Gubernatorial scuttlebutt: Lynn Peterson, Bill Bradbury, Peter DeFazio, John Kroger.
Kari Chisholm
In the wake of John Kitzhaber's entry into the race, and Brian Clem's departure, the governor's race appears to be heating up. Here's what people are talking about this week:
- Clackamas County Chair Lynn Peterson is considering a run for Governor. From the O's Jeff Mapes:
Clackamas County Chairwoman Lynn Peterson told me she has launched an exploratory campaign for governor. She's testing the notion of whether voters might be interested in a fresh face - she's 40 and has just seven years in elective office at the local level...
Peterson doesn't have a campaign rap down yet. When I asked her why she's looking at the race, she replied:
"Having been successful at the local level on putting forward a vision for reforming government as well as accountability and transparency in decision-making as well as innovative programs at Clackamas County, it's been an eye-opener of how we really implement all of the state regulations, laws and programs at the local level."
She went off in that wonkish vein, talking about how she's made progress on a wide variety of issues in the state's third largest county, from transportation to facilities for the mentally ill.
- Former Secretary of State Bill Bradbury appears to edging closer to announcing a run for Governor - something he's talked publicly about for quite some time. He's hired a campaign manager, Jeremy Wright, who penned a guest column here in support of the major league soccer proposal. Today, WW reported that another former governor, Barbara Roberts, will be on hand for Bradbury's big announcement next week.
- On Wednesday, Congressman Peter DeFazio is still considering a race for Governor, according to the O's Charlie Pope:
Despite saying he would decide by Labor Day, Oregon Rep. Peter DeFazio says he is still considering whether to run for governor or for a 13th term in Congress.
DeFazio said in an interview Wednesday he is still analyzing his choices and declined to set a specific deadline for an announcement.
But he used tougher rhetoric than he has in the past about the Obama administration, expressing "disappointment" with its leadership. ...
DeFazio did say this would be a good time to be governor because the state's problems are so numerous and deep that voters might be willing to accept "structural" changes in Salem that are need to stabilize the state.
"Well, Oregon has a pile of problems too," he said. "But I live in Oregon, I love the state and I've observed state government for a number of years and I think we've got to really shake up state government, make some pretty dramatic changes," he said.
- And finally, despite Jack Bogdanski's musings, his former law school colleague, Attorney General John Kroger is not running for Governor. Back in December, Kroger told me, "When you start blogging about who's in and who's out, you tell 'em that I'm out." Since there'd been no official word lately, I confirmed that today with Ben Unger, who was his campaign manager in 2008, and recently
leftannounced that he'll be leaving the AG's office to go run the Oregon Senate Democrats campaign operation. He's out. - Oh, and Allen Alley stopped walking. Yawn.
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10:28 p.m.
Sep 10, '09
[Full disclosure: In 2004, my firm built the campaign website for Bill Bradbury. In 2006 and 2008, my firm built Lynn Peterson's campaign website. I speak only for myself.]
Sep 10, '09
Kari, Since you link to Jack Bogdanski's post about Kroger, I'd like to apologize for my snide response to you in the comment section over there. There's no reason it has to take that tone. Perhaps you were chapped by some comments I made earlier here that were an attempt at political humor in the tradition of Will Rogers. Whatever. In closing:
If there is a God in heaven USC will crush Ohio State this weekend.
Sep 10, '09
This is why I hate Democratic primaries. We love you all, why must we take sides?
I suppose it's a lovely problem to have -- too much talent in the ring.
Sep 10, '09
Kroger not running THIS TIME.
I'm still convinced he parachuted into Oregon from NY because politics there is a real logjam and he's hoping that after some time as AG he can be Governor.
This isn't that uncommon, for an East Coaster to pick out a smallish Western state to parachute into, for political purposes. Think Bill Richardson and NM.
11:12 p.m.
Sep 10, '09
Kroger moved to Oregon in large part because it's a wonderful place to live & raise children. he's got a young son, and the Portland area will be great for the Kroger family.
John is the real deal. i've had numerous chances to chat with him, and few can speak of progressive politics as passionately and eloquently as he can (he speaks slower than Jefferson Smith, so you can understand a few more words, too). if he thought his political career might do better here than NY, yay for us. we gain an excellent AG and a dedicated citizen. i'm glad he's here.
11:32 p.m.
Sep 10, '09
I know little about Lynn Peterson other than that she was a transportation engineer before she was a county commissioner. I like it that she is young (40 is young compared to the others) and I would like to encourage more candidates to run. I think we need new ideas and a generational change. But does she have new ideas? Or does her transportation engineer background incline her to favor highways and bridges over other policy alternatives? Would she favor a carbon tax to reduce carbon emissions? Does she have a more international view of Oregon's future in which selling to the rest of the world increases (because that's where the growing markets are)? And would she support more Mandarin and high school study abroad programs in Oregon public schools?
I hope DeFazio has the good sense to stay in the House where he is needed.
5:43 a.m.
Sep 11, '09
T.A., did I read you correctly, that Kroger moved to Oregon because he has a young son? Maybe I'm confused about when Kroger moved to Oregon and when he became a father. Can you enlighten me on this?
Sep 11, '09
no, Jack, i'm just saying that for many people, Oregon is a superior place to raise a family. the lack of income for many jobs in our state is frequently offset by the quality of life (ask those who choose to teach at our universities). i can't speak to his full reasons for moving here, but i am convinced he loves living here, loves the state and is dedicated to progressive politics and the people he serves. i'm not one of the cynics who've written him off as an Eastern carpetbagger.
7:38 a.m.
Sep 11, '09
TA, you wrote "he's got a young son." I'm confused. Does he or not?
8:01 a.m.
Sep 11, '09
John Kroger married a fabulous women on August 1st, 2009 in Ashland. Her delightful son rang the church bells at the end of the wedding.
Sep 11, '09
"Oh, and Allen Alley stopped walking. Yawn."
Geez, Kari, give the guy a break.
8:32 a.m.
Sep 11, '09
Kroeger is a rare one. I've talked to him several times face-to-face too, and so fgar as I know, he's always said what he'd do and done what he's said. Somewhere around half of the Oregon population is from out of state, so the carpetbagger thing doesn't impress this Oregon native all that much. Finally, if he says he ain't running this cycle take it to the bank.
Peterson is a totally detail and process oriented wonk regarding her work habits and is a great campaigner as well. Kinda like Al Gore without the arrogance. Additional points for Gen X status. If she decides to jump into this one (admittedly a tuffy against Dr. No), she'll start at the top of my list.
Sep 11, '09
Why do I have a picture in my mind of Kitz playing "whack-a-mole" as these folks heads pop up as actual or potential candidates?
Sep 11, '09
I have a question or two for Lynn Peterson:
Is the county's decision to close its medical facilities an example of "accountability and transparency in decision-making"? Because, I gotta tell you, a lot of us up here in Sandy and northeast Clackamas County sure don't think so. You left us high and dry up here on the mountain, blithely telling we OHP clients that a clinic in Woodburn would take up the slack. As a transportation wonk, have you ever charted the journey from Sandy to Woodburn, especially via public transportation?
The county dangled the carrot of the long-promised expanded medical and public assistance facilities in Sandy when they tried to locate a secure halfway house for the criminally mentally ill here a few years back. That didn't happen*, and less than five years later, we're left with nothing. No medical facilities at all, and still, the long trip to either Oregon City or Milwaukee for human services.
[*The secure residential home was eventually built in Milwaukee, and the process was just as contentious as the one in Sandy. It got built, so I guess that is progress, though I daresay the county learned nothing about transparency in the way they presented this to the two communities.]
I know Clackamas County is huge, but we up here on the mountain are sick of being ignored. I guess there's your old urban-rural divide on a more local level. To be fair, I don't know how Ms. Peterson herself stood on these issues, only how the Board acted. But I'd sure like to know before getting behind her for Governor.
Sep 11, '09
This isn't that uncommon, for an East Coaster to pick out a smallish Western state to parachute into, for political purposes.
And the problem? East coast transplants aren't getting appointed by fiat, they have to actually run in an election and convince people to vote for them. I don't give a damn where someone was born or where they've lived, if they are smart and talented and dedicated to Oregon (Kroger is all three), then what's the problem?
As a native Oregonian, I've never understood Oregon provincialism. Maybe it's because I moved away for awhile and came to realize there are a lot of people outside of Oregon who are a hell of a lot smarter than those currently in charge in this state. I hope ALL of them move here and decide to run for office.
10:45 a.m.
Sep 11, '09
Thanks, T.A. I'm not calling Kroger a carpetbagger or anything else, I was just confused that you seemed to be saying he moved here because it was a great place to raise his son and I thought he was single when he came to Oregon.
I did hear he was going to get married on August 1, although I found it extremely difficult to find that information on any of his many biographies and personal information available on the internet, or any reference to his step-son.
Given what happens to so many politicians who constantly brag about their family values, I find it refreshing to have an elected official who keeps his private life private.
Sep 11, '09
Kitzhaber is light years more qualified than Peterson and much more popular than her, DeFazio and Bradbury combined. Gov/Doc can lend strength to the top of the ticket. The anti-taxers will be soon out in force on legislative races and we need to pick up seats, not gamble them.
We should not risk our relative gains on health care, mental illness treatment and tax equity at the last session.
And let us not forget that without Kitzhaber's 20 years of leadership, activism and organization those gains on health care would not have been possible.
This is not even close. Line up behind proven leadership or risk an upset in 2010.
Sep 11, '09
If Kitzhaber was so qualified, why hasn't he done anything since he left office.
Ok, he talked about healthcare, and so did the rest of the country.
Sep 11, '09
"We should not risk our relative gains on health care, mental illness treatment and tax equity at the last session."
Fireslayer: just curious, but where was Kitzhaber the last 8 years while so many Dems worked their tails off to build the legislative majorities that made those gains possible?
He went home after saying Oregon was "ungovernable" and others have made it governable. The risk is in putting someone who seems more about himself and not about the team back into the governor's office.
Sep 11, '09
Dr. Kithaber was a pretty good Governor for the time. I would be very interested in why he wants to run again, why the state is "governable" now when it wasn't when he left office, what his plans are for the future and how he expects to work with his legislature regardless which party is in the majority.
Sep 11, '09
I am thrilled that Lynn Peterson is exploring a run for Governor as she is one of the brightest young leaders in the state. I’ve seen her work up close and know her to be downright tireless in her efforts to work across urban, suburban and rural divides to solve problems such as an intractable sewer expansion plan and transportation funding. These issues aren’t sexy but Lynn’s track record distinguisher her as a leader rather than a talker. She also convinced County voters to modernize their form of government for the first time in 150 years.
Kitzhaber is certainly the odds on favorite in the democratic primary but I think that he is much more vulnerable in a general election than progressives think. The respective tenures of the last two democratic governors ended in complete economic meltdown and severe budget cuts. These problems were largely caused by external factors, but the point is that voters are going to be in a change mood next year and no matter what you think of Kitzhaber it is hard to characterize him as the change candidate.
Go Lynn!!!
Sep 11, '09
Im a "transplant" to Oregon, but I love this place with all of my heart. Its a great State to bring up kids and just to "be". I like Kroger.
Sep 11, '09
Somewhat off topic, but for those with an ear to the political machine, is Gordo likely to run for Gov as the R candidate? Seems like his participation might have a substantial impact on who the Ds should nominate. Kitz seems like the best choice to face Gordo in a "Battle of the Titans" general election. On the other hand, if the Rs nominate one of their usual nut jobs, any respectable D should have a fair chance.
Sep 11, '09
has a great discussion going on which falls under the category of that old game show WHO DO YOU TRUST?
The Back to Basics, "all funds budget" people don't think there should be any restriction on using any funds--incl. federal funds and money from bond sales for things like building buildings and roads? Didn't we have a fight like this when Republicans controlled the legislature? Could they get all of their own members to go along with that approach?
Any serious candidate for Gov. would be able to state their view on the "all funds budget" question. Are they with the anti-taxers, or with the Ways and Means Co-Chairs and others who say they are not allowed to use all of the various funds in the all funds budget?
In answer to Greg D., I don't think Gordon would be a serious candidate for Gov. if he can't answer that question. Just as he was defeated for US Senate by a legislative presiding officer (couldn't say Jeff didn't have enough experience since Jeff had the same legislative experience and intern experience besides), former Gov. Kitzhaber, in that trademark dry voice, would ask really tough questions---like he did of Denny Smith in 1994. And after all those years in DC, does Gordon still remember how state government works?
Sep 13, '09
I really like Lynn Peterson. She is dynamic, smart, friendly, visionary and an energetic campaigner and policy maker. How's that for starters?
Having said that, running for gov. as a county commissioner is a huge challenge. Just ask Don Clark and Bev Stein, respected former commissioners from Mult. Co.who arguably got more press than those in Clackamas and WA Counties. Clark ran in '82 and finished way behind Kulongoski with about 20% and Stein ran long and hard with good staff and fundraising in '02 , but still finished third behind Ted K and Jim Hill with about 23%.
Commissioners aren't know outside their counties, and usually spend much less per capita than legislative candidates, so don't generate the same ID. I know Lynn becaue I lived in Clackamas and was active in the party.
A Commissioner background provides a much better base for a congressionl candidate, for example Hooley, DeFazio and Blumenauer.
7:02 p.m.
Sep 13, '09
The Kitz just broke 8,000 supports today on Facebook. That was quick.
If this were a game of poker (some political scientists compare US politics to the game of poker), I would say he just went all in on the first hand.
In the interest of full disclosure, I am a Kitzhaber supporter.
Sep 13, '09
Tim and Grant, I am a huge fan of Kitzhaber and all the good he did in politics (not just the Oregon Health Plan ) incl. being a serious Sen. President after the one who was a joke (think Obama after W) and bringing an attitude of possibility and the ability to look at issues from different perspectives.
But many of us believed in Ted Kulongoski in 2002 and were greatly disappointed. So was born the "spectator caucus"---very friendly with people we have known for years who are running, but no jumping on any bandwagons until we start hearing intelligent debate.
This should be the year of "I am supporting _ because I like the idea of ---- which the campaign is discussing".
How about ideas for a change instead of the shallow rhetoric of 2006?
6:18 a.m.
Sep 14, '09
My big issue is higher education in Oregon. I told then Governor exactly who I was (a student activist at the time) and what I wanted to do (shake up the OUB Board essentially) and he appointed me to do just that in 2000. He knew then that there were problems. Our current governor replaced the entire board (after I left) and continued the shake up the system but on a bigger scale. On that issue, I am a bit of a super-nerd and I trust the good Dr. to make the right surgical cuts (if he needs to operate). If another candidate tries to one-up him on the higher education issue I expect the good Dr. to one up them in return – in fact, I am willing to help him do just that. Everything else is really important but read this so you can understand my focus on this higher education.
6:31 a.m.
Sep 14, '09
In the interest of full disclosure, my father worked his ass off for OHSU for nearly 20 years. They had to hire two people to replace him when he left to join the Buckeyes in Ohio. I am a product of public higher education in Oregon, Lakeridge h.s. graduate and I earned my b.s. in poly sci and my masters of public administration here too. All that because of socialism! Lol. But seriously, the OUS and I have some history.
Sep 14, '09
Excellent SJ column from someone who has known both Kitzhaber and Bradbury for many years.
Ron has a good point--- Kitzhaber with a worthy challenger would be better than Kitzhaber running virtually unopposed.
Show us your detailed plans for budget and tax reform, various issues debated in the last session, proposals from the Public Comm. on the Legislature and other serious issues. Don't give us generic language, give us specifics.
Are you for kicker reform? What is your proposal?
Demand the data to back up the slogan "job killing taxes". What would be wrong with a tax break to reward jobs created, rather than giving tax breaks in the hopes someone creates lasting jobs? How many jobs were created after the measure 30 election, compared to government jobs cut (or not filled)? If one owns a store, does it matter if customers are paid by public, private, nonprofit sector? Or just that they have enough disposable income to shop in the store?
What does the Dept. of Revenue say about the amount of tax breaks (aka tax expenditures) in the past few years relative to the amount in the general fund?
Are middle kids (not honor students, not falling behind, the C+ or B- kind of secondary students) being ignored? What is the solution.
We have enough very bright people in Oregon that we deserve full blown intelligent debates on such issues. If for no other reason than the shallowness of the 2006 Gov. election and the young people who have never been treated to as intelligent a Gov. election as we have seen for other major offices.
Otherwise, why would anyone pay attention?
Sep 16, '09
Usually I get on this blog and trash John Kitzhaber, and though I will be supporting Bill Bradbury in the primary, I do have to give a shout out to Kitz and his team; when his ad started popping up on my personal Facebook page, I asked that it be removed and that got done very promptly. I also requested that my name be taken off any phone bank or canvassing databases and I trust that this will also get done. Even though he knows he can't count on my vote, he was respectful and honored my request. Wish I could get all politicians to stay off my doorstep and stop haranguing me during dinner but that might be too much to expect. Obama once called this the "silly season" and I tend to agree :)
Sep 20, '09
Dave Porter:
I know little about Lynn Peterson other than that she was a transportation engineer before she was a county commissioner.
Bob T:
I don't think so. In fact, I really doubt this. She wasn't when she interned at Kittelson (Transportation Eng firm) and if she found the time since then to earn any degree in this I don't know how she could.
Dave Porter:
does her transportation engineer background incline her to favor highways and bridges over other policy alternatives?
<b<bob t:<="" b="">
Don't worry about this. Since she has no such background she's not interested in roads -- she's in fact yet another supporter of the light rail industrial complex and once advocated a line to Boring (!!!). That's pretty stupid.
Bob Tiernan Portland