Ask the Next Governor A Question - Win A Ticket!
Steve Novick
The DPO is running a contest - if they pick YOUR QUESTION to ask Kitzhaber or Bradbury or Shields at their joint appearance at the DPO Summit, you might win a free ticket to the Summit. Go to their site and send in your question suggestions! Ask the tough questions - John Kitzhaber, what's the most wasteful medical procedure ever? Bill Bradbury, what's the most disgusting case of initiative fraud you ever saw? Steve Shields, who's your favorite fellow Shields in Oregon politics - Frank, Meredith or Chip? (Yes, I know, Meredith is just one Shield, but I don't want to leave her out.) Things like that.
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2:53 p.m.
Oct 5, '09
Well, almost right - as long as Bradbury can talk about medical procedures or Kitzhaber can talk about initiative fraud.
From the site's guidelines:
Oh, and the "third candidate" is apparently Steve Shields, even though he's not a candidate yet.
Oct 5, '09
Gosh, I have a question: What about those of us who don't tweet, twat, twerp or face or whateverinhell it's called? I got an email about this from the DPO -- apparently email is cool, so why won't they accept questions via email?
Oct 5, '09
Here's a question:
What will you do to run a positive two way campaign which engages voters in debate with you, rather than just running ads?
About this 3rd guy, who is he, where does he stand on any issue? What does he know about how government works? Does he think money and political consultants win elections? Does he realize the importance of grass roots aka "ground game"?
And why is this contest valuable to those who can't afford to go to Sunriver for the weekend?
4:14 p.m.
Oct 5, '09
LT, posting a question here isn't a way to enter the contest.
4:47 p.m.
Oct 5, '09
The "here's how to enter" section explains it. Twitter is the second of the choices.
Oct 5, '09
I couldn't use the prize if I won, Kari. So why enter?
6:59 p.m.
Oct 5, '09
Will you support efforts to make the Flying Spaghetti Monster the state Diety?
If so, explain how you will promote the celebration of Talk Like a Pirate Day within the state bureacracy in general and in the K-12 education sector in particular.
Oct 5, '09
Question: What will you do to reform our tax policy to make it equitable for the middle class and provide stable funding for vital public infrastructure in Oregon?
P.S. Thanks, Steve, for your excellent appearance on KGW defending the new tax revenues for Oregon schools.
Oct 5, '09
The Flying Spagetti MOnster is a mediocre none-der ground sensation. Find something more "smart"!
Ignore him, guv. He's doing anti-Hallmark schtick and has missed the train on Clever!
Oct 5, '09
Christ LT - lighten up! Have a quaalude dude!
;).... send in a jaundiced, cranky question anyway. You can give the ticket to your much-hated mother in law.
Or sumpin'.:),,,,
Oct 5, '09
Because Geo: it's a conspiracy. Thank god you noticed it too. Ehhh. :)
Oct 6, '09
I actually found Steve Shields web site- I can sum it up- he thinks he's genius level because he used to work for a tech giant and all we need is him to make it all better. The pablum is the same old stuff but written for a little better educated audience. Very boring- I had to force myself to read it to see if there was anything concrete about anything- not. No questions for Steve.
So I lauched a quest to see if these is any question that might produce any difference between Kitzbury and Bradhaber-
Our Virginia based consultants ran this through the computer base and we came up with a good one likely to expose their major differences:
Will the candidates explain whether angling with a barbed-hook on the Deschu'tes River should be a felony or a misdemeanor?
Hey guys here's my question:
Will you accept self-imposed limitations to exclude any corporate campaign contributions and accept contributions only from Oregon?
If I win Steve you can have my ticket and I won't win either because that would put the Bobbsey Twins on the spot. I could vote for either of them actually but I'm really good about rationalizing poor choices. It helps to be if you are a Democrat.
Oct 6, '09
George Anonymuncule Seldes wrote:
"Gosh, I have a question: What about those of us who don't tweet, twat, twerp or face or whateverinhell it's called? I got an email about this from the DPO -- apparently email is cool, so why won't they accept questions via email?"
I hate to bust anybody's bubble but they really don't care about your question dude- all they are trying to do is boost the Tweeter and FaceBook lists because you have to register with both to submit a question then they can tweet and facebook you all year-
Oct 6, '09
John: more than likely you are RIGHT. This is a sneaky way to build political action Web 2.0 lists.
Oct 7, '09
i would ask what are you going to do to make oregon more business friendly and what are you going to do to reduce our 12.2% unemployment rate?the current governor kulongoski has done absolutely nothing to get our unemployment rate down and is so invisible its riddiculous.kulongoski is the worst governor in the nation and the worst governor oregon has ever had
Oct 7, '09
Posted by: rw | Oct 6, 2009 11:41:49 AM
John: more than likely you are RIGHT. This is a sneaky way to build political action Web 2.0 lists.
So, the Party is no better than the outright fraudsters that put a picture of Obama up, with a picture of two buttons, captioned, "Would you impeach Obama?", simply to get a click-through URL. It's been said 1,000,000 times, but it is no less true. Dems, post 2000, seem to feel that if someone has done it once, made a buck and didn't go to jail, it's worth trying again!
Oct 7, '09
I twitted my question, but am asking it here, because I would actually like to know mainstream Dems opinion on it (Reps, et al. too), and I doubt it'll get selected.
Oregon has had some outstanding governors. Real people of vision. Real people, full stop. In all but a handful of cases- and those predate the Raygun Devolution- Salem bureaucracy and entrenched interests have seen their ideas watered down to the point of being unrecognizable, or killed them outright.
That trend is stronger than ever today. So, why should we accept that there is a linkage between the Governor and what happens in Oregon? There are some great ideas out there. How exactly will they get executed? I can't get excited about the ideas until I can at least imagine an answer to that one.
I think we're rapidly moving towards a point, that is where the Dutch monarchy are today, politically. It's a big, important office. You represent the State away and at home, and are supposed to look classy doing it. But you have no power. Queen Beatrix once remarked meeting Nelson Mandela, when he was President, that they were glad that South Africa had put apartheid behind them. She was raked over the coals in the Netherlands. That was a POLITICAL statement; a statement of policy! How dare she? Who does she think she is?
<h2>No, the Dutch monarchy gets points for the Prince Consort's going public with his clinical depression, and for drinking cheap Luxembourger champagne. The Queen's sister has good dress sense. Isn't this exactly where we're going with the Governor's office? The bit about the Beatrix's sister doesn't sound like Kitz's SO?</h2>