Obama Asks Us to GIVE
Caitlin Baggott
When Obama the candidate spoke about the need for a generation of service, I was pretty sure that it would take his administration a year to set up. Far from it. Tomorrow, Congress will be voting on a comprehensive and inclusive Act to, among other things, increase the number of volunteer service positions in the US from 75,000 to 250,000.
The GIVE Act (The Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education Act) is a direct response to the energy, passion and talents of people who want give back to their communities. It is a multi-generation call to service.
Highlights from the bill are after the jump. The GIVE Act will be on the House floor tomorrow. You can track the bill from here and contact your Elected Officials from here and here. Act now so that tomorrow we can get to work.
One note on this landmark legislation -- there is no funding here for people to participate in public service on civic participation (registering voters, getting out the vote, educating communities about important issues, etc.). While many, many young Americans are involved in community service volunteerism, few participate directly in the political or civic process as volunteers. This legislation is an important step toward a new generation of service. And there's more work to do.
Creates 175,000 New Service Opportunities and Rewards Americans for Commitment
- Grows the number of volunteers nationwide to 250,000, up from 75,000. The bill also links the full-time education award to the maximum authorized Pell Grant award amount in order to keep up with rising college costs.
Provides Incentives for Middle and High School Students to Engage in Service
- Establishes the Summer of Service program that engages middle and high school students in volunteer activities in their communities and allows them to earn a $500 education award to be used for college costs.
Makes High School Students Part of Solution to Challenges in their Communities
- Establishes Youth Engagement Zones, a new service-learning program to help bridge partnerships between community based organizations and schools in high-need, low-income communities to engage high school students and out-of-school youth in service-learning to address specific challenges their communities face.
Recognizes and Supports Colleges and Universities Engaged in Service
- Establishes the Campuses of Service to support and recognize institutions of higher education with exemplary service-learning programs and assists students in the pursuit of public service careers.
Boosts Opportunities for Disadvantaged Youth
- Expands opportunities for disadvantaged youth, including those with disabilities, to become more involved with service and strives to include people of all ages and those from diverse background in volunteerism.
Creates Green and Other New Service Corps to Meet Key Needs in Low-Income Communities
- Establishes four new service corps to address key needs in low income communities, including a Clean Energy Corps to encourage energy efficiency and conservation measures, an Education Corps to help increase student engagement, achievement and graduation, a Healthy Futures Corps to improve health care access, and a Veterans Service Corps to enhance services for veterans.
Broadens Scope of Collaborative Service Efforts
- Expands the focus of the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) to include disaster relief, infrastructure improvement, environmental and energy conservation, and urban and rural development.
- Encourages service partnerships with other federal agencies.
Recruits Scientists and Engineers to Service to Keep America Competitive
- Recruits scientists, technicians, mathematicians and engineers into national service to help keep America competitive.
Expands Service Opportunities for Older Americans and Public-Private Partnerships
Creates two new fellowships to engage social entrepreneurs, boomers and retirees, the private sector and Americans from all generations in service.
- ServeAmerica Fellowships: ServeAmerica Fellows are individuals who propose their own plans for serving in their communities to address national needs and are matched up with a service sponsor.
- Silver Scholarships and Encore Fellowships: These programs offer boomers and seniors, age 55 or older, opportunities to transition into service post-career as well as entrance into new careers in the public or nonprofit sector.
Creates a nationwide community-based infrastructure to leverage investments in service
Builds a nationwide service infrastructure through community-building investments and social entrepreneurship.
- Community Solutions Fund: Creates a Community Solutions Fund pilot program that awards competitive matching grants to social entrepreneur venture funds in order to provide community organizations with the resources to replicate or expand proven solutions to community challenges.
Establishes Call to Service Campaigns
- Includes a Call to Service Campaign to launch a national campaign encouraging all Americans to engage in service and to observe September 11th as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.
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3:18 p.m.
Mar 17, '09
YAY Caitlin. Nice work!
Mar 17, '09
This is the kind of change I'm looking for! (Is it still a dumb idea to extend this to actual government positions?)
4:59 p.m.
Mar 17, '09
Not all the action is in DC. Study abroad is not quite service abroad but it does get students out into the world and learning foreign languages. Note my BlueOregon April, 2008, post “Engaging the World” here.
The Oregon House Education Committee will hold a hearing this Friday, 3/20, on HB 2719 and its companion bill HB 2605. HB 2719 (see here and here) would establishes a High School Study Abroad Program that permits local school districts to use the funds they get from the state and any other funds to give grants to high school students to study abroad. HB 2605 would supplement local district funding with state level funding for students who study abroad in “critical need” foreign languages (like Arabic, Azeri (Azerbiajan), Bengali (Bangladesh and part of India), Chinese (Mandarin only), Farsi (Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan), Gujarati (state of Gujarat in India), Hindi (northern and central India), Korean, Marathi (western India), Pashto (parts of Afghanistan and Pakistan), Punjabi (parts of India and Pakistan), Russian, Tajik (Tajikistan and parts of Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and China), Turkish, Urdu (Pakistan, similar to Hindi), and Uzbek (Uzbekistan).
5:38 p.m.
Mar 17, '09
September 11th as a National Day of Service and Remembrance.
It's good to know Democrats haven't forgotten how to wrap themselves in the flag
Mar 17, '09
Hey Carl,
When it comes to the American Flag, there are no political parties....we are all Americans. If we're going to have a National Day of Service and Remembrance, what better day?
Mar 17, '09
We also need a permanent National Day of Mourning. I nominate Ronald Reagan's birthday, seeing as that The Gipper started us on the path where Dubya eventually wrecked the country.
Mar 18, '09
Please also support the legislative bills to found a US Public Service Academy, counterpart to the military academies. Its founders have done an exemplary job laying the groundwork for it. Their website is at
Mar 18, '09
LOL Are you people kidding me? Have you even looked at this bill? You can't call Mandatory service volunteering. This is a draft, plain and simple.
In the misc. section, # 6, this "law" clearly states that the government will be working on a way to take all youth, for as much as 3 years, and require them to service. That's as Orwellian as it gets people!
Do any of you even own a history book? This guy has already given more to Wall Street and the Feds than Bush ever did. I just THOUGHT I hated Bush, this guy's nothing more than a dictator getting his "army" positioned.
Are you really that blind?
Mar 18, '09
Quoth "are you kidding?":
The relevant portion of the bill (Title VI, Section 6104):
Where are you seeing a three-year draft? From what I am reading, the bill only says "we should think about requiring young people to perform some community service", a requirement already imposed by all the high schools in my area for graduation.If young people were expected to perform some community service--let's say 30 hours at a charity of their choice in their community--would that be so bad?
Mar 18, '09
Guess so.
Mar 18, '09
Nice job Caitlin in bringing this to everyone's attention. I was surprised that neither Congressman Defazio nor Congressman Blumenauer were listed as a co-sponsor of the legislation in 2007. And their name does not appear again. Congressman Wu's does though.
Considering this bill passed committee 34-3 (Wilson, Klein, McClintock - No) I think it has a good bi-partisan bent to it. Black helicopter conspiracy theories aside, some national service funding and a game plan is a good idea.
And as to bi-partisanship.... When I was in high school I read William F. Buckley's book "Gratitude", that, among other things, inspired me to spend 3 summers volunteering with Habitat for Humanity in SE Kentucky. We'd do a world of good in meaningful service.
Last note: one of the hyperlinks "here" goes to Open Congress which has the previous session (ie dead) bill number and info. HR 1388 is the current number. Another link brings up the US Senate page (the bill is obviously in the House)
And as for Oregon bills on study abroad, love the concept, but there should be some mechanism to make sure the students "payback" (not in cash) the overseas learning by sticking around Oregon. I am also afraid that this bill would simply subsidize already wealthy students to do a semester abroad. From my experience, most low income kids need to work to supplement family income, or babysit their brothers and sisters. The family can't afford for them to be gone, even if the travel is paid for. Plus incidental costs....nope.. Not sure this bill has all the pieces together. But I love the idea, and if schools weren't suffering tremendously already from funding gaps....
One other aside, I was on a plane to Greece this summer and met a group of high school juniors whose entire CLASS was spending a month in Athens then Rome. They were going to get History and Language Arts credits back in their schools in......Ontario, Canada. I'd see a bill like that as pretty revenue neutral (ADMw aside) , and would support some funding to make it equally available. (a couple of bienniums from now)
James Mattiace (Currently in the Kingdom of Morocco)
Mar 18, '09
turn off italics
8:56 p.m.
Mar 18, '09
The High School Study Abroad Program bill is basically revenue neutral for the state. Local school district would have more flexibility in how they might administer the program, but I doubt that even one would pay more for students to study abroad than to be in-district. At the low cost end, there are study abroad programs that cost less per student than school districts get from the state school fund.
So, there is no more of a need for payback than for an in-district student.
Yes, family situtations would prevent many students from studying abroad. Many more would just not be interested. Now mainly well-off families pay for their high school students to study abroad. If implemented, the High School Study Abroad Program could expand those opportunities for student from more limited family income backgrounds.
Plus, given trends in the international economy, it's what we need to do now for our next generations to be competitive.
Mar 19, '09
The God of italics commands off
Mar 20, '09
Maybe Obama could volunteer with the Special Olympics.
Oh I forgot, that is below him, he kinda expressed that on Jay Leno.
Mar 20, '09
Posted by: 72IH | Mar 20, 2009 1:50:10 PM
Maybe Obama could volunteer with the Special Olympics.
Oh I forgot, that is below him, he kinda expressed that on Jay Leno.
All those wheelchairs. The SS couldn't guarantee his security. You have to think in WOT terms. It's not handicapped kids and the Prez, it's a terrorists erector set and a symbol. Considering the other stuff just "aids the terrorists".
Meanwhile, the plans for the invasion of Balochistan continue, or do drones not count as combatants? That's great. A taxi driver caught in a sweep is an enemy combatant, but a drone shooting missiles under remote control is no more aggression than shooting a Mexican across the border. The world just doesn't understand the difference between invasions of national sovereignty and our protecting our borders. Like seizing ships on the high seas to search for contraband, to protect the borders. Stupid people.
It doesn't matter what the program accomplishes. If people get out there and do something they won't be as dumb.
Mar 21, '09
Drones count as combatants, but they are less evil (and they are present).