That's "Chairman" Schrader to you, bub.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

In Congress, it usually takes a few years to achieve a chairmanship - even a minor subcommittee chair slot.

Congressman Kurt Schrader (D-Canby) has pulled it off in his first month on the job. From the statement:

U.S. Congressman Kurt Schrader (D-OR) was appointed to chair the Subcommittee on Finance and Tax of the House Committee on Small Business; a rare honor for a first-term member of Congress.

“This is a great honor for me and, quite frankly, a great opportunity for my district,” said Chairman Schrader. “Small businesses make up nearly 98% of the businesses in Oregon and, like most businesses, they are struggling to find their footing in this difficult economy.”

The Subcommittee on Finance and Tax has jurisdiction over lending and investment programs run by the Small Business Association (SBA). Chairman Schrader’s subcommittee also has jurisdiction over tax policy and retirement/pension matters that affect American small businesses.

In addition, he's on the Agriculture Committee and the Budget Committee.

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    [Full disclosure: My firm built Kurt Schrader's campaign website, but I speak only for myself.]

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    Off topic. I want to acknowledge the passing of James Klonoski, retired professor in Political Science at the U. of O. He was a prof in one of my poly sci classes in the 60s, former head of the DNC DPO and advisor to Hubert Humphrey. A true blue liberal democrat of the New Deal stripe. I salute you, Dr. Konoski.

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    Does that mean we shall see a little red book called "Quotations from Chairman Schrader" in two years?

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    This actually makes sense. His experience as co-chair of Ways and Means in Oregon and owning a small business makes him uniquely qualified for this position. And, it means lawmakers are actually being chosen for positions where they have some expertise. Good choice. And, congrats to Kurt.

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    And to add to what Deborah says, moderately encouraging that such a good choice can be made.

    I wonder what the "finance" in "finance and tax" entails? In particular, I wonder if this is a setting in which issues relating to health insurance and small business could be addressed? It certainly affects their finances, and depending on the nature of the small business, self-employed, sole proprietor and small partnership businesses face hits relating to paying both ends of payroll taxes that already affect FICA and Medicare & could be a problem in any of the several incremental reform proposals as well as the current version of HR 676 the Conyers single-payer bill.

  • Steve (unverified)

    Oh wonderful, since Barney Frank did such a good job in the house on the train wreck that is banking, I am sure Mr Schrader ought to really learn some great lessons from his mentorship.

  • Mike Stamler (unverified)

    That's Small Business ADMINISTRATION, to you, bub.

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    The petulant tears of emotionally stunted people like Carl Fisher and "Steve" give me nothing but joy, not only for now, but the future. I mean if this is what Republicans offer to the public, not any form of Mea Culpa for the mess they got us in, but rather trying to compare a centrist Democrat to Mao Zedong or pretend that the House subcommittee was responsible for the insane way Bush spent the banking funds.

    Keep it up, guys. Relegate yourselves to inconsequence. Please.

  • LT (unverified)

    All due respect, Steve, I think Carl was trying to be funny. If I'm wrong, surely he will say so here.

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    At this point, telling the difference between a normal person making an absurd over-the-top comment intended to sound stupid as a sly joke, and a Republican being absolutely serious, is absolutely indistinguishable.

  • Zarathustra (unverified)

    Posted by: Steve Maurer | Feb 2, 2009 6:46:09 PM

    At this point, telling the difference between a normal person making an absurd over-the-top comment intended to sound stupid as a sly joke, and a Republican being absolutely serious, is absolutely indistinguishable.

    and that is an absolutely required adjustment if they are serious about running Palin or Huckabee in 2012.


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