McCain coming to Oregon?!

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Mccainhandonface1Perhaps relying on advice from his national spokespeople - UO alums Tucker Bounds and Jill Hazelbaker - John McCain's campaign manager told reporters that they'd be traveling to Oregon in the closing hours of the election.

OK, maybe he was making a joke about how badly they're losing here. Gallows humor and all that.

Despite his jabs, Davis was largely in good cheer, laughing and bantering with a small group of reporters and occasionally making light of question.

Pressed for details on McCain’s election day travel – he’s slated to leave Arizona and hit Colorado and New Mexico while the polls are open – Davis joked: “We may not go back [to Arizona]. We’ll just campaign all the way through. We’ll take you to Oregon. It’s been closing. Go Ducks, baby.”

Hat tip to Jeff Mapes.

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    (Sorry for double posting this. Mistakenly posted on the above thread.) McCain's farewell tour. New Hampshire, Tenn., why not Oregon? Both he and Palin are returning to their home states. If they were closing anywhere, they would be on the hunt in one of the toss-ups.

  • KJB Eugene (unverified)

    RCP has Obama ahead in Oregon by 15.6%.

    Maybe McCain hopes tomorrow will be Opposite Day...

  • Unrepentant Liberal (unverified)
    <h2>"Go Ducks, baby?" WTF? McCain and the Ducks are both going down in flames faster than McCain's fighter plane.</h2>

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