OR-4: Sid Leiken runs against Peter DeFazio.
Kari Chisholm
Roll Call is reporting that Springfield Mayor Sid Leiken has filed to run against Congressman Peter DeFazio - after several weeks of wooing by the national GOP.
Leiken, a 47-year-old businessman who has run the district’s second-largest city since 2000, submitted the paperwork to the Federal Election Commission to create his candidacy on Monday. A formal announcement will come in early summer, after the city’s budget process is complete. ...Leiken said voters in the economically depressed district are ready for change.
“I’m very solutions-oriented,” he said. “That’s what people are looking for.” ...
Leiken said DeFazio has been able to prevail in a swing district because the caliber of GOP challengers has not always been so impressive.
“I think when you look at the different Republicans who have run in the past, I can be pretty confident in saying that none of them have a record of accomplishment like mine,” he said.
Of course, DeFazio hasn't earned less than 61% in 20 years, so it may be a rough road ahead of Leiken. Then again, if DeFazio runs for Governor, Leiken may be in position to capitalize.
Interestingly, back in 2006 - here on BlueOregon - Leiken described his relationship with DeFazio as a "personal friendship".
A few years ago I changed my party affiliation to republican, to my grandfather's dismay, but that did not stop my personal friendships with folks like Peter DeFazio, Ted Kulongoski, or some of our local folks such as Terry Beyer, Floyd Prozanski, etc. I continue to enjoy their company and even enjoy a good debate once in a while.
Stay tuned. The season is just getting underway.
(Hat tip to Jeff Mapes.)
Update: Here's part of a response from Congressman DeFazio. Full text in the comments below.
“Sid is a nice guy and a step up from the Republican's last highly touted recruit. I look forward to him continuing his good service as my hometown mayor for the next four years,” DeFazio said.Last fall, Leiken marched lock-step with George Bush, John McCain and leaders in Congress in supporting the massive $700 billion Wall Street bailout. Despite Leiken’s criticism, DeFazio led efforts to stop the bailout and proposed an alternative plan that would have required Wall Street, not main street taxpayers, to fund the bailout.
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3:48 p.m.
May 5, '09
Here's the full text of the press release from Congressman DeFazio's office:
May 5, '09
A republican that can work with democrats. Wow what a novel approach. I actually I have heard they are friends. DeFazio wins but Leiken can make it interesting. Everything I know about Leiken is he is a risk taker and frankly he is banking on DeFazio running for Governor. Sorry Sid, not this time.
May 5, '09
Is Leiken an economic illiterate like "Smoot-Hawley" DeFazio? I would think Oregon's Christmas Tree growers - screwed by Mexico in retaliation to DeFazio's banishment of evil Mexican truckers (with better safety records than U.S. truckers) from our saintly roadways on behalf of the saintly Teamsters Union - might just throw a few campaign dollars Sid's way.
May 5, '09
The Leiken family is big in the timber industry in Oregon. His uncle (Dave Leiken) is the long time concert promoter that owns Double Tee Promotions and the Roseland Theater. Sid will be well funded. Peter will have to work a little harder this time.
May 5, '09
Sid will be well funded. Peter will have to work a little harder this time.
I plan to send a few bucks to Peter from Central Oregon. I met him several years ago to discuss a ban on land mines, and he impressed me has having a lot of class and character. I hope the voters in his district appreciate him as they should.
9:10 p.m.
May 5, '09
I'm still a Dellenback backer.
May 5, '09
Looks like the interesting race in Lane County and points south will be the race for Mayor of Springfield. I wonder if Bill Dwyer wants it.
May 5, '09
So, Carl, you were never a Weaver fan?
The end of his career was sad, but I enjoyed knowing Weaver who was very down to earth. He was the sort of person who would introduce himself to anyone in a crowd who didn't know him, rather than assuming people should know who he was.
May 6, '09
May 6, '09
May 6, '09
So if Defazio goes for the Gov., we could see:
Texas Progressive Hotsauce v. The Party-Switching Wanker-Boy!
Run Floyd Prozanski, Run!
May 6, '09
The Faz is going to get a run for his money but in the end will come out on top. (That is if he decides to stay with Congress). I am guessing part of his decision to run for Guv will now also be dependant on whether or not he thinks the Dems can field a good enough candidate to keep the 4th. I am not suprised Sid decided to run now. He is not up for re-election for Spfld mayor until 2012 so he can run, lose but still gain the experience and name recognition for a campaign later and not worry about losing his current job.
May 6, '09
Marshall is right. In fact I think Marshall is a Springfield resident as is I. Sid is a good Mayor but he can't take out Peter. If Peter does run for Guv then the Dems better field someone other than Sorenson because if that is the case Leiken wins.
10:10 p.m.
May 6, '09
LT, don't get me wrong I think Mr. Weaver is pretty neat figure in his own right. He has a congressional rule named after him, which is pretty cool.