Last night, a flash mob of thousands descended on Pioneer Courthouse Square
Kari Chisholm
Some time yesterday, a rumor started spreading on Twitter that the enigmatic comedian Dave Chappelle was going to do a midnight show in Pioneer Courthouse Square.
Like many folks, I blew it off. I mean, really, a midnight comedy show in Portland? Announced only via rumor?
Thousands of people showed up. As midnight came and went, there were lots of disappointed fans. But for those who stuck around, as Rick Turoczy at Silicon Florist put it, "the rumor that was a hoax turned out to be the truth."
The Oregonian's Rachel Bachman managed to capture some video posted some video shot by Tim Brown:
Were you there? How did you find out about it? What was your experience like?
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9:30 a.m.
Jul 15, '09
eat that Harry Potter!!
Jul 15, '09
I got there at about 11:40... Thousands of people there. Dave eventually showed up but he had a completely inadequate sound-system, so it made it hard to hear him... Still awesome though. What a crowd!
Jul 15, '09
The video from above was shot by Tim Brown of
3:27 p.m.
Jul 15, '09
Thanks, I've made that fix. There wasn't any credit in Rachel's post.
Jul 15, '09
Sam's date sure looked young. I thought the Mayor was in a committed relationship, but from the looks of it - he may be on the circuit again.
Jul 15, '09
Straight, G, L, B, G or T, a D-bag is a D-bag.
Jul 16, '09
[Off-topic comment removed. Use Google to find what you're looking for. -editor.]
12:30 p.m.
Jul 17, '09
Before twitter there was college radio, at least in some places. Some time in the early 1980s the Rolling Stones were showing up and playing at relatively small venues. In Boston someone started a rumor that the Stones were going to play at the In Square Men's Bar (Ladies Invited), which seated about 300 max in an odd space somewhat reflective of the odd triangular shape of Inman Square in Cambridge where is was located. An eclectic range of bands played there.
My recollection is hazy, e.g. I can't recall if WBCN which still was a bit of an alternative station at the time got in on the act, but I believe it was a hoax and hundreds or thousands turned up to be disappointed. However, I find one internet reference (comment by Val) by someone apparently now on Nantucket who claims to have seen the Stones at In Square Men's Bar in 1983.
Of course, with broadcast media those who control the mic are the gatekeepers, making phone texts & twitter qualitatively different.
Jul 17, '09