Now we know: Smith ordered to fire undocumented workers
Kari Chisholm
Well, there's no reason to pile on anymore, but I think it's important to finally close the loop on one of the biggest controversies of the Senate race.
Willamette Week is now reporting that the Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency complied with their Freedom of Information Act request - on the day before the election. And the released records reveal that Gordon Smith was untruthful about the scope of his hiring of undocumented workers.
Here's their reporting (bolds by WW):
There are no bombshells in the two-page letter from ICE. But there is one piece of damning evidence Smith has not been completely truthful with regard to his company's hiring of illegal immigrants. On July 24, 2007, Smith told conservative radio host Lars Larson the senator's company once had had to fire three workers because federal authorities said they were not permitted to work in the United States. Here's that statement:It was two years ago. I think I related this to you, also. We had three guys pop up, and we just said, "You need to provide better documentation or we're terminating you." Two couldn't. One disputed it and proved that the Social Security and the INS were wrong as to him. He was a legal worker. So, we had, in the meantime, let him go and had to pay him all of his back wages, which is fine. But it shows you how incapable our current system is of dealing with this - with this problem right now. But it needs to get foolproof.Immigration officials now say they audited the company in 2000 and Smith Frozen Foods was ordered to fire 16 illegal workers, not three.
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12:11 p.m.
Nov 7, '08
Kari - not only does this seem like piling on, but it's especially unhelpful in the wake of the passage of the draconian employer sanctions measure in Columbia County.
It's one thing to delight in the hypocrisies of political opponents - but it's another to do so at the expense of progressive policies and on the backs of the most vulnerable. The DSCC spots attacking Smith using the "illegal immigrant" wedge were shameful - and really stood out in this election since the Presidential campaigns generally avoided this issue.
But gloating over this isn't just morally obtuse it's politically obtuse as well. As Ruy Teixeira discussed at a CAP event this morning, the election results show that not only does America want change, but America is changing. In swing state after swing state (for example, NV, CO, NM) Democrats won because the vote share of Latinos is growing markedly.
By playing into the whole punitive anti-"illegal immigrant" argument you're not only distracting from the increasingly urgent need to address this in a comprehensive framework, you're also shooting yourself in your political foot. And as we debate this, word is coming of large scale layoffs in Columbia County (not to mention ICE raids that took place last week). Smith is history – but real working families are being hurt.
12:50 p.m.
Nov 7, '08
Dan, I couldn't possibly disagree more. Not only is this totally newsworthy but it's NOT anti-immigrant in the least.
At issue isn't whether illegal immigrants ought to have it easier or harder, rather the issue revolves 100% around Gordon Smith's honesty with Oregonians.
Nov 7, '08
BTW, Smith remains our Senator until early January.
Not only do we as citizens of Oregon have a right to hold our elected officials accountable - I would argue that we have a solemn obligation to do so. Else we become part of the problem!
1:21 p.m.
Nov 7, '08
Uh, so Willamette Week (and Kari) does the above mean Smith wasn't being truthful? In what appears to be an answer about the difficulties in proper verification, Smith cites something that happened in 2005. WWeek tries to say he's lying by reporting on an audit from 2000.
Where does Smith say the ONLY people who've ever been directed to be fired, were the three from 2005? Yet both WWeek and Kari call him "untruthful" based on a response to a specific question Smith did not appear to have been asked (or was answering). Am I wrong? Was Lars in fact directly asking Smith how many people he's had to fire for immigration violations?
I don't agree with Dan all the way that there were equal shares of demagoguery on this issue, but I was VERY disappointed to see the DSCC rely on the lame phrase "illegal immigrant," when the correct term is undocumented alien. As Smith himself points out, you're not automatically illegal just because you're undocumented.
Cue the Dem Party sycophants who prefer point scoring to accuracy of charges, thanking me for my support of Smith. I voted for Merkley, as I promised I would. I am SO glad to see Smith go. But this immigration attack has been a trope from the get-go, attempting to paint Smith as a hypocrite or lawbreaker, as opposed to merely sloppy (even conveniently sloppy, although the lack of due dilligence still hasn't stuck).
Nov 7, '08
@Dan "but it's especially unhelpful in the wake of the passage of the draconian employer sanctions measure in Columbia County."
You ain't seen nothing yet. If you want to see what happens when the will of the people is ignored for too long, go to Arizona and spend some time there. You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until you get someone like Joe Arpaio running the law enforcement. Then you get draconian. Every liberal and business in Maricopa County tried their damnedest to defeat him and he still got 55% of the vote. Deal with the problem now.
1:29 p.m.
Nov 7, '08
An undocumented alien is, by definition, an illegal immigrant because it's against the law to enter the United States willy nilly.
Now... we can argue whether those laws are good, bad or indifferent. But the fact remains that they are what they are and, in fact, an undocumented alien = an illegal immigrant.
That said - if refusing to play fucktarded and intellectually vacuous word games makes me a sycophant then I'll be more than happy to have it tattooed on my fucking forehead.
Nov 7, '08
How is he lying Kevin? He has openly said that his company has not intentionally hired illegal immigrants. That doesnt mean that people havent slipped through the cracks...this was a dead story from the 1st hand sources willing to go on the record that have any sort of proof that Smith Frozen Foods consciously hired illegal this is newsworthy is beyond me.
Your guy won, he deserves it and I will gladly support Jeff Merkley, and hope that he serves all of Oregon.
"Not only do we as citizens of Oregon have a right to hold our elected officials accountable - I would argue that we have a solemn obligation to do so. Else we become part of the problem!"
But I also hope you and Carla and Kari stick to the above note.
I may not have agreed with your guy, but the efforts you made in shining the light on Merkley and Smith should be commended and I hope it continues, even for those on "your side."
Regardless of what you may think of Gordon, he did something many of use choose to do and in many ways paid a dear price for it. I hope the piling on does subsidie, its not becoming of leaders.
1:38 p.m.
Nov 7, '08
"An undocumented alien is, by definition, an illegal immigrant because it's against the law to enter the United States willy nilly."
Another misconception--when we talk about undocumented aliens, we're talking about Mexican/Hispanic people coming across the border without papers. As many as half of all undocumenteds entered the country LEGALLY.
To be undocumented can be as simple as waiting months for the federal government to process your visa, while your previous visa has expired. If you would like to refer to the Indian executive at Microsoft making 200 grand while waiting for his temporary work visa to be converted to a permanent green card an "illegal immigrant," you would be correct under the very strictest of definitions--but quite clearly that's not who anyone is referring to in this discussion, and the authorities would not be considering them an actionable case.
And I think the tattoo would be overkill, Kevin. You've changed your Kool-Aid color from red to blue, but your lips are permanently stained either way.
Nov 7, '08
Today President elect Obama had his first press conference and only one part of it occupied Lars. Incidentally, I consider it to be safe, if taken in limited amounts, to listen to this poor wretch. Apparently, an insufficient amount of respect was paid to the memory of Ronald Reagan. That the disaster of our economy is a result of policies that this compromised criminal began and GW Bush put on steroids has yet to register with this horrible broadcaster. And Walden wants Smith to be named an ambassador. Good grief. Put a wooden stake in their heartless breasts.
Nov 7, '08
Columbia county passed a progressive measure that goes after businesses that hire illegals. Let’s hope the Ledge picks up on this citizen initiative as a signal to make this a top priority for the upcoming session.
Get rid of the jobs and the illegals will self-deport.
Nov 7, '08
I disagree that piling on is not warranted for Smith. He has routinely played both sides of the fence for every election, and highlighting the hypocrisy and misdeeds of Smith relating to the issue is one way to assure that we don't have to deal with him again. The campaign to keep Smith out of the Governor's office or from running against Wyden starts now.
5:53 p.m.
Nov 7, '08
I see - so you're saying mass deportation is a progressive strategy? And eliminating jobs to accomplish that? What a great economic development strategy.
6:14 p.m.
Nov 7, '08
TJ, I agree with Dan P. about the repulsiveness of the DSCC ads and most of the rest of what he wrote, and would note that one of the problems with draconian employer sanctions is that it creates an incentive for discrimination on the basis of race/ethnicity against legal residents.
Also I agree with you that it's wrong to call Smith untruthful if he wasn't.
But I read what is happening differently. Kari is relying entirely on WW's reporting, and as is his wont, putting what they say in stronger terms by reducing the truth question to a binary logical choice, apparently for partisan advantage motives.
So WW says "less than entirely truthful" which Kari makes into "untruthful." This is formally correct if you say it's either A=truthful (means 100% truthful) or /A=untruthful (means any degree of truthfulness less than 100%).
However, if the question should actually be something more like, was hiring undocumented workers illegally a regular nod & wink practice at Smith's business, or something that happened sometimes due to laxness / willingness to tolerate occasional illegal hiring to meet labor demand but not S.O.P. (as, for comparison, at the kosher meat plant in Iowa much in the news recently), then Kari's framing shifts the focus in a way that moves us away from ability to get closest to truth.
However, your parsing of what WW wrote does not seem right to me.
Smith told conservative radio host Lars Larson the senator's company once had had to fire three workers because federal authorities said they were not permitted to work in the United States. Here's that statement:
WW appears to be claiming that Smith told Larson that there was one incident only. I believe their justification would be that Smith's statement was a climb-down from an earlier denial that it ever occurred.
Here the "question we should be asking" is whether Smith was misrepresenting the extent of such hiring to minimize it for a conservative audience more likely to be opposed to hiring immigrants illegally than sympathetic to employer problems, and to me it looks like the answer is yes.
You can do the opposite of Kari and say it's a logical choice between A=truthful (means unless 100% of all possible interpretive doubt removed) or /A=untruthful (means all doubt removed). But again I think that shifts the focus from framings that will let us get closest to the truth of the situation.
Personally I don't like Kari's rhetorical approach on these things. I think it tends to backfire if examined closely, & look petty and exaggerated, and if not looked at closely, to become a kind of misrepresentation in itself and also lead to foul excrescences like the DSCC ad. Your approach has the marginal advantage of using an innocent until proven guilty standard which is more defensible.
However, you seem to take it as given that this should be handled in this kind of forum as if it were a criminal court case. Personally I think some form of preponderance of evidence is more appropriate.
At the end of the day, the key question is whether WW is right in saying that Smith told Larson there was only one occurrence of illegal hiring, or whether he said there was at least one and left open the possibility of more. The quote looks to me more like "only one," but maybe a fuller transcript would change my mind.
8:43 a.m.
Nov 8, '08
Once again, I am substantially impressed with the intelligence and thought that both Chris Lowe and Dan Petegorsky bring to this blog - even when (and in some ways, especially because) they're calling me "politically and morally obtuse" and "petty and exaggerated".
And yet, there are still trolls here who think that I write everything written by all of our contributors, and that BlueOregon is a single-minded borg unable to break out of a single-minded partisanship.
Dan and Chris, at least, prove otherwise.
Thank you.
Nov 8, '08
Kari -- Chris makes you LIKE being called erratic, emotive, a shredder of fearsome capacity. And obtuse et. al. I don't know if he holds down a job and a family and maybe eats a well-balanced meal occassionally -- my posts are naked drivebys devoid of consideration and thoughtful parsing of my own cloudy mind and sentiment!
Chris, on the other hand, seems to come loaded for bear. In the best way.
Dan's mind I am just beginning to be familiar with.
YOU were pretty gracious there! :) Most folks cannot bear to brook a challenge and are here to have a fight. Not really to engage as if they might end up in a meeting room with this person one day, eh!
I think blogging brings out the worst in most of us: laziness plus emotionalism that is distinctly rationalised.
12:47 p.m.
Nov 8, '08
Dan's mind I am just beginning to be familiar with
It's a losing battle; trust me - I've been trying for decades.
And, yes, that was a gracious note, Kari - especially rare when we get into this topic. Appreciated.
Nov 8, '08
Dear Dan: I'll hurry then. We ain't gettin' no younger, and ALZ is of course on its way. Mine might be here sooner than yours.
Nov 8, '08
As many as half of all undocumenteds entered the country LEGALLY.... and overstayed their visas, making their presence in this country ILLEGAL.
Nov 8, '08
TorridJoe: maybe when ppl SAY illegal alien they MEAN "them messicans whut steal our jobs". However, I'm here to tell you that in the early 2000's when we had some serious economic bleedout in certain industries, several High Tech and Medical Industry recruiters I worked with, from India, went missing soon thereafter b/c their visas were not renewed, and they did not want to go home. THese folks had their day in court and were told to leave. They are still here. Underground, working jobs such as you find at Smith's, at a gas station, one in LA for a Korean liquor store....
It's not just folks from south of here connected to us by a convenient land mass.
There are others too.
6:44 p.m.
Nov 8, '08
Rebecca - you a Mose Allison fan?
6:48 p.m.
Nov 8, '08
Ooops - wrong link! That was supposed to go to "Lost Mind."
Nov 8, '08
Yum! Heh. And you can't forget Joni Mitchell's "Twisted!" on the way to losin' it total, eh.
However, sheesh, they make you LOGIN to listen, buddy! I hate that!
10:21 p.m.
Nov 8, '08
While agreeing about Kari's graciousness, thanks Kari, for the record, I didn't say I think you're petty, just that I think sometimes your rhetorical choices don't work as well for you as others might, and leave substantial points open to dismissal because you frame them in exaggerated ways that seem pretty obviously so to many readers, which leads into motives speculation, e.g. is this just petty partisanship?
But, of course, they are your rhetorical choices to make, and I suppose have a connection on some occasions at least to your "liveliness" criterion for what you'd like BlueOregon blog to be.
Along the same lines, the folks who make you out to be the discourse-controlling svengali of BlueOregon, with all of the rest of us your mere puppet minions, despite manifest evidence to the contrary, are engaged in obvious and not believable exaggeration.
Nov 8, '08
Yah, yah, what he said [Chris, that is]. Kari could STAND to remove some stuff from here and nobody would miss it.
He still lets ME post, innit?
Believe me, I value my job and my standing in my profession so much that I've been tempted of late to ask Kari to please pillage my posts, ALL of them, OFF the site so that I can regain my composure and not lose sleep over the stupid ballistics I routinely do here... sigh. At a recent conference speakers were encouraging each other to GOogle everyone and his dog. Owtch. I'm back to being all for lame arse monikers that hide identity, but it's too late for me. My philosophy got me in this tangle!
Not kidding.
9:58 a.m.
Nov 9, '08
it's important to finally close the loop on one of the biggest controversies of the Senate race.
And how have we closed this loop?
What are we to do with the illegal/undocumented/immigrants/workers/braceros (now there was a word) who work in our canneries, restaurants, meat packing plants, hotels and front yards?
Shame on those who exploit these workers, whether for their labor or for their own political advantage.