WTF: Sarah Palin resigns as Governor of Alaska
Karol Collymore
Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, says she won't run for her seat again and not only that, she's stepping down at the end of July. Her press conference isn't yet over, but it's all over CNN and MSNBC. Here is what MSNBC has.
Hypothesize away!
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Jul 3, '09
Yeah - why? Is something MORE going on than that cute article in Vanity Fair?
Attempted to get to 'Mudflats' and there's an error in connecting. Oh noes! The toobz must be broke!
Jul 3, '09
Methinks the woman has some skeletons in the closet that are about to pop out. Maybe footage of Todd calling for Alaskan secession.
1:06 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
Maybe it was a tryst with Sanford....
Jul 3, '09
She probably has some fancy pageant walkin' to practice -- and playing Governor was taking up too much time.
Jul 3, '09
Maybe a tryst with Ann Coultergeist?
Jul 3, '09
she's going hiking on the Appalachian Trail
Jul 3, '09
Gee, perhaps spending a year being demonized in the mainstream press would make someone want to run away from the spotlight screaming. After all, she and her family have been treated with so much dignity this whole time...
Jul 3, '09
Maybe she's going on conservative radio with her own Sarah Palin show. I honestly don't think she's intelligent enough to be president, seriously.
Jul 3, '09
It really is amazing at how distorted your view of things get when you live your life looking at the world through partisan glasses.
Take them off and see the world as it really is. Oh yeah, turn off Fox News. It's rotting your brain.
1:30 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
She's running for President. Now she can write her book and go on the speaking circuit like Newt is doing.
Jul 3, '09
If Biden was put in place to become CINC following an unfortunate arugula choking tragedy, Bubbles the chimp must also be smart enough to be president.
If the bar was low for Junior, it was slammed to the floor with Biden's nomination as VP.
Jul 3, '09
Another nail in the GOP coffin if she is the 2012 nominee. There is a related post at
Jul 3, '09
NEW YORK — Jack Nicholson said Wednesday that he "warned" Gov. Sarah Palin.
The 72-year-old Oscar winner was dining at the Wolseley restaurant in London when a photographer told him about Palin's resignation.
After saying, "That's awful," Jack added “I warned her," but refused to elaborate.
2:21 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
This is pest control at its finest. Palin is a conniving, self-centered, empty-headed, know-nothing, selfish, self-destructing, corrupt politician. One can only hope that the rumored "iceberg scandal" will drive a nail through the heart of her incipient campaign for any other position -- although the spectacle of her running for president would certainly be fun to watch.
2:21 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
"Americans Never Quit. We never surrender. We never hide from history. We Make History."
-John McCain
Jul 3, '09
I hope to heck she is not preparing her bid for the Presidency. It's not that I wouldn't mind a woman leading the country. but I definitely don't want one who has a belief in God, strong family values, and a strong desire to see the U.S. prosper.
Especially disturbing is that she seems to not hate men.
Jul 3, '09
It is remarkable that one of the biggest aspects to the 2008 election was the discussion of the qualification of Sarah Palin to be VP. Yet at the end of the day we ended up with the biggest buffoon on the planet as VP. Go figure.
“Look, John’s last-minute economic plan does nothing to tackle the No. 1 job facing the middle class, and it happens to be, as Barack says, a three-letter word: jobs. J-O-B-S.” - Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States.
Jul 3, '09
You know she is working something on the side. Everyone has a side gig for more cash. I teach during the day and make money on my site and teach others to do the same there. Check it out...she probably did LOL!
Jul 3, '09
I'm assuming someone in the press has found out about her Argentine lover.
Too bad. As a partisan Democrat, I believe the Disasta from Alaska has been one of the best gifts to my political party since J. Danforth Quayle.
"If Biden was put in place to become CINC following an unfortunate arugula choking tragedy, Bubbles the chimp must also be smart enough to be president.
If the bar was low for Junior, it was slammed to the floor with Biden's nomination as VP."
OK Boats, I'll bite. How does a 35-year US Senator with experience chairing three committees lower the experience bar for serving as VP? I've heard people complain that OBAMA didn't have enough experience for the job, but not Biden. He's one of the most seasoned politicians in DC.
Jul 3, '09
You are a hypocrite, and it is amazing how distorted your view of things get when you live your life looking at the world through partisan glasses. How could you honestly say she was treated fairly by the media?...and the sad part, there are people like you all over the country.
Jul 3, '09
"It is remarkable that one of the biggest aspects to the 2008 election was the discussion of the qualification of Sarah Palin to be VP. Yet at the end of the day we ended up with the biggest buffoon on the planet as VP. Go figure."
Are you freakin' serious? Palin is probably the reason Obama is president right now.
2:52 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
What the hell??
I'll confess that my first emotional reaction was disappointment--there has rarely been an easier target in the GOP than Sarah Palin, and losing her as a governor will take some of the punch out of that.
But I'd be willing to bet my last two bucks that there's a bomshell--corruption, scandal, something--already aloft and ready to explode. Stay tuned...
Jul 3, '09
When the Republican Party made Sarah Palin the VP nominee, I was deeply concerned. Could this really be the difference? Was there enough time to see through her before this swung the election to McCain?
and cynical this choice was.
Jul 3, '09
In my best SNL David Spade impersonation let me be the first to say, "Buh-Bye!"
Jul 3, '09
She's just thinking of others, that's why she abandoned her leadership role in Alaska to focus on her book, fundraising on the lecture circuit, and building bona fides for a 2012 run. Oh yeah and it's for the family.
Jul 3, '09
Two things:
1) There's going to be a release of emails between Palin and RW radio blowhard Eddie Burke coming out soon. That might serve up a healthy portion of "OMG, she did WHAT?", but if she thinks no one will care now, she's wrong.
2) Sarah has always wanted to be rich and famous. She's gotten the famous part down pat, but staying in office restricts her ability to milk this cow for all it's worth. I predict a TV gig on Fox, plus heavy circulation on the speech and fundraising circuits. She'll "write" a few books, and it will all be worth a fortune. No one will be able to complain about her travel, her shopping or her partisan stance since she won't be in public office ever again. She wants to be free of all that, and now she will. Sarah will never run for public office again, but that doesn't mean she's no longer a player.
Jul 3, '09
Roy... To paraphrase your comments:
I definitely don't want one who has a belief in God,
I just don't want someone whose belief in God overshadows their God-given capacity for understanding and critically analyzing their world. I want someone with a belief in God that endows them with sufficient faith to use the brain God gave them.
strong family values,
So do family values now include using "marriage" as a political token, to pressure young people into getting married against their wishes when it's politically necessary, but then to be brushed aside when it's not?
I agree; my ideal candidate actually has family values that don't cheapen the institution of marriage, like reserving it for two committed, consenting adults and free of political pressures.
and a strong desire to see the U.S. prosper.
We agree again! I sure don't want someone in office who has a record of increasing government expenditures by 33% (and taxes by 38%) and leaving office going from $0 to $22 million dollars in debt as Mayor of Wasilla... but as Governor can't even really take credit for state financing either way because she never gave the Legislature any budget direction.
I really do hope that she enters the Presidential race.
Jul 3, '09
OK Boats, I'll bite. How does a 35-year US Senator with experience chairing three committees lower the experience bar for serving as VP? I've heard people complain that OBAMA didn't have enough experience for the job, but not Biden. He's one of the most seasoned politicians in DC.
You're conflating experience and intelligence. We were chattering about the latter. It is easily conceded that Joe has considerable experience, namely in the fields of being wrong on every foreign policy issue of his lifetime and of being a reliable asshat both in public and in his Senatorial duties.
But so far as concerns intelligence, Joe hasn't much on the ball. I have never called Obama an idiot, despite his obvious speech impediment of teleprompter overreliance, but Joe is another case entirely. Resume padder. Resume fabulist. Academic fraud. Plagiarist. A total goofball in the running for worst VP of the modern era, challenging Danny Quayle while channeling him, but without the self deprecation that made Quayle somewhat sympathetic.
Ergo, if Palin is too stupid to be president, Joe is disqualified to an even greater degree that brooks no argument.
3:25 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
Gee, perhaps spending a year being demonized in the mainstream press would make someone want to run away from the spotlight screaming. After all, she and her family have been treated with so much dignity this whole time...
Waaaaaaa...puh-leeze. Politics ain't beanbag. And you can't expect to trot yourself and your family out in front as a campaign prop and not have them become part of the conversation. Especially when you've got an unwed, teenage daughter that you've stuck out front of the cameras to talk about abstinence. Seriously.
If this is Palin running for President, she just shot herself in the foot.TV sports reporter. 6 years mayor of a town of 6000, this isn't politics as usual, but not the way she thinks: Less than 1 term as governor....Huckabee, Pawlenty and Romney are salivating.
I'm wondering if some of these embezzlement rumors about her are about to hit the reality fan...
3:26 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
Has anyone viewed the "press" conference?
I mean, I try to be fair and balanced, I try to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, regardless of their partisan or ideological leanings.
But this is just ... just ... HILARIOUS!!
It is high comedy! Make sure you see these highlights:
AND FINALLY!! THE FiVE people in the front yard actually watching!!!!
Jul 3, '09
Please list some SPECIFIC examples of her 'mistreatment' and I will gladly show you why it was fair.
3:48 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
The Vanity Fair article was the last straw????
Jul 3, '09
mp97303- I don't watch Fox News. But I do give you credit for being able to type with your head up your ass. That must be hard.
3:59 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
It is high comedy! Make sure you see these highlights:
Paul, you missed the best part. She goes on and on about how the best point guards keep their eye on the basket... and then closes by saying, "that's what I'm doing here, keeping my eye on the ball."
Basketball: eye on the basket. Baseball: eye on the ball.
This former HS sports star and sports reporter couldn't even keep her sports metaphors straight.
Jul 3, '09
Is she serious? I've never seen her so unhinged. That was bordering speaking in tongues. Gotta be something weird to come... otherwise why resign before you term ends?
By the way, one more Palinism: one of my serviceman buddies saw Palin in Pristina, Kosovo last week at the airport. His friend said hello and asked her if she would be in Pristina long. Sarah's response, "Not long. I'm on my way to Kosovo."
Jul 3, '09
Who quits a job in this economy?
Jul 3, '09
Watching Charles Krauthammer try to analyze this on FOX news, was some of the great political comedy ever. His take: Sarah has hurt her chances to be president in 2012, but she could still be president in 2016!
Careful, you'll pull a spin muscle.
Jul 3, '09
"How could you honestly say she was treated fairly by the media?."
Grow up! Many many people in the public eye were never treated fairly in the media.
What first leaps to your mind when you hear the name George McGovern? That he was a famous WWII pilot, or that he lost the presidential race in 1972?
The rules are the same for everyone.
Jul 3, '09
As soon as I heard the news, I thought, this woman is jumping ship in front of a coming storm - the sh*t is going to hit the fan and I can't wait. First Sanford's crazy trip and now her?!?! It's like Christmas in July! With this many GOP "Stars" dropping like flies in the strangest ways, the Republican Party is racing to join the Whigs.
4:40 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
Once they've seen the big city lights, it's hard to keep em down on the farm.
Jul 3, '09
Say what you will but her quip "only a dead fish goes with the flow" was brilliant. It will be quoted for years...In fact its the first quotable utterance I've heard from her.
5:13 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
Um, she stole that one, like most of her political philosophy. Far as I can tell, it's a Norwegian hunting/fishing quip.
Jul 3, '09
"Paging Tina Fey, Paging Tina Fey...Please pick up the white courtesy phone..."
Jul 3, '09
Yes, it’s a good day to be misogynist!
What is it about an attractive, accomplished, intelligent, forceful woman that makes so many people fearful?
Something tells me this is one strong woman we haven’t heard the last of.
Jul 3, '09
I dont think she would ever make it to the White House. It was a long shot in the beginning, a desperate move that backfired. If she cannot even manage to handle finishing her first term as governor, then why are we supposed to believe she could handle the whole country. I think she just has the starriest daydreams of being president, and the reality of her lack of experience does not seem to come into play.
Jul 3, '09
Not the only person to leave i think there will be more this will be so good and juicy when all over.
Two top Alaska health officials leave posts by The Associated Press Thursday, July 2, 2009
JUNEAU, Alaska -- A second state health official has left her job.
Public Health Division Director Bev Wooley's last day was Wednesday. Alaska's Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Jay Butler, left the Department of Health and Social Services June 22.
The Juneau Empire reports Wooley's departure may be linked to Gov. Sarah Palin's anti-abortion views.
Wooley declined to comment but told division staff in an e-mail her departure was "per Governor Palin's request."
Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow denied the governor was involved in Wooley's departure and deferred further comment to Commissioner Bill Hogan of the Department of Health and Social Services, who declined to comment through a department spokeswoman.
Jul 3, '09
Buckman Res, Oh, I see... Turn this into a hatred of women thing. Come on, you can spin better than that.
I'm going to do you a favor. I'm going to recycle some of your own right-wing bullshit for you so you can explain why Sarah didn't just quit on the people of Alaska. Here's what you say:
What if you have to field dress a moose or shoot a wolf from a helicopter? What then?
Jul 3, '09
According to the online blog The Daily Beast, Sarah Palin may have resigned today to avoid being in the limelight of a potential embezzlement scandal.
6:35 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
What is it about an attractive, accomplished, intelligent, forceful woman that makes so many people fearful?
"Attractive" is in the eye of the beholder...but the rest of those adjectives have little to do with Sarah Palin.
Jul 3, '09
"You're conflating experience and intelligence. We were chattering about the latter. It is easily conceded that Joe has considerable experience, namely in the fields of being wrong on every foreign policy issue of his lifetime and of being a reliable asshat both in public and in his Senatorial duties.... if Palin is too stupid to be president, Joe is disqualified to an even greater degree that brooks no argument."
Now you're just mindlessly calling names, with nothing to back it up.
I'll admit that most DC insiders tend to be out of touch with life elsewhere in America and the world, and Joe Biden certainly isn't an exception...but only the partisan Republicans accuse him of lacking a functional brain, and they're just trying to spin.
Look at our modern VPs: Truman, Nixon, LBJ, Agnew, Ford, Rockefeller, Mondale, Bush, Quayle, Gore, Cheney. Seems to me, Biden's about average with that lot. You compare him unfavorably with a woman who makes Miss Teen South Carolina look like a Rhodes scholar, you only reveal your own disconnect from the real world.
Jul 3, '09
Forget Palin/Please give these insurance-whipped Dem Senators a piece of your mind.
We all need health care! Here's the link. Click Click Click and write to these lollygaggers to tell them we want a public option or single-payer health care. At the the links are embedded in the names.
Here are the culprits who are holding up our root canals and mammograms:-)
It only takes a few minutes, and you will FEEL SO MUCH BETTER AFTERWARD! Sara Palin is trying to distract us from getting healthcare!
Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)
Senator Tom Carper (D-DE)
Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR)
Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)
Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA)
Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)
Senator Max Baucus (D-MT)
Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
These names are reported by The Hill
Jul 3, '09
She resigned so she could concentrate on her new TV show:
Sarah Palin: ParaSailin'
One of the odd things about the "press conference" was the ducks quacking, at times nearly drowning her out. Even they know bullshit when they hear it.
Jul 3, '09
Sarah suffers from Ted Stevens disease - too much greed and too little ethics - and the Feds are about to nail her and Todd for the house that was built for them in Wasilla.
Jul 3, '09
John is probably headed in the right direction with the information the Daily Beast has on the contractor SBS and the Palin clan.
This involves the thirteen million dollar contract for a sports center in Wasilla when Sarah was mayor. But since she and Todd have such close ties with SBS and since she may have had an opportunity to steer contracts since becoming governor I would speculate kickbacks are in the cards.
8:13 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
Re Joe Biden:
"He's one of the most seasoned politicians in DC."
And a dope. He bears major responsibility for the U.S. aggression against Iraq.
Jul 3, '09
heh... I'm cutting this set of comments out to hang on my refrigerator for possible future reference. What a hoot if all these supposed 'rumors' blow over to be nothing but a bunch of wishful thinking. Some of the breathless inane chatter here sounds like the wild-ass speculation that went on a week ago when Michael Jackson died.
Jul 3, '09
She cost McCain the election, her folkyness, accent and winking do not ring true, her intellect is below par (our vivid memory of the last one who delegates and follows because of their lack of intellect), but lets face it with the right type of marketing (vote folky, vote god) it can be sold to US, history tends to repeat itself. God help us!
Jul 3, '09
Benita, you really believe marketing a shallow person always wins elections?
Jul 3, '09
She is going for holidays.
10:26 p.m.
Jul 3, '09
She wants to be president but can't tough it out for a full term governing a state with a population lower than most major U.S. cities? Ho hum. Next.
Jul 3, '09
LT, it worked for "W" and it could work for her, just wait and see.
Jul 4, '09
Some situation is forcing her out... wait for the second hamster to squeak.
Jul 4, '09
Now she can add "quitter" to her list of amazing accomplishments.
Jul 4, '09
So far, I don't think I've seen anything by an Alaskan here, so let me say that I've met her on several occasions and know a number of people who know her well. When she ran for governor, I voted for her in the primary, but voted for Halcro in the General Election. From the time of her election up until about a year ago, she might have been the best Governor we ever had - with a very non-partisan base of support. Lots of Democrats liked her. With the beginning of"troopergate", cracks started to show and with the VP nomination she turned into somebody I just didn't know. To me she is a chameleon, and to me, she just didn't handle the fame very well. Compare Paul Newman to Michael Jackson, and she seems more like Michael Jackson. We can get along without her. If she gets into non-elected political activism, I hope she is Joe Scarborough or a Wm. Buckley instead of a Rush Limbaugh or a Anne Colter. And she could re-invent herself (again) and run in 2016. But I wouldn't vote for her. An alaskans 2cents worth.
9:31 a.m.
Jul 4, '09
i sure hope she's still planning to run in 2012. She is the perfect manifestation of the raw Id of the 27%ers.
Every day she's out there, she reminds the independent voters of the moment that they finally admitted that they'd spent decades being suckered by marginally sane and cheerfully dishonest ideologoues and decided to vote for Obama.
We still have Michelle Bachmann, but she's not well known outside of Minnestoa. If a Wingnut gibbers in the forest and there's no one to hear her......
DOn't go Sarah. America needs you........
Jul 4, '09
Hmm! I google Michelle Bachmann. From, I quote the following Bachmann states she was called to run for the seat by God, and that she and her husband fasted for three days to be sure. Holy Cow! If I fasted for 3 days, I might end up voting for Dennis Kucinich!
Jul 4, '09
I don't think it will be feasible for her to re-enter the political scene if that's what she's planning on doing in a few years.
11:03 a.m.
Jul 4, '09
Carla nailed it. It's one thing for the GOP to try and claim that Dems were hypocritical saying she didn't have enough experience in light of Obama's resume (which was nowhere near as light as Palin's, but that's yesterday's fight). But by bailing out after barely more than half her term, she's provided all the ammo Romney, Pawlenty and Huckabee need -- each served far longer (and far more successfully) as governors of larger states. Roney and Pawlenty dealt with somewhat or actively hostile legislatures. They go more done. Palin's going to have to argue with equally conservative folks that she has better credentials, and it's an argument that she can't win.
Jul 4, '09
A lot of Alaskans, even those who were fans of her were embarrassed by her behavior during the VP run. Regardless of political persuasion, America needs intelligent, thoughtful leaders who can handle complex issues. Pitbull with lipstick! gimmee a break! And bye the way, you can't see Russia from the top of nearby Pioneer Peak (elevation 6000 ft) much less from her house. Sheesh!
Jul 4, '09
Okay, I'm not a fan of Syrup Ailin', but let's be fair:
The "I can see Alaska from my house" comment was by Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. SP's comment, which was ridiculous itself, was that she had foreign policy experience because you can see Russia from Alaska.
Jul 4, '09
"I can see Russia from my cell!"
Jul 4, '09
I stand corrected by fbear. Is it life imitates art or art imitates life? I forget. And you can see Russia from Little Diomede. You betcha.
Jul 4, '09
I can smell Russia when I don't wash my panties.
Jul 4, '09
Posted by: Carla Axtman | Jul 3, 2009 6:35:25 PM
What is it about an attractive, accomplished, intelligent, forceful woman that makes so many people fearful?
"Attractive" is in the eye of the beholder..
But there are those that transcend mere individual taste, as you must surely know!
Jul 5, '09
Mrs. Palin is actually quite consistent . She quit college 5 times before getting her degree -- in journalism, ironic for someone who demonizes the press and interviews so badly.
Why quit as governor? Those sports metaphors at the end of Palin's speech explain it.
She has a contract with the WNBA.
Jul 5, '09
I liked the part in her speech about how she asked her family if she should do this. "It was four yesses and one 'Hell, yeah!'". I seem to remember she said the same thing about accepting the VP nomination, when in fact, the kids didn't find out til they got to Ohio where Sarah was introduced to the unsuspecting populace. Serial liar. Her resignation was only because something better came along.
Jul 5, '09
”Oh, I see... Turn this into a hatred of women thing. Come on, you can spin better than that.”
You’re confusing “spinning” with expressing an informed opinion. Try it sometime.
Enjoy your Independence.
Jul 5, '09
Palin was gulping for air during that whole ferris wheel performance: she was either hyperventilating on the winds of change or the cold, fresh air blowing across Lake Wasilla from Russia. Seriously, I think she's on the verge of a nervous breakdown. No pitbull in sight straining at the leash just one barking up the wrong tree.
Jul 5, '09
Could you be any more sophomoric or childish?
Jul 6, '09
The reasons of Palin resignation are controversial. What could be the real cause of her decision? Vote on the most possible one -
12:03 p.m.
Jul 6, '09
What is it about an attractive, accomplished, intelligent, forceful woman that makes so many people fearful?
More smoke screens from Palin supporters.
Um, how many millions of Democrats pulled the lever for Hillary Clinton? Can someone remind me?
BR, got no problem with Susan Collins, Liddy Dole, Susan Rice, Diane Feinstein, etc. The list goes on and on.
Palin? Ok unlike Carla, I'll give you attractive. And yes she is forceful, in a blustering GW Bush sort of way.
Accomplished? Based on what? A mayoralty of a dinky city and two years as governor of the least populous state? She has done precisely what else?
Intelligent? From a woman who admits to not reading newspapers, doesn't know much about the Constitution, botched most policy discussions, and about whom even her closest supporters said she should spend these next two years boning up?
Right. Misogyny. That's it. Not that this is a stumbling, mumbling, media creation with the absolute gall to think she is qualified to run country.
Running her as Veep was an insult.
Jul 6, '09
So Palin runs on "family values" and has her pregnant unwed daughter give speeches on abstinance - thats funny. We once had a mayor run on an open honest..oh wait, never mind.
Jul 6, '09
Right, Paul!
Years ago here in Oregon there was a state senator who ran twice for higher office. Much more knowlegable (but less attractive), she was in-your-face the way Palin also is. (Why the hockey Mom/ lipstick crack in Palin's national convention speech? That was for a national audience and came across as very high school.)
Regardless of "vote for her or you don't support women", this state senator just alienated people. When a smart candidate walks into a room, "Hi! My name is___ and I am running for----" is the best way to meet people. Unless, of course, you know you are better than everyone else in the room.
That impression (and 1999 W, but in a dress) was my impression of Sarah Palin. Along with someone who either didn't know answers to questions by national news anchors or didn't want to answer the questions. I can think of legislators here in Oregon who fit into that latter category.
"Intelligent? From a woman who admits to not reading newspapers, doesn't know much about the Constitution, botched most policy discussions, and about whom even her closest supporters said she should spend these next two years boning up?"
Palin will go down in history as the biggest mistake McCain made in the campaign.
Jul 6, '09
You all shouldn't be so giddy with her blowing up.
You should be concerned. She has basically severed her political career.
This open up the field to more serious contenders from the Republicans.
She never had a chance to win the Presidency, or to be on a winning ticket as too many moderates would refuse to vote for her.
Since I want to see Obama lose in 2012, I'm thrilled that a place on the ticket won't be bungled by Palin.
Jul 6, '09
When she accepted the VP nomination, she knew she needed to bring her professional game up to another level, she never did. She knew that her family would get attacked as did Hilary and Chelsea before her (by even her twin maverick brother McCain in 1998), let face it she knew her family affairs would come out. But now she plays the victim card again, a card she played after those comical first extended interviews that we all enjoyed and SNL immortalized. But for the icing on the cake, she quits, because she does not want to be a lame duck governor, because the lawsuits keep coming, because it was the media’s fault, because seeing Russia from her house finally got to her, because is was not fair that Alaskan’s paid her salary while she was running for the VP position, take your pick. So what does she tells us? Dear Mr. President, when things get tough, quit. Dear military men and women, if you are not having fun, quit. Dear son or daughter, if things are not going your way, quit. Sure, I agree when she first was introduced and gave a descent speech, sure the polls went up, but after the extended interviews, they went where they ended, down. She showed her true character, I real hope the book deal, Radio/ TV shows and the speech circuits make up for what her party has lost by her actions.
Jul 7, '09
I think this seriously blows her chances of seeking any higher office. I know that I would have a very hard time voting for someone who couldn't finish out a term as governor. That demonstrates that she does not take her commitments seriously. Also, many on here have commented about her disasterous Katie Couric interview. The fact that she blew what was essentially a softball interview really clouded her credibility for the rest of the presidential campaign. I still maintain, though, that having David Letterman tell rape jokes about your teenage daughter may cause you to step out of the limelight. I don't care what you say, Carla, but the fact remains that the worst anyone did to Chelsea Clinton was say she was ugly (which she was back then, looking much better now). That does not even compare to the level of vitriol that Palin and her family have been subjected to throughout the last year. But I'll let you have the last word, as you seem to insist on it and don't mind being very wrong about any issue that comes up.
Jul 7, '09