Quick Hits: Merkley takes the floor

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Just a couple of quick notes about our two U.S. Senators:

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    [Full disclosure: My firm built the campaign websites for both Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden. I speak only for myself.]

  • Pettini (unverified)

    So, is the point that, because the US constantly screws with other peoples' financial systems, when you cock it up they should pitch in with the solution? Sounds like someone assaulting a woman and when he starts to have a coronary finds it problematic that she didn't start CPR.

    Anything to keep from saying that Joe Average American made willfully dumb decisions and has to live with it. You're really kind of lacking that cultural "you are here" arrow, aren't you?

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    For the record, and FWIW, credit default swaps were invented in London, by a team working at JP Morgan.

    From the Guardian UK:

    If Warren Buffett is to be believed in his verdict that derivatives are "financial weapons of mass destruction" then Blythe Masters is one of the destroyers of worlds. British-born Masters is one of the most powerful women on Wall Street and is widely recognised as one of an elite group dubbed the "JP Morgan mafia" that fostered the creation of the complex credit derivatives at the heart of the current crisis ripping through Wall Street. Many of the highly qualified mathematicians and academics who worked on the credit derivatives market in the early days have gone on to run hedge funds and into high-powered jobs at other investment banks, but most of them started out at JP Morgan. ... In 1997, she and a team developed many of the credit derivatives that were intended to remove risk from companies' balance sheets. The idea was to separate the default risk on loans from the loans themselves. ... Masters was raised in south-east England, where she attended the exclusive King's public school in Canterbury on a scholarship. She got a economics degree from Cambridge, and from the beginning had been attracted to the esoteric world of derivatives. In her spare time, she is a keen horsewoman.

    Which isn't to say that it wasn't American greed that took a reasonable concept and blew it up into garguantuan proportions. Like most things.

  • Zarathustra (unverified)

    Not dismissing your well argued position outright, Kari, but wasn't it Thatcher via Freedman that brought that consciousness to peri-Italian, late '70s Britain? I still see Raygun's S&L dereg as the first shot in the contemporary war. Maybe it's a case of post hoc ergo propter hoc, but the Brit position seemed to solidify and change at just that point.


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