
To beat Sid, someone has to run against him (which definitely takes me out, and probably Rick Dancer as well).
You overestimate how much this flap is resonating with the average voter and underestimate how well Sid is known and how popular he is down here in Lane County.
I might add a third point, which you probably know as well as I do:
Oct 19, '09
Jack, I wish you would tour the city teaching people that it's MOOOOOOOOOOT, not MYEWT [mute].
I've given up trying to help ppl understand the difference between the two words and how to use them. Such delicious words, so much carnage.
Another one? Used up here a lot, blindly.
"'Everyone doesn't' clap their hands. Some rattle programs." as a f'rinstance.
That dolt just told me that NOBODY CLAPS and some rattle. What they meant to say to me was "NOT EVERYONE claps their hands. Some rattle programs." I've NEVER successfully explained that to a doltish user of the ubiquitous "EVERYONE DOESN'T".... I clearly remember, still, the first time I heard a PhD say taht in a lecture... I was astonished. And literally physically ill. I lost respect for them.
Heh. And I still have a visceral response to it when I hear it. I just no longer try to help them understand what they just said. I leave it alone. They do it on the news, in classes, seminars... everywhere!
8:34 a.m.
Oct 19, '09
RW, huh?!
Jack, yes #3 reigns here. It doesn't really matter that voters aren't paying attention. It's clear that donors are. And without any money, an opponent would be able to summarize the story in a compelling way for the voters and Sid wouldn't be able to effectively respond.
I'll add a #4: If DeFazio leaves, and another plausible GOPer gets in, I suspect Sid will drop out.
10:50 a.m.
Oct 19, '09
I don't know, rw, maybe when you hear people say mute, they're trying to send you a different message. :-)
Oct 19, '09
At this point, it seems as though a piece of lichen would stand a better chance than Sid Leiken.
The Leikens are ignoring what Molly Ivins called the first rule of holes--stop digging.
Oct 19, '09
He's my Mayor. I really like what he's done for the city, and would like him to stay put.
That said, I would never vote for him anywhere else. I don't want anyone with an (R) behind their name "representing" me in national office.
Would like to see DeFazio stay put too. He and Wyden are good guys, representing us well.
I haven't been following Leiken's poll problem, but it sounds like it's getting interesting.
Oh, and I think "Who uses disposable phones except drug dealers, terrorists, and criminals?" was a really stupid thing to say.
Oct 19, '09