Will Gordon Smith run against Ron Wyden?
Kari Chisholm
Over at NW Republican, Ted Piccolo is saying that state GOP chairman Bob Tiernan is telling people that Gordon Smith is thinking of staging a comeback by running against Ron Wyden in 2010.
Tiernan brought up some issues that he thought were rather exciting. One is that Smith already has high name ID and it would force Wyden and the Democrats to spend a great deal of money and actually have to defend a senate seat they might normally simply take for granted. ...Personally I don't know what to think. Of course my first thought is that Wyden is unbeatable. The guy knows how to work his constituency.
At the O, Jeff Mapes has a similar dismissive reaction:
"It's certainly one of his options and he's going to take a hard look at it," Tiernan told me after meeting with Smith last week. ...However, my sources say no way is Smith going to run against Wyden next year. Running against a Democratic incumbent in Oregon is hard enough, and Wyden has high popularity ratings. Heck, even in Smith's losing reelection race last year, Smith ran an ad promoting how well he and Wyden got along.
Still, you can't blame Tiernan for talking up the idea. It gives Republicans some hope they are on the move and maybe it will spur Smith's supporters to encourage him to run against Wyden.
Just don't count on it actually happening.
I'm thinking that Gordon Smith is probably have more fun than he's had in a long time, hanging out with the kids, working on his golf game, etc. What do you think?
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Feb 12, '09
All I know is I'd love to see Gordon Smith run for President with Gordon Lightfoot as his VP pick.
Their slogan could be "Gold Gords".
1:45 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
[Full disclosure: My firm manages Ron Wyden's campaign website, but I speak only for myself.]
Feb 12, '09
I would think that if Gordo was going to run for something in 2 years that it would be the Governorship, the GOP bench is so thin in Oregon now that it seems like the only real chance they've got to pick up anything would be Gordo going for Governor, that would be an open race and the Repubs certainly aren't going to find anyone better.
The only caveat I would add is that I've seen some rumors (I don't know how serious they are) that Obama might be considering Wyden for HHS, if that happened Wyden's seat would be open and I could see Gordo trying for that. Personally I think Obama would be crazy not to pick Kitzhaber for HHS though.
2:00 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
I watched Smith several times on the campaign trail while running against Merkley. Honestly, I didn't get the sense that his heart was in it at all.
After the sausage grinder of that Senate campaign ended--I think Smith was pleased to head into something with a little more peace involved.
I think this is just another example of Tiernan talking out his ass.
Feb 12, '09
There's only one Gordon for me:
The Gordon who preaches about the rain.
2:03 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
I'm thinking that Gordon Smith is probably have more fun than he's had in a long time, hanging out with the kids, working on his golf game, etc.
He sure has the golf clubs to do it with.
And, frankly, more power to him. There's nothing wrong with being rich. What's wrong is twisting all the levers of government you can to benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else.
2:06 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
I'm with Carla. Tiernan is just a loose cannon trying to get attention in the media. Smith will never run against Wyden. He would get slaughtered and it would be very intense hard work that he is not interested in doing.
This is also a way for Tiernan to imply that the Republicans have candidates who can compete state-wide when they actually don't have anyone.
2:13 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
Smith would get waxed by Wyden. Running against Wyden would undermine the entire bipartisan shtick that Smith has been trying to sell for the last two years. People have short memories but they don't forget that easily and they aren't going to be less tired of seeing his mug on tv.
2:23 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
What do I think?
That Tiernan and the Oregon GOP leadership are clearly abusing the medical marijuana law and lighting up for recreational, not medicnal, reasons.
2:33 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
Ditto what Mitch said!
Feb 12, '09
Let's not forget another grim possibility. Pres. Obama is giving out appointments to Republicans at a fast enough rate to consider the possibility that Obama just might offer Gordon Smith a job in the Obama Administration.
3:00 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
Frank -- He can be ambassador to New Zealand (which would make him the third Oregon Republican in a row to get that gig). But only if he promises to stay there at least through the end of 2010.
3:49 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
"That Tiernan and the Oregon GOP leadership are clearly abusing the medical marijuana law and lighting up for recreational, not medicnal, reasons."
And thanks to our new President, they don't have to worry about their door being beaten down by the Feds...
4:09 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
What do you think?
I think it's more likely that Kari runs against Wyden than Gordo. Poor Republicans, scrabbling around looking for something to inspire hope.
5:40 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
I think the economy is likely to create a lot of turmoil in politics two years from now, perhaps creating opportunities that do not now exist. I don't rate Smith a likely, but would not rate him out. I've been worried that the priorities in the pending stimulus (laying off teachers while funding roads and bridges, and generally leaving Oregon state government without the funding stability it needs, for examples) may create problems in the Democratic base. If the public over times come to see this stimulus, and others to come, as inadequate or incompetent, then there will be opportunities for non-incumbents.
5:59 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
Worth keeping in mind of course.
But you might be overlooking the fact that this emergency stimulus bill is just the first step. We haven't even gotten to the regular appropriations or the actual budget yet. That is where most of the things that were cut from the emergency bill will go back in. Many of the things Snowe, Nelson, and others who were pushing for cuts in the stimulus bill were saying flat out that they support the funding for the National Science Foundation, the increase in education spending, etc. but through the regular appropriations bill process and not as part of the emergency stimulus bill.
Same thing with the reproductive services spending that Planned Parenthood were peeved when it got stripped from the bill.
The Omnibus spending bill, and the transportation bill is up this year, and we are going to move on universal health-care. This is only the first step of many big moves that can and will be taken. This, and the financial stabilization package are the triage stage.
There is more on the way to do the heavy lifting to turn this around.
Feb 12, '09
I don't think I've heard anyone say since the last election, "I sure do miss that good old Gordon Smith in the Senate." It's just a very wishful trial balloon.
8:13 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
Nah. I don't think Smith has the drive to be Governor. He's a glory-hound and a good-old-boy, and I think retirement suits him.
Let's draft DeFazio and make sure he stays out for good.
8:15 p.m.
Feb 12, '09
Whoops - wrong race.
The answer to the Senate question is heck no. He'd get smoked.
Feb 12, '09
Posted by: Kari Chisholm | Feb 12, 2009 3:00:44 PM
Frank -- He can be ambassador to New Zealand (which would make him the third Oregon Republican in a row to get that gig). But only if he promises to stay there at least through the end of 2010.
How absurd is that, that we send the most unrepresentative members of the state to the country most representative of Oregonians?
7:30 a.m.
Feb 13, '09
Steve M wrote about Gordon Smith: "What's wrong is twisting all the levers of government you can to benefit the rich at the expense of everyone else."
Yes, Gordon's good at that, as are Bob Tiernan, Dan Lavey, and the rest of the ORGOP crowd. That's why ORGOP and the RSCC will do everything they can to get Wyden out and Gordon back in.
You have to have been a member of Trumpeters to know the mindset. I was once and never will be again but I do know that the urge to purge Wyden is extremely strong and Gordon's their golden boy. One can never ignore the will of the Mormon church. Gordon will run whether his heart's in it or not because his ideology is willing and controlling. And if he doesn't, then watch out for the governor's race.
Feb 13, '09
All I know is I'd love to see Gordon Smith run for President with Gordon Lightfoot as his VP pick.
Yep, I like that, a Canadian for vice-president, give the wingnuts something to spend their time blogging about.
Feb 14, '09
Posted by: joel dan walls | Feb 13, 2009 4:25:17 PM
All I know is I'd love to see Gordon Smith run for President with Gordon Lightfoot as his VP pick.
Yep, I like that, a Canadian for vice-president, give the wingnuts something to spend their time blogging about.
If/when Franken gets seated, must not a whole contingent of SCTV alumni be close behind? First there was name recognition, then there was Arnie, then Sarah... To the Dems credit, at least their branch has substance.