Concerned about signature collectors? Write this down: 877-560-6677

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

For quite a few years, there's been a lot of concern about the integrity of the signature collection process for ballot measures - including rampant fraud and forgery, initiative racketeering, and more. Even folks on the right have gotten into the act, concocting bizarre sabotage theories and suggesting intimidation.

Well, the Secretary of State announced today that there's a new hotline for you to call if you witness bad behavior - whether it's signature forgery or intimidation to prevent legitimate signatures.

The number to call is 877-560-6677. (I'd have gone with something that's easier to remember, but hey, 877-560-OOPS gets us part-way there.)

From the statement:

The hotline, 877-560-6677, will gather reports from anyone who suspects wrongdoing in the process. That could involve illegal activities by someone collecting signatures or someone using undue influence to prevent a voter from signing a petition. The complaints may involve petitions for a referendum, a citizen initiative, a nomination or for a recall election.

“All over the state I hear concerns from Oregonians who have come to doubt the security of the process,” said Brown, who oversees the Elections Division. “We have new tough, effective laws to restore integrity to the system and this hotline gives us extra eyes from the public to help us track down violators.”

The number is not designed to hear complaints about other aspects of the election system, such as registration or ballots. But all complaints received on the system will be reviewed and could lead to a full investigation, up to and including criminal penalties.

Good work, folks.

  • Ralph (unverified)

    The simplest & safest way to collect signatures for the 3 referrals is to:

    1. Download as many petitions and explanations as you want from the chief petitioners website. It is a petition for 1 signature.
    2. Give the petition and instructions to as many people as you want. If they sign, put the petitions in an envelope and mail 'em to the appropriate address.

    This way if a signed petition is kicked out ONLY one signature is lost instead of a sheet of 5 or 10, etc.

    Learn the rules, play their game.

  • (Show?)

    A trade secret, or would you like to explain how you got Bill Sizemore's cell phone number, Kari? :P

  • urbanplanningoverlord (unverified)

    I suppose you wanted 1-877-FASCIST?

  • Travis Diskin (unverified)


    While e-petitions are a great grassroots way to get signatures, the process you've outlined is currently illegal.

    It may sound counter-intuitive, but the requirements of e-petitions state clearly that the signor has to be the one that printed the petition on which they sign.

    <h2>I think it would be great if they changed that policy to allow for any individual to sign the single signature sheet, but for now, you cannot do that.</h2>

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