Countdown to Sine Die
Kari Chisholm
Moments ago - shortly before 4 p.m. - Speaker Dave Hunt told the House that there are about 30 bills left to go, with "only a couple" that would cause much debate. As he noted, they're mostly waiting on the process of moving all the paper.
So, it looks like sine die may actually happen tonight. Some legislative watchers are telling me it could be as late as midnight.
Update: 9:45 p.m. And... they're out. Congratulations, folks.
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5:24 p.m.
Jun 29, '09
If I were grading this session, and from my perspective and with a focus on the issues I care about, I would give them a B minus. Components of the grading would be an “A minus” for improved civility and working relations with the Republican minority. A “C” for environment and climate change bills (small steps ok, bad transportation bill, no significant progress on climate change). A “C plus” for the state budget as is, changing to a “B” if the tax measures pass on referenda or fail to make the ballot and a “C minus” if tax measures fail and another round of tax cutting is required (graded down for no kicker reform). A “B” for short term economic stimulus efforts. A “D” for long term economic growth programs or policies (What was there? Where were the hearings on international trade or the rise of China?). A “A minus” on health care reform. A “C” on K-12 and higher ed issues (no development of strategic foreign language programs or study abroad opportunities, and SB 767).
I thought the whole session was overly focused on dealing the with state budget issues. The opportunity costs, those issues not addressed or given hearing time because of this focus on the budget, were large. The world did not stop while Oregon wrestled with its budget problems.
7:43 p.m.
Jun 29, '09
Throughout this session I've had the pleasure to speak with and view the manurisms of many State Senators and Representatives.
It's apparent that this was a ball-breaker session. Worrylines, Crow's Feet, palpable blood pressures, short tempers, knee-jerks and visable sweat stains abounded. You could tell the ones that lived on three suits/skirts alone because they were so busy jumping from town hall to appointment to private meeting to sub-committee hearing to floor speech to fundraiser to office consult to the next thing and on and on and on.
In other words, a normal session... times twenty.
The details of this session making it apparent that was unique, lay in the looks of the aides and the constantly active schedules of the congress.
I almost wanted to move to Salem to cover it myself because it seems like this was one of the most interesting sessions to cover in quite some time.
So I say for this sine die: Rest well, good Congress. Then prepare for re-election.
Jun 29, '09
All in all I have to give the Ds in the legislature good marks for not being intimidated to pass needed new taxes on those most able to pay in a time of greatest need. We were facing a collapse of the public school system and a simultaneous collapse of the safety net. Most of it is still standing.
Jun 29, '09
Oregon's legislature is not "Congress".
Jun 29, '09
The members of Ways and Means (co-chairs, members of subcommittees and full committee) both parties, both chambers, deserve our respect. Anyone who watched the hearings in person on cable TV or online know it was tough, grueling work.
9:51 p.m.
Jun 29, '09
It's all over! Adjournment Sine Die. I give this session a B+. These are not easy times and very hard decisions were made. Kudos to everyone who works hard to make this state run.
Jun 30, '09
I'm appreciative of the fact that we in East County finally have reps that will update us regularly, met with us throughout the session and honestly told us what challenges they were facing. Did I agree with all the votes they made? No. But they didn't duck me or hide from me and when asked they told me straight up how they had voted and why. A very nice change from the days of Lim and Minnis.
So, kudos to Nick Kahl (D49) and Greg Matthews (D50) and as always, our star in the senate, Laurie Monnes Anderson (D26) for all their hard work and open communications!
Jul 1, '09
According to my point of views, the entire gathering was excessively paid attention on dealing with the state budget problems. The prospect expenses were also outsized. Thanks.
Jul 2, '09
Here's to the Republican caucus of the house for being stewards of the opposition view point. Here's to the Dems for not putting the GOP in the backseat when they had the power to do so, and yet sticking to their priorities still in the face of that opposition. Here's to the idea that we can move this State forward together. And I have got to say if there is something to take from this session it is that we all win when we respect the worth in each other.
Jul 13, '09
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