Greg Walden's on the Oversight Subcommittee. No, really!
Kari Chisholm
As Carla noted earlier today, Congressman Greg Walden has gotten a plum new post as the ranking Republican member on the Oversight and Investigation Subcommittee of the House Energy and Commerce Committee.
Yeah, read that again. They've put Walden - our very own Greg Walden - in charge of oversight and investigations.
Which Greg Walden? The very same Greg Walden who was the chair of the NRCC's auditing committee. The very same Greg Walden who desperately wanted to meet with the NRCC's outside auditors. The very same Greg Walden who never bothered to pick up a telephone to call the auditors himself. The very same Greg Walden who never discovered that the auditors weren't the auditors. They very same Greg Walden who allowed a million bucks or so to disappear right from under his nose. All because he didn't use that most basic of investigative tools - a telephone.
Yeah, that Greg Walden is now going to be the Republican point man on oversight and investigations.
Maybe he can try that telephone thing sometime. It might just work.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. In Republican circles, there ain't nothing that succeeds like total, epic failure. As long as you're one of the good ol' boys - right school, right fraternity, right church - ain't nothin' you can do wrong.
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connect with blueoregon
Jan 17, '09
How about Bill Kristol? How much did he get wrong these last 8 years? So is he banished from the media? No, he's given a column at the New York Times and this past week he has dinner with Barack Obama. It's sooooo not fair.
6:20 p.m.
Jan 19, '09