Quick Hits: Catching up

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

So, I was on the road last week at Netroots Nation - and I'm just getting caught up on all the news. Some items that grabbed my attention and probably deserve your comment:

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    Pardon the mixed metaphor, but since it's the height of "Shark Attack!" season: Hasn't the "Will John Kitzhaber run for __ " teaser jumped the shark by now?

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    I wonder how long the ORGOP will keep letting Tiernan spin their wheels before they opt out?

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    The Wyden interview was very disappointing. He spent a lot of the time repeating Republican talking points. Among them, that any Medicare savings in the House or Senate Dem. bill will do harm to seniors.He also attacked the Dems for not pursuing his brand of "bipartisanship." Thanks for the shiv, Ron!

    In the meantime his negotiating partner, Chuck Grassley says he probably won't vote for his own negotiated bipartisan bill. And today Sen. Jon Kyl said there was no way Rs were going to vote for any bill coming from the Dems.

    WTF do you think you are doing, Ron?

  • Anonymous (unverified)

    Let's be clear about one thing, because Kari just really isn't that smart.

    Shrader has NOT demonstrated here he is for true public option. What he has done, just like some Blue Cross Democrats, and our Senator Wyden, has just been a sleazy politician and tried to steal that term for something quite different.

    But Shrader was part of the arrogant, sleazy faction of the Democratic Party in our state legislature so this type of low-class attempt to deceive voters is no surprise coming from him.

  • LT (unverified)

    "Shrader was part of the arrogant, sleazy faction of the Democratic Party in our state legislature"

    Cong. Schrader arrogant? Depends on who you talk to. His Cong. staff have been very friendly and positive, and his legislative staff were extremely helpful. I was looking for actual budget information, and was provided that information very clearly.

    Anon, you are not the first person to misspell the name. The last person who did that -in an attack email--didn't fare very well politically.

    If one side is yelling Nazi and socalism, and the other side is complaining about "just like some Blue Cross Democrats", how does actual legislation get written?

    Steven Pearlstein has a column on the Washington Post, "Time to give up on the public option". Claims it is no more than a litmus test for the left.

    Those who are really supporters of the public option would do better to go to washingtonpost.com, find the column, click on the his name and send him an email.

    <h2>Of course, that might require some thought.</h2>

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