Schrader resigns from State Senate; replacement process begins
Kari Chisholm
State Senator Kurt Schrader (D-Canby) resigned on Tuesday, December 16, according to a statement from the Senate Majority Office. In early January, he'll be sworn in as Oregon's new congressman from the 5th district.
How will his seat in Senate District 20 be filled? As usual, elected precinct committee persons will nominate finalists - and the county commission will appoint the new state senator.
Senate District 20 is comprised of the communities of Canby, Gladstone, Oregon City, Milwaukie and surrounding areas.Upon Congressman-Elect Schrader’s resignation, it is up to the Secretary of State to notify the Clackamas County Democratic Central Committee. The Central Committee has twenty days to submit three to five nominees for the vacant seat to the Clackamas County Commission. The Commission then has ten days to make a final selection on the appointment to Senate District 20.
Right now, candidates who have expressed interest in the appointment include the congressman-elect's wife, Clackamas County Commissioner Martha Schrader; and Toby Forsberg, who ran for HD 39 and lost very narrowly.
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3:45 p.m.
Dec 18, '08
Full disclosure: My firm built the campaign websites for Kurt Schrader and Martha Schrader (and I was a small donor to Toby Forsberg), but I speak only for myself.
Dec 18, '08
Personally, I'd like to see Martha stay on the Clackamas county commission. I'm on the Clackamas county Urban and Rural Reserves Policy Advisory Committee, and Martha is Clackamas county's representative on the Core4. As such, she will have a pivotal role, in my opinion, on the designation of rural reserves in Clackamas county. I believe that this is an important enough job, that I'd like to see her stay for the rest of the reserves process which will run untill near the end of 2009.
This, of course, would keep her from becoming a state senator. While I believe that the position of state senator is very important also, because of the time Martha has already put in on the reserves process as a Core4 member, and the importance of the reserves process to property owners in Clackamas county, I believe that her work as a county commissioner and on the Core4 is more important than her serving as a state senator, although I think she would do a good job in that position too.
Anyhoo, just my 2 bits....
Dec 18, '08
Does Blagojevich get to appoint a successor?
Dec 18, '08
I think the State Senate could benefit from a hard working, enthusiastic new woman state senator like Martha Schrader. It is up to the pct. people in the district to choose the 3 nominees and the county comm. to choose the appointee.
I wonder whether they liked Dave Hunt appearing to make that decision for them
by claiming that if not elected to the Oregon House he would be the new state senator.
Dec 18, '08
LT, could we give this up already?
Dec 19, '08
It's sad how much Kurt Schrader has tried to manipulate this appointment process (to advantage his wife) by delaying his resignation. I hope his manipulation is not rewarded.
6:42 a.m.
Dec 19, '08
I know Martha and Kurt and have great respect for both of them. As one of the precinct committee people, I look forward to hearing from the folks chosen who are interested in taking Kurt's Senate seat.
Dec 19, '08
I know and have respected the Schraders as well. That's why I've been so appalled by their manipulation of this appointment process for their own personal gain.
The Schraders' actions are trashing a lot of the good will and support they have built up over the years.
8:55 a.m.
Dec 19, '08
Canby Guy... Why would a delay matter?
8:57 a.m.
Dec 19, '08
That's why I've been so appalled by their manipulation of this appointment process for their own personal gain.
Um, sorry to break it to you, but if Martha really does go from the County Commission to the State Senate, then she'd be taking a personal loss - not a gain.
The County Commission gig pays something like $70k a year, while the Lege is something ridiculous like $20k.
Dec 19, '08
Kari--"personal gain" does not always mean "direct financial gain". I'd say that if Martha Schrader wants the seat, she must figure it will be a personal gain. Otherwise, she's knowingly acting against her own best interests. Which, I guess, is possible.
Just saying.
Dec 19, '08
Posted by: Logan Gilles | Dec 18, 2008 10:04:12 PM
Should I give up on the right of pct. people to make the final decision as was said here?
Posted by: Deborah Barnes | Dec 19, 2008 6:42:03 AM
I know Martha and Kurt and have great respect for both of them. As one of the precinct committee people, I look forward to hearing from the folks chosen who are interested in taking Kurt's Senate seat.
1:50 p.m.
Dec 19, '08
I'm agnostic about this race, knowing and respecting Martha and having heard good things about Toby. But re: "A personal gain" - Martha may very well want to work on issues that the legislature works on, instead of those the county commission works on.
Isn't everyone who wants the seat just saying they want the seat, therefore, by definition, it would be a personal gain for them? As Kari already pointed out, it's not a financial gain for Martha, so what's wrong with her wanting the seat?
And we're all aware of the processes, and everyone's playing by the rules. Kurt has every right to stay in his seat until sworn in as a Congressman -- why wouldn't he have this right and/or the responsibility to do so?
Dec 19, '08
I love Martha Schrader! She would make an incredible state senator. Smart, hard working, experienced and politically savvy. Hard to do better than this.
5:41 p.m.
Dec 19, '08
You know, sometimes people want a seat, such as one in the state legislature, not for personal gain but instead to make a difference. Not everyone in these positions are out for personal gain, you know.
Dec 19, '08
Jenni, if Martha Schrader truly wanted to "make a difference" in the state legislature, then she should have run for the state legislature. There was an open House seat in her district this year, which was just narrowly won by Republican Bill Kennemer.
But no, Martha Schrader ran this year for re-election to her county commish seat. Her new four-year term hasn't even begun yet, but now she's manipulating this process in order to "win" a state legislative seat.
7:51 p.m.
Dec 19, '08
Of course. Manipulating the process has to be the reason why she did it.
Couldn't be that she knew how busy they would be in 2008 running his campaign for Congress and knew that running for a new seat, as opposed to running for re-election, would harm his chances. Or about half a dozen other reasons I can think of.
I don't have any preference as to how the PCPs and county commissions should vote on this seat. The PCPs there know the issues and the candidates a lot better than I do. But some of the accusations just seem ridiculous.
7:56 p.m.
Dec 19, '08
Logan... I agree with you that the phrase "personal gain" could, by a dictionary definition, mean all sorts of things. But the term, as used in politics, is a term-of-art that means "financial gain".
Certainly, if Martha applies for the gig, then she'd rather do that job than the one she has. But that's not a bad thing. Why does anyone run for office?
Like Evan, I'm basically agnostic. I know and like Martha. I don't know Toby, though I donated to him. This is a decision that will be made by the PCPs in the Clackamas County Democratic Party and then by the county commissioners.
7:58 p.m.
Dec 19, '08
now she's manipulating this process in order to "win" a state legislative seat.
OK, we've now seen this assertion made several times without any details to the allegation or proof of wrongdoing.
Would someone at least tell us what Martha is being accused of? And offer up some details that support the accusation?
Or is it just that she happens to be married to the guy who has the position now?
Dec 19, '08
Kari: Agreed.
Further, I don't think there is any manipulation of the process going on here.
I also agree with OC Dan than if Martha wanted to serve in the lege, she should have run for the open seat in her district (39th), rather than running for a new four-year term on the board of commissioners.
After the campaign that Toby ran for the 39th this year, there's no doubt how much he wants to serve his community in the legislature.
Dec 20, '08
Kari, I think the primary "manipulation" here is that Kurt Schrader intentionally delayed his resignation announcement to require the PCPs to meet during the holidays and to advantage his wife by having the final decision made by the newly-expanded Board of Commissioners rather than the current Board. He wouldn't even tell county party leaders WHEN he was going to resign so they could plan appropriately for this important process.
He was quoted in local papers as saying he delayed his resignation in order to pay his mortgage (not likely that a millionaire needs $1700/month to pay his mortgage) and to continue his legislative duties in Salem (even though he missed the one-and-only set of Emergency Board hearings since the election -- much to the consternation of Peter Courtney -- even though Jeff Merkley showed up).
Sounds like manipulation to me.
Dec 20, '08
Canby guy, the legislative session starts next month. If you feel that strongly, lobby legislators on behalf of a bill which says "Upon being elected to higher office, a legislator must resign from the legislature within ___ days".
To my knowledge, there is no law of that sort now.
Having been involved in the process when my legislator won higher office, I agree with Kari,
"This is a decision that will be made by the PCPs in the Clackamas County Democratic Party and then by the county commissioners."
As we saw in the primary, angry blogging is not guaranteed to bring the result the angry bloggers want.
Dec 20, '08
LT, you are about the angriest blogger around Blue Oregon, so I'll take your word for it! :)
11:24 p.m.
Dec 21, '08
Two things:
if Martha wanted to serve in the lege, she should have run for the open seat in her district (39th)
Martha did, in fact, run for HD 39. Back in 2002. I also think it's perfectly reasonable for someone to decide that they'd like to serve in the Senate, but not the House. Maybe not a choice you or I would make (the Lege is the Lege, eh?) but one that clearly matters to lots of people -- note the large number of folks who move from House to Senate, and the nearly-zero number of folks who go the other direction.
to advantage his wife by having the final decision made by the newly-expanded Board of Commissioners rather than the current Board.
Huh? I don't get it. Under the old board, she's one of three votes -- 33%. Under the new board, she's one of five votes -- 20%. How does that help her? (And even beyond that, I'm fairly sure that Lynn Petersen is a strong ally of Martha's - making a vote under the old board almost certainly a formality. But under the new board? I have no idea. )
Dec 26, '08
Issue--I don't see this a manipulation on thier part. I would support Maratha over Toby. She would make a better Senator than Toby. Maratha is well-known, versed in issues and has understanding our politics work. Toby is green and really does not understand issues and he is puppet to Dave Hunt. Why would we want someone like Toby in office when he can not make judgement calls and decide what is best for Oregon City. Maratha can stand on her own and not have someone like Dave Hunt in the background pulling the strings. If anyone has tried to manipulate the choices has been Dave Hunt, he has been very vocal about supporting Toby and I think we as a PCP's should take a stand and vote who we fill will do the best job and I my vote goes to Maratha and I hope have followers to support her.
Dec 26, '08
Insider, I was just standing up for those like PCP given my experience back in my party activist days as a pct. person and a member of state central comm. being involved in the replacement process (both replacement on the ballot due to vacancy and replacement when a legislator is elected to higher office).
Now, if someone doesn't like my standing up for what I believe in based on my personal experience with the process, and calls that angry, not my problem.
I just want the elected precinct people in the district to make the decision on nominees and then let the county comm. make the final decision. I hope the process is as open as it was when we replaced our state senator--large public meeting place, candidates making speeches not only to the comm. but to an audience as well, and then a public vote on the choice for replacement.
A hero of mine lost such a replacement to the Senate more than a decade ago because the commissioners liked the person they chose better than the person running--and, as I recall, my choice was one of their current or former comm.members. That's the way the ball bounces.
My big thing is a fair and open process, along the lines PCP describes. If his fellow pct. people believe that the Speaker-elect is controlling the process, they have a right to choose a Senate candidate other than who the Speaker-elect wants. If they think Toby should have won his House race and this is a consolation prize, they have the right to vote that way. They also have the right to support Martha if they so choose.
Why is that an angry attitude, Insider?
Dec 30, '08
I also think it's perfectly reasonable for someone to decide that they'd like to serve in the Senate, but not the House.
Thats gotta be the understatement of the month. But Martha has more than paid her dues in Salem as Kurt's staff -- and she actually seems to LIKE being there.
<h2>Besides, the state senate couldn't lose by having someone with her local government background. Looks like a win-win-win, with the last win going to Oregonians.</h2>