Speculation about Oregon's U.S. Attorney
Kari Chisholm
Along with the new administration will be the appointment of new U.S. Attorneys throughout the country.
In Oregon, the Bushies' U.S. Attorney was Karin Immergut. Immergut had been rumored to be Gordon Smith's pick for a federal judgeship, but that was dropped after media reports popped up.
In Portland's legal community, this open question has become quite the parlor game -- and the PolitickerOR is all over it.
A week ago, they detailed a several possibilities: Klamath County DA Ed Caleb, Deschutes County DA Mike Dugan, Clackamas County DA John Foote, Benton County DA John Haroldson, and Clatsop County DA Josh Marquis - as well as private-sector attorneys Roy Pulvers and Michael Simon.
Caleb, Dugan, Haroldson, and Marquis were the four DAs that endorsed Jeff Merkley for U.S. Senate - critical because home-state Senators traditionally get a veto over the choice. Pulvers is the DPO's attorney, and Michael Simon is an election-law specialist, a prominent and early Merkley supporter, and the spouse of State Senator Suzanne Bonamici (D-Beaverton) -- (and the father of former BlueOregon contributor Andrew Simon.) Dugan is also the spouse of newly-elected State Rep. Judy Stiegler (D-Bend). Longer bios over at the PolitickerOR.
Since then, Ed Caleb told PolitickerOR that he'd prefer that Josh Marquis was selected. Roy Pulvers said he's not interested. And Haroldson - who is Oregon's first Latino to serve as a county DA - told the PolitickerOR that he'd seriously consider the appointment.
This is going to be interesting to watch. Anybody you'd like to see on the short list?
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4:57 p.m.
Nov 21, '08
Dugan would be an excellent pick. He's a very focused, judicious personality with backbone to spare. On both rural and urban issues, Mike's familiar with the whole range of problems likely to need his attention.
5:22 p.m.
Nov 21, '08
Anyone but Marquis. The last thing we need is an ego-mad grandstander who loves the thought of killing people.
Nov 21, '08
John Foote is by far the sharpest pick out there. Marquis is a self-serving egomaniac.
Nov 21, '08
Even though I hate all Repubs equally, I think Karen Immergut has done a decent job, notwithstanding her prior connections to the anti-Clinton machine in DC. The president-elect could leave her in office for a while as far as I am concerned. As a Multnomah County assistant DA and as US Attorney she has gone after white collar criminals aggressively, which in my opinion are a much greater threat to society than your average mid level drug dealer. Anyway, Marquis would be a big mistake in my opinion. He is exactly the type who would organize federal raids of medical marijuana grow operations for the front page headlines. Dugan or Simon would be creative and positive picks from my perspective.
PS - I heard a rumor that there are one or two competent women attorneys in Oregon. The short list has seven men and NO women? That does not sound like CHANGE and somewhat offends this old and grumpy white guy.
Nov 21, '08
Whomever it is, I hope they have experience on the federal level and while it would be preferable to have a local person, I wouldn't be surprised if its somebody from outside the region. Considering the amount of news the US Attorney's Office made during Bush's tenure regarding terror busts, Immergut seems to have escaped much of the controversy and from what I know, she's fairly well thought of throughout the state.
Nov 21, '08
The downside with the DAs is that they tend to be career public servants and not wealthy enough to make big donations, and thus less likely to get a patronage appointment. That leaves Simons.
For competence in organizing a body of prosecutors, the DAs are the obvious choices. The question from a strategy point-of-view is who can best help the Democrats in future elections.
Dugan, said he was supporting Marquis, but he seemed to leave the door open to consideration according to Politicker. Dugan has run for Congress before and lost. So, he may not be much future help.
Marquis, has the highest profile but his death penalty cheerleading could hurt him.
Foote, seems a good candidate to make Clackamas County even blue-er. In looking up his internet bio his downside is that he looks like the typical, white, balding lawyer.
Haroldson, is a Latino who has gotten positive media exposure in Portland due to the Brook Willberger case. Although he is from already blue Corvallis, according to his internet bio he spent time as a lawyer in Linn County which is generally pretty red.
Nov 21, '08
Sounds like lazy "reporting." All it takes to be US Attorney is to be an elected DA and support the winning Senate candidate?
Nov 21, '08
The likely candidate is someone no-one mentioned, Dwight Holtton, Gov. Tim Kaine's brother-in-law and a federal prosecutor. No DA has ever been named US Attorney. And Marquis may have his faults but he pissed off the Bush administration by denouncing their marijuana policy a couple years back. Wyden and Merkley will edcide who they want. And the new Attorney General.
Nov 21, '08
Holton is really young. Everybody on this site probably has better political connections than I do, but that seems unlikely to me.
Nov 21, '08
Josh Marquis would be the wrong choice. He avoids accountability for himself and his staff, as was shown in a conflict last year with the Clatsop County Board. His refusal to cooperate with their request for performance measures led them to strip him of his county pay supplement. Marquis then pushed for a public vote on the supplemental pay (and lost). During the campaign he lied when he said it was a grassroots effort; later emails proved he orchestrated the entire thing.
So we know he's arrogant and difficult to work with, and that he lies in order to benefit himself. In addition, he earlier charged one of the county commissioners who pissed him off with dog licensing violations (which were dropped) and had his wife run against the same commissioner. So he's vindictive as well.
An arrogant, difficult, vindictive liar. Wouldn't be my first choice for US Attorney, his Merkley support notwithstanding.
Nov 21, '08
Marquis just to piss you all off
11:00 p.m.
Nov 21, '08
Sounds like lazy "reporting." All it takes to be US Attorney is to be an elected DA and support the winning Senate candidate?
I agree. Folks should be looking in some of the obvious places - deputy US Attorneys here and elsewhere, career DOJ folks from Oregon, etc.
I heard a rumor that there are one or two competent women attorneys in Oregon. The short list has seven men and NO women? That does not sound like CHANGE and somewhat offends this old and grumpy white guy.
Definitely agree.
Nov 22, '08
I am certain there are other candidates than those listed here who will be considered, but of the ones listed, I really like the idea of either Dugan or Simon. Simon would be a choice that would really piss off the Republicans because he knows how to utilize the letter of the law to great advantage, and wouldn't be shy about supporting Democratic issues. The Republicans would probably scream that he's too partisan, but then again, US Attorney appointments don't need Senate approval any more, right?
Nov 22, '08
Marquis has come across to me as a Lieberman Democrat.He thinks he knows better than the rest of us what's really good for this country.
From the top of my head, I'd say US Attorneys typically come from the AUSA or private sector ranks. And even though the title says District of Oregon the candidate likely will hail from the District of Portland.
Michael Mosman was an AUSA, and John McKay (Seattle) was a firm lawyer. Similar for Clinton's appointees I believe.
Nov 22, '08
Marquis a Lieberman Democrat? He was Ted's primary law enforecement supporter in 2002 and 2006. He helped spearhead the Measure 57 campaign and has been involved in his local Demo party for years. You may disagree with his support for the death penalty, but so does the President-elect and most Oregonians. You may not like him but his Blue credentials are pretty unassailable. But that's NOT the basis for appointing a United States Attorney. Let's give Wyden more credit than just blowng with the wind.
Nov 22, '08
What about Deputy Oregon Attorney General Pete Shepherd? As someone with over 20 years experience in public service including criminal prosecution, consumer protection and both the Oregon and federal legal system, I can't think of a more qualified candidate.
11:37 a.m.
Nov 22, '08
Deputy AG Fred Slaughter
11:38 a.m.
Nov 22, '08
Make that Deputy US Atty Fred Slaughter
Nov 22, '08
Marquis? Yikes. Forget it.
Pete Shepherd would be interesting pick. Smart, ethical, competent and well-experienced in managing legal work through his job as #2 at Oregon DOJ. He should be a top contender.
Nov 23, '08
My vote (if I had one) is for Pete Shepherd. He is a steady, brilliant and fair person. Unlike some of the others discussed, he is trustworthy, honorable and credible.
Nov 23, '08
If you want someone with political background, experience as a judge and in Oregon DOJ, and skill at handling complex criminal and civil cases, Judge Gardner from Washington Co.
Gardner was an elected representative, a special assistant to Hardy Meyers in the Oregon AG office where he headed the tobacco litigation through federal court, and has been a judge for many years. (both before and after the AG gig.)
He's smart and tough.
Nov 24, '08
"Even though I hate all Repubs equally..."
This kind of divisive and childish rhetoric is exactly why more and more people are leaving the GOP and Democratic parties.
I have very good friends who are both liberal and conservative. We can argue, debate and disagree but we still love and respect one another. Just because you have a (D) or an (R) by your name doesn't automatically make you superior to everyone else.
Nov 25, '08
Marquis would be the best choice by FAR. I can't believe how some are challenging his "blue" credentials (as if this were the "litmus test" type of President-elect). Those who oppose Marquis almost always do so because they are one-issue ideologues (pro-death penalty) and they don't like his public stance in favor of the death penalty. How shallow-- Marquis is a prosecutor, for Christ sake-- and the death penalty is a sentence that the people of Oregon have enabled him to seek when the circumstances warrant. President elect Obama, as well as Senator Wyden, are pro-death penalty as well (not to mention the majority of citizens in Oregon). Let's not make this one issue (which is not common, BTW, in FEDERAL prosecutions) the defining one. Marquis is smart, hardworking, and honest. He would serve our state honorably.
Dec 7, '08
President elect Obama has been a role model for selecting candidates based on qualifications and performance. Most of this thread is representative of the low and odious quality of discourse today. I fully support a discussion based on facts, but this discussion seems to be all innuendo and hearsay, posted anonymously. For those interested in facts, Josh Marquis fully cooperated with the Clatsop County Board of Commissioners in their quest for "performance measures". Josh was hounded by the board because he has been an effective District Attorney and in the course of doing his job, has pursued cases that had hit home in a small community. The ringleader of the commissioners was subsequently recalled, another barely survived re-election last month, and the fate of the other two members of our unholy rightwing cabal is still not settled. The death penalty is not an item in the platform of the Democratic party, so why is it mentioned? Josh's positions on items actually mentioned in the Democratic Party platform would warm the heart of any progressive democrat. I live in Clatsop County and have known Josh Marquis since I moved here. I have been enormously impressed by Josh's integrity and professionalism in the execution of his job. He is overwhelmingly re-elected each time he runs. He would be missed in Clatsop if he received this appointment, but he would be an excellent appointment to the position of U.S. Attorney. Larry Taylor, Chair of the Clatsop County Democrats