Where Do These Rumors Come From?

Steve Novick

Conkling, Fiskum & McCormick's "Insider Online" claims that I am going to run a referendum to overturn the transportation bill. Specifically: "Reportedly, environmental groups have lined up funding to hire political activist and former U.S. Senate candidate Steve Novick to run the referendum campaign." That is not true. It has no basis in reality at all. Where do people get this stuff? Anyway, I decided I owed it to BlueOregon readers to let you be more 'insider' than the readers of CFM's material, at least as far as I am concerned ...

  • Ten Bears (unverified)

    Now wouldn't it be nice of some Kool-Aid drinking Bimbo Bobble-Head Bottle-Blonde member of the Multi-Millionaire Mainstream Media were to report this?

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    Thanks Steve, though there might be a case for turning this into a self-fulfilling <s>lie</s> prophecy. :->

  • backbeat (unverified)

    you rock Steve

  • Cafe Today (unverified)

    CFM's 'insider online' is rarely accurate. It is most often laughably off the mark, which makes it a good read as you try to figure out just how they come up with this stuff.

  • LT (unverified)

    Great, Steve!

    I never took CFM very seriously. Between your comments and Cafe Today, I think this is a "last straw" moment. Never again trust anything from CFM without 2 confirming sources.

    It would not be real bright for anyone who cares about counties which don't have many alternatives to driving cars (or moving goods to Portland for sale) to take Nolan's attitude towards the Transportation Package.

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    I started that rumor, Steve. I ran into Perez Hilton in the lobby at Hotel Lucia and told him you had already lined up Art Alexakis to perform at the kickoff.

  • Martin Burch (unverified)

    But I do like the rumor that you might run for mayor.

  • Billy Busdriver (unverified)

    A buddy works at Conkem, Fistem and MicOnEm , and claims that the "Insider" stuff is known to be false. They are things that they don't want the target even thinking about, so they whip up a little preemptive blow-back, so that you think twice.

    You're a good man to ignore it. Personally, it would inspire me to do what they claim in the worst possible way!


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