How did Obama do in Oregon's five congressional districts?

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Over at Swing State Project, they've compiled and released the first 2008 presidential vote totals by congressional district.

(Really? Yes. Congressional district totals are almost never reported officially; since elections are conducted by county and tabulated by precinct. Since congressional districts often split counties, you have to total up all the individual precinct counts. Time-intensive work, but the SSP audience pitched together and did it!)

First, the numbers.

CD Member Rep VoteObama McCain
1Wu 71.5%61.0%36.2%
2Walden 69.4%43.2%53.8%
3Blumenauer 74.5%71.3%25.7%
4Defazio 82.3%53.7%43.0%
5Schrader 54.2%53.9%43.3%

Second, the numbers reveal some interesting things:

Get the full 435-seat chart at SSP.

If you want to get super-nerdy, check out their Oregon data on this Google Spreadsheet. (Big props to SSP for doing this in a hyper-transparent way.)

  • JJ Ferguson (unverified)

    I've always found this the most illustrative map. CNN had an unofficial version of it, from the election. I trot it out whenever I hear that old chestnut that California is a blue state.

    Personally, I think if you want a much better system, it would be nice if state lines could be redrawn to reflect the map. Like high density living, Dems? It's amazing how very little of the country's area is blue, given the popular vote. Proof positive that pop density is the biggest influence on behavior.

  • Josh Reynolds (unverified)

    Remember, DeFazio did not have a republican opponent.

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    Rather than a test of comparative strength between Obama and the Cong. Rep., this is a testimony to the utter lack of viable Repub. candidates. What was the comparative vote between Obama and Jeff Merkley?

  • Eric Parker (unverified)

    "Proof positive that pop density is the biggest influence on behavior."

    You are not kidding there.

    Another example is Western Canada. There, most of the seats in their House of Commons are taken by Conservatives (Republicans) except one or two seats in the major Alberta cities of Edmonton and Calgary (both seats Liberal (Democrat)) as well as a small amount of seats in Vancouver BC(Liberal and NDP (Libertarian)).

    Mostly rural - mostly conservative - mostly hate Quebec.

  • GLV (unverified)

    Your second bullet point directly contradicts both the first bullet point, and reality.

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    I think that second bullet my be a typo.

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    might...not my...damn I need some caffeine.

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    Surprised this didn't get mentioned: as the 'worst' performing incumbent of any Democratic House Member, in a CD that is now the 2nd most Democratic in the state and went over 60% for the Democrat in the last Presidential election...isn't the time ripe for a primary challenge to Rep. Wu?

    Those are some stunning numbers out of CD1.

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    While Joel Haugen ditching the GOP label surely hurt him amongst registered Republicans in the 1st CD, he was also the recipient of at least some lefty votes. I know 'cause I was one of them and I know of others who otherwise voted straight D on their ballot but who voted for Haugen rather than Wu.

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    What an amazing website. I know some people who this will drive out of business.

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

    I will take the bate!

    Both Republican and Democratic dogma on Health care (save the dialogue that Ron Wyden has started) supports the status quo on big insurance, big drugs, and big inefficient government.

    Quickly, David WU is tied at the hip with Medicare. He cares very little for the younger voter. Since our 18 to twenty somethings do not vote, he considers them a non entity and votes strictly for the Senior Vote.

    This strategy will probably work for the next election cycle as well.

    The Republican platform on health Care is unsustainable and somewhat like an Ostrich with its head in the sand.

    The Democratic platform on Health care has not fully formed but seeks to continue the 89th congressional blunder of Medicare, as well as, pushing big insurance off on the rest of America off the backs of small business.

    So, 2.5 of our children lets say Carla, Cary, and 1/2 of a friend you know will have to pay for me on fullride entitlements in 17 years. While Carla and Cary are paying for my Medicare ( $30,000 per year), my Social Security ( $40,000 a year), I am living in a house that is paid for. I left the Market at the height of the Baby Boomer economic physical productivity cycle, so I have gobs of money burried in pickle jar somewhere.

    Carla and Cary have had to suffer through very low stock market returns or negative results for 2 decade as a result of huge government and 40 million baby boomers leaving the stock market, and labor market, and the resultant loss of revenue.

    Carl and Cary also have to support a Democratic Healh care system that caters to big insurance and full retail medical costs, so their personal Healthcare program is 3 times what it is today. It costs your employer $5200 a month for an insurance policy ( average today $1200 per month). Most families are descriminated against because small business cannot afford large families.

    In addition, Federal Government has grown from 3.6 trillion in 2009 to lets say, 10 trillion in 2025 just when I hit 65. But because of offshoring, unbalanced trade agreements, health care costs, and 80 million seniors on fullride entitlements, GDP growth has either stagnated or retracted every year for 17 years. Instead of GDP of lets say 28 trillion, our GDP is 20 trillion. 82 percent of Cary and Carla's paycheck either goes to Government or health care.China's economy is booming. With a labor pool that dwarfs the American labor pool, China has become a Megapower with a GDP 3 times that of the U.S.

    The U.S. National Debt is 65 trillion dollars.

    If one compares ", the marginal physical productivity in Germany and its relationship to the GDP, one will find that their GDP per person is way less than the US.

    The bottom line!

    David Wu cares little that soon Carla and Cary and half of your friend will be stuck with the bill! He will cater to boomers seeking to extract every bit of money they can from a failing system. He will do nothing about big government. He will do nothing about anything, accept spend borrowed money. hey the blame is with both parties!

  • Mrs.Todd (unverified)

    I used to be a "Liberal Republican" from Washington County and speaking only for myself and friends who were in similar positions we changed over to the Ds because of the Rs moving further away on social issues like abortion and gay rights. Economically, my sense is that the 1st Dist are more "moderate" than other heavy D districts since Washington County tends to be relatively affluent, but I have not examined the stats on income to know if this is true or not.

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    Your second bullet point directly contradicts both the first bullet point, and reality.

    Sorry, typo. The chart had the right number. Fixed.

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    Updated the post with a note about DeFazio's lack of Republican opposition. Thanks, Josh!

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    Stephen -- Who is "Cary"?

  • LT (unverified)

    SAB, did you mean you would take the bait?

    Mrs. Todd tells a story you would be well to ponder. Washington County was once the home of moderate to liberal Republicans, incl. Oregon's last Republican Gov. of the 20th century and several female legislators who had support across the board.

    Then the pontificating right wingers started running for office, and in some cases won primaries. It was in the obit of one of those wonderful women Republican former legislators that the year she was defeated in the primary, her religion became an issue----finding fault with a Republican legislator being an Episcopalian because all good moral Americans were born again evangelicals or some such.

    It is beginning to dawn on political activists of all persuasions that if one candidate makes people's eyes light up and is a common sense problem solver, but the other candidate just makes people angry, the inspiring common sense problem solver is the candidate more likely to win.

    And it is doubtful that Lars will be helpful in your campaign--his old network dropped him and he will now be syndicated on a new network (see link at the side of the page for Oregon Media Insiders story).

    When Lars is on the local KGW show, he is a lot more well mannered than some of the things he has famously said on his radio show.

    I don't see how you think that being angry on a blog is going to win an election for you.

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

    My wife is prochoice. I am prolife. There are families out there that would love to adopt and love a child. Republicans celebrate life not infanticide.

    I respect a womens right to choose, but hope they would choose life!

    As far as Gay Rights, Gays have a right to be Gay under the constitution. They have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness or gayness for that matter, so whats the problem!

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)


    I am not angry! I am concerned! I can only spread knowledge and hope it makes people think.

    The problem with your solutions logic is that most candidates that run (either Republican or Democrat)do not have solutions. They are supported by powerful interests that seek to exploit our children. They do not represent solutions. They are afraid to represent solutions.Solutions require unity and sacrifice. It requires a comprimise between our future tax base and promised entitlements! But then how can you ask a person that has paid into government for a lifetime to comprimise when the government spends twice what it takes in? They will push the staus quo system until it breaks the country.

    Seniors want all that is promised to them. Powerful Health Care interests want what they are accustomed to. Government wants their cut. Everybody is looking at our children. They are already spending our children's marginal physical productivity as if it is theirs.

    Everything is not alright just because the stock market went up 400 points today. People have to look at a long term macroeconomic approach versus immediate gratification status quo.

    I am a Catholic. I do not care who worships what. Our nation was based on freedom of religion.

    My posts are to get people to think about the issues. It is not to place blame at this point.

    Sorry I spelled Bait wrong!

    Cary, Cari, Kerri, Kari,Keri choose.

    How about Carla and Buford

    Ok I am done for awhile.

    Keep up the good work. There will be a test in the morning!

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

    David Wu received 300 million for Health Care software which he is giving to the colleges. The VA currently has online medical records. Finland uses VA software to run its entire health care system. david Wus plan is duplication of effort and simply covering University shortfall.

    How many LPNs could we have trained on $300 million?

    How many clinics in CD1 could we have built?

    People have utterly lost understanding of what 1 billion can do as far as infrastructure!

    Instead of blogging about status quo, blog about solutions! Fight for what is the right course for our future. Many took the "change path", is it leading to fiscal future or fiscal failure? Do we give Obama one year or four to fix the economy?

    Here is some wiki on Finlands health care system.

    Fins spend 18 cents on the dollar on health Care. Their economies of scale and cost of living is double what we pay.

    Wouldnt it be great if Oregon opted out of any federal health care involvemnet and taxation and created their own Finland style health care system? Everybody is covered at 10 cents on the dollar!

    Think about tha solution!

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

  • pacnwjay (unverified)

    Is there a reason these R's come to blueOregon and blather on so?

  • Shane McCune (unverified)

    Eric Parker wrote:

    "Another example is Western Canada. There, most of the seats in their House of Commons are taken by Conservatives (Republicans) except one or two seats in the major Alberta cities of Edmonton and Calgary (both seats Liberal (Democrat)) as well as a small amount of seats in Vancouver BC(Liberal and NDP (Libertarian)). "Mostly rural - mostly conservative - mostly hate Quebec."

    As a Canadian newspaper journalist for the past 38 years (most of those in B.C.), may I gently correct a few misstatements? 1. It is true that Conservatives are stronger in rural areas, but it is a gross oversimplification to say they "mostly hate Quebec." The Conservatives have won two minority governments mainly due to resentment — in Quebec as well as the west — of the previous longstanding (1993-2006) Liberal government, which was perceived as arrogant and corrupt under Jean Chretien, then weak under his two successors. 2. In the Conservative stronghold of Alberta (it thinks it's Texas) only 1 riding (electoral district) bucked the trend: An Edmonton riding is held by the New Democratic Party (NDP). No Liberals. And Calgary has not elected a Liberal since 1968. 3. The comparison between Canadian Conservatives and American Republicans is tenuous. While the CP is the party most likely to draw religious fundamentalists and anti-abortionists, they make up a much smaller portion of the electorate here. The Liberal-Democrat comparison works a little better. But you're WAY off the mark describing the NDP as Libertarian. It's more like Britain's Labour Party, supported by unions and an advocate of a strong role for government in the economy. I think it's safe to say the centre of our political spectrum is well to the left of yours. For example, the Conservative government won't take even baby steps toward restoring the death penalty, restricting abortion rights, stem cell research, etc. And while neither major U.S. party is likely to implement a universal, single-payer health care plan, no Canadian party would dare dismantle ours. And for what it's worth, I love Portland, especially Powell's Books! Cheers, Shane McCune Comox, B.C.

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

    If Blue Oregon really stands for Socialized health care for everyone, or if democrats really want Health Care for everyone, they must be prepared to make everyone pay $300 a month for it. If they want insurance based coverage for everyone. then they must be willing to ask everyone to pay $500 a month for it. Not off the back of small business, from their own paycheck! Not someone elses paycheck, their own!

    So where are your solutions? This was a majpr platform issue for 2008! Where are your solutions?

  • Mrs.Todd (unverified)

    I know Republicans aren't big on science but I think Jesus would be OK with SAB using spell check.

  • Scott in Damascus (unverified)

    Why is it that wingnuts all claim to be "pro-life" yet all seem to support the death penalty?

    And why is it when an unwed mother carries a child to term, they have no problem denying that child healthcare?

    48 million without healthcare and rising - but hey, let's just shout "socialized medicine" and run for cover.

  • Erin White (unverified)

    Josh Reynolds: DeFazio didn't have an opponent because he won the Republican nomination in addition to the Democratic nomination.

    That being said, he still received about 75,000 more votes than Obama did in the 4th CD according to the Swing State Project numbers. That's still a pretty big chunk.

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    Two things here.

    Posted by: Mrs.Todd | Mar 23, 2009 2:53:07 PM
    1. ROFL!!

    2. I could live with "socialized medicine" ala the Canadian, English or even Finnish models.

  • Jason (unverified)


    I think it's funny that you refer to Walden as a "partisan hack."

    That's the pot calling the kettle black.

  • Pedro (unverified)

    Stephan Andrew Brodhead: Please tell us all again how it is. I don't think we all got it the first fifty times you told us how our Democratic shit stinks.

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

    Mrs. Todd and kevin

    hee hee hee heee lol

    Death penalty:

    I would hate to be accused, and convicted but innocent of a murder. Imagine being caught up with some overzealous and manipulative DA office that fabricates evidence etc. Then, sit on death row for 5 years while appeal after appeal is rejected, only to have DNA evidence exonerate you.

    The Supreme Court did not even want to see Obama's birth records, Indonesian passport, or school records, your lucky if they let you out of prison with DNA evidence!

    I know the legal sytem is not 100 percent right all the time. I know that the state can be wrong. Because this reality exists, I do not believe in the death penalty. We judge society on how we treat our most troubled.

    Then again in Saudi Arabia they like to let people watch, in the town square, as they lopp off people's heads.

    What a person must feel while some fat ass state employee straps you to a table, and then injects you with poison, when you had nothing to do with the crime. To me that is a sick act in itself. Then again what do the victims feel? Is total vengance a good thing? Is putting a person in a 4 by 8 cell for 100 years enough?


  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

    "Stephan Andrew Brodhead: Please tell us all again how it is. I don't think we all got it the first fifty times you told us how our Democratic shit stinks."

    Did I say that?

    How can inviting synergy be anything like "Democratic shit stinks?"

    I was asking for engagement and synergy, while placing blame equally on both parties!

  • Joe Hill (unverified)

    It's probably too much to ask to have an individually operated filter that blocks selected posters here isn't it.

    Although I don't post that often, I do read what others write. Lately the ratio of what is worth considering, even in the broadest possible interpretation (in my opinion), to pure nonsense has gotten disappointingly low.

    I wish I had such a filter. Still, I'll figure something out.

  • C.P.O Snarky (unverified)

    There are families out there that would love to adopt and love a child. Republicans celebrate life not infanticide.

    A fertilized zygote is not an infant. By definition infancy is the period between birth and regaining the birth weight, after a typical, initial loss.

    Probably wasn't the case with you. Hmmm. Carplop, Parker, richard, wb (aka karl), SAD, er SAB...seems like BO is near a tipping point, content wise.

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

    It is apparent that some do not want to fix the problems facing our children. They would rather complain and point the finger at Republicans. You support Democratic doctrine on Health Care but do not know what that doctrine entails. I tried to offer some ideas, but some are so used to talking smack against Republicans, they are lost when someone asked for real dialogue.

    So just as "The Doors did the Ed Sullivan show, I did Blue Oregon!

    I guess only the messiah can fix healthcare? seeya

  • LT (unverified)

    One definition of synergy is

    "Cooperative interaction among groups, especially among the acquired subsidiaries or merged parts of a corporation, that creates an enhanced combined effect. "

    Individuals can decide for themselves whether statements like "Posted by: Stephan Andrew Brodhead | Mar 23, 2009 1:24:00 PM

    My wife is prochoice. I am prolife. There are families out there that would love to adopt and love a child. Republicans celebrate life not infanticide.

    I respect a womens right to choose, but hope they would choose life! "

    promote synergy. Or just sound like sloganeering.

    Critizing a member of Congress does not alone guarantee that any child born early or with medical problems will be born to parents with adequate health insurance. When the anti-abortion crowd moves beyond "choose life" to address the very real concerns of parents whose child is born early or with medical problems (or is born into poverty) people will take them seriously.

    For the record, I have known parents of special needs kids who disagreed with each other on the question of abortion. To me, "pro-choice" means they above all others have the right to debate the issue without being called names.

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    Kari, I think it's funny that you refer to Walden as a "partisan hack." That's the pot calling the kettle black.

    Um, not really. I'm not a member of Congress. Greg Walden is.

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    If Blue Oregon really stands for Socialized health care for everyone...

    Stephen -- BlueOregon is neither for nor againt "socialized health care." It's a blog -- a collection of pixels on a screen and bits on a hard drive.

    As we've said from day one:

    What else will BlueOregon do? Probably nothing. We're just a place for progressive Oregonians to gather 'round the water cooler. We expect our contributors to individually motivate our readers to action - but BlueOregon itself won't collectively endorse candidates, stage protests, or even go out for donuts.

    Some of our readers and contributors certainly support what you call "socialized health care for everyone", but BlueOregon itself is just a website.

    (Is it the Republican plan to argue for socialized health care for only some people? That would seem to fit the usual ideology - good schools for some people, tax breaks for some people, clean water for some people, but not for everyone. Oh noes! That's socializzzzm!!1!!1!!)

  • David Robinson (unverified)


    "Fiscally Conservative Republican" ... hasn't that become an oxymoron?

    Also, I think you need to check your math on the cost of public healthcare relative to private healthcare.

  • riverat (unverified)

    SAB: "So where are your solutions?"

    I'd happily consider any of the systems used in Western Europe or Canada (maybe not England though where the gov. owns most of the hospitals).

    Compared to them the US spends about double per capita for similar results over all.

  • JohnLloydScharf (unverified)

    Chisholm, you are the partisan hack.

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

    Sorry, I just scored a Diamond Eye stainless steel exhaust for my Cummins 5.9 to 1997 Ford F250 swap. The system is for a 2003 Dodge Cummins bit with a few bends and cuts I got it to fit the ford. It was deal at $335 with muffler.

    When I returned from Iraq, I decided to convert my Ford to Diesel (20 plus versus 13 MPG). I was going to use Bio diesel, but at 8.75 gallons per acre ($42 per acre) and a huge carbon footprint I will stick with American produced diesel.

    The last 2 trips I made to Wincheter bay to go sandrailing cost me almost $300 in gas. With the chipped cummins and Diesel at $250 a gallon, it will costs matbe $100 bucks.

    Anyways where were we?

    Oh Health Care.

    here is a really good link on the disparity in Medicare costs. Oregon is actually very low per recipient compared to some states. Just look at the disparity.

    If you read the entire article or even the entire Concorde Coalition Website, you will find some very interesting stuff on government spending,

    Here is another website on Health Insurance programs etc.

    I do not have any answers. It will be impossible for 2.5 people to bare the cost of medicare for 1 person (80 million baby )boomers) or 140 million workers supporting 80 million on very expensive health Care and Social Security! 30 to 50 percent of Medcare costs are either dual administration costs or corruption.

    100 percent government run health care would be a disaster. We must find a solution that maximizes efficiencies in the private sector. Medicare will be hard to fix or pay for in just a few short years. According to the CBO, Government Health Care went from 400 to 600 billion in a year. So with 5 million baby boomers costing $7000 a year, it wont be long till Medicare costs are the size of Bill Clintons last federal budegt.

    We must take care of our seniors, but how do we do it and still preserve opportunity for our children? How do we make Health Care affordable for everyone?

  • Stephan Andrew Brodhead (unverified)

    Here are four things that we can do to lower medicare costs

    1. first Tier senior Clinic system staffed by LPNS (The gate Keepers to higher order health care)

    2. National Health Care scholarship program with 10 year committment to Senior Clinic system)

    3. Increase legal immigration and "fast track status for people with Medical Certifications ( 5 year senior clinic system enlstment)

    4. 15 percent Health Care tariff tax on all imports that originate from countries that devalue their currency. China artificially devalues their currency by at least 40 percent. They pay their workers 1/3 of what we pay a 14 year old baby sitter.

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    One needn't be a MoC to be a partisan hack. What a curious attempt at definition. I think the more appropriate term for Kari would be Party hack.

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    DeFazio has consistently outpolled the Democratic candidate for President. In fact, Bush won the 4th District twice, and Gordon Smith won it consistently. DeFazio's strength in the district is far above that of any other Democrat.

    And it's true that several local Republicans signed a letter encouraging Republican primary voters to write in DeFazio's name. I know because I was one of the signers (and wrote the letter). And Peter won, despite a half-hearted effort by some people to organize a write-in for another candidate, without that candidate's encouragement o support.

  • Willhem Gottfried von Leibnitz (unverified)

    Oh noes! That's socializzzzm!!1!!1!!)

    This is sooo true, and you keep saying it, and no one responds, they just keep on. How about a direct challenge? Righties, what is this "socialism"? I like process definitions, but "whatever we call social engineering we don't like" don't really cut it.

    What is it? You know as soon as you define it, most of us won't fit it. You want to be taken seriously, for you logic? Answer that.

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    One needn't be a MoC to be a partisan hack. What a curious attempt at definition. I think the more appropriate term for Kari would be Party hack.

    TJ, either you misunderstood my comment - or I'm misunderstanding your rejoinder.

    To clarify: I think it's perfectly reasonable for me to be a partisan hack. I never claimed to be otherwise. (This is BlueOregon, after all.)

    But then, I'm not a member of Congress. I'm not in the government. I'm not responsible for representing all of the people of a congressional district.

    But Greg Walden is. And he shouldn't be such a partisan hack.

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