Great Googley-Moogley!

Charlie Burr

Happy snow day, all.

  • Moon Unit (unverified)

    Nice. RIP Frank Zappa- a staunch defender of the first amendment. See him in action here.

    And don't forget to take this day to jam in Joe the Plumber's Garage.

    Joe the Plumber's garage.

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    One scheduled event I didn't really want to go to cancelled, one big one (known as work) to go! If not, should be an adventurous bus ride from the hinterlands. Looking forward to four or more hours of commute time!

  • Susan (unverified)

    "Posted by: torridjoe | Dec 14, 2008 1:56:06 PM

    One scheduled event I didn't really want to go to cancelled, one big one (known as work) to go..." +++

    Isn't you work defined as showing up at your public sector job and then commenting all day long on various political blogs, as well as your own Loaded Orygun?

    Why don't you just comment from home on your own dime and save the taxpayers so money?

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    Ok, I am not Mr. Torrid's biggest fan, and even I know that personal attack was uncalled for and out of place. Especially for a snow day thread!:) Now if I can just get PSU to hurry up and call off for tomorrow, all will be good.:)

  • Todd Foster (unverified)

    Susan's personal attack on Torrid Joe would be much more effective if she used proper grammar and checked her text before posting.

    She is probably drunk and probably just hit send.

    Probably an un/underemployed right winger who doesn't actually pay taxes anyway.

    Just a theory.

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    Posted by: Susan | December 14, 2008 at 03:04 PM

    <h2>Jesus thinks you're a jerk.</h2>

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