Historic gains for the Oregon House Democrats.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

It was a night for historic gains in the Oregon House. While presidential years usually see gains for Democrats, we've never seen big wins like we did last night - especially on top of the historic four-seat pickup in 2006.

In 2006, before the election, I noted the historic trend. We lost seats in 1984, picked up one seat in 1988, stayed even in 1992, and picked up two each in 1996, 2000, and 2004. (And we hadn't picked up ANY seats in a mid-term election since 1974 - and in 2006, we picked up four.)

There's still a few too-close-to-call races, but right now, it looks like Democrats will win at least six seats, including defeating three incumbent Republicans. So, we're at 37 Democrats, 20 Republicans, and three too close to call. Update, 2:30 p.m. The Oregonian has now called it for Matt Wingard (R) in HD 26. 37 Ds, 21 Rs, waiting on 2. Update, 11:30 p.m. Rep. Scott Bruun (R) in HD 37 and Rep. Sal Esquivel (R) in HD 6 have been narrowly re-elected. 37 Ds, 23 Rs.

The following details are from the Oregonian, though it looks like they may be done reporting - so I'll get my next round of updates from the counties directly.

Democratic Pickup Wins

In HD 50, Greg Matthews (D) defeated Rep. John Lim (R) by a margin of 55% to 45%.

In HD 51, Brent Barton (D) defeated Rep. Linda Flores (R) by a margin of 55% to 45%.

In HD 54, Judy Stiegler (D) defeated Rep. Chuck Burley (R) by a margin of 57% to 43%.

In HD 39, Toby Forsberg (D) defeated Bill Kennemer (R) 52-47% to capture the seat held by former GOP majority leader Rep. Wayne Scott.

In HD 49, Nick Kahl (D) defeated John Nelsen (R) 57-43% to capture the seat held by former GOP House Speaker Rep. Karen Minnis.

In HD 52, Suzanne VanOrman (D) defeated Matt Lindland (R) by a margin of 56% to 44% to capture the seat held by Rep. Patti Smith (R).

Too close to call



In HD 17, Rep. Sherrie Sprenger (R) easily beat Dan Thackaberry (D) by 59% to 41%.

In HD 18, Rep. Vic Gilliam (R) pulled out a win over Jim Gilbert (D) by 54% to 46%.

In HD 20, Rep. Vicki Berger (R) defeated Richard Riggs (D) by 55% to 45%.

In HD 24, Jim Weidner (R) defeated Al Hansen (D) by 54% to 46%.

In HD 26, Matt Wingard (R) seems to have a big 1091-vote lead (50% to 45%) over Jessica Adamson (D). Libertarian Marc Delphine has 1200 votes (5%). Update, 2:30 p.m. The Oregonian has now called this one for Wingard, with a 1099-vote lead.

In HD 6, Rep. Sal Esquivel (R) is hanging on to a slim 558-vote lead (51% to 49%) over Lynn Howe (D). Update, 2:30 p.m. Esquivel now has a 732-vote lead. Update, 11:30 p.m. Now that Jackson County is definitely done, this race is over (though the Oregonian has not called it.)

In HD 37, Rep. Scott Bruun (R) is holding on to a 657-vote lead (51% to 48%) lead over Michele Eberle (D). Update, 2:30 p.m. Bruun now has a 762-vote lead. Update, 11:30 p.m. Looks like Clackamas and Washington are done counting, so this race is over (though the Oregonian has not called it.)

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    Barton, Stiegler and Van Orman are especially sweet for me. I'm thrilled with the others, too. But I really pulled extra hard for Brent, Judy and Suzanne.

    Big disappointment right now is Adamson...still holding out hope, tho.

  • Don (unverified)

    Getting rid of Flores and Lim and taking back Minni's seat are all so sweet...

  • Eric Parker (unverified)

    On your next update, could you also show the number of dems to repubs in the Oregon House and Oregon Senate given the results?

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    I'd also like to congratulate Jules Kopel Bailey, Chris Garrett, Jefferson Smith & Michael Dembrow on their wins last night.

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    Presuming the close races all stay Republican, it's 37-23 in the House, and 18-12 in the Senate (for the Dems in both cases).

  • Eric Parker (unverified)

    Super Majority (60% or over of Dems)in both...

    Now...that's cool!

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    Wingard has now been called by the O.

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    It is so exciting that I will once again have a Democrat as my state representative. I'm looking forward to working with Nick and Greg over the coming years.

  • bluewave (unverified)

    Michele Rossolo kicks a__ and takes names.

  • Ken (unverified)

    I just want to say a special thanks to Jessica for being willing to step up to the plate and run against Wingard. Jessica was a quality candidate who ran a great campaign in a really tough district. Her husband and three young children all chipped in to make her effort possible and deserve our appreciation.

    Jessica has served her community well. She has a tremendous amount of intergrity and a bright political future. I hope that she will consider running for the Legislature again.

    Keep your head up Jessica! We are proud of you!

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    Clearly Adamson got screw(driver)ed...

  • Noah (unverified)

    What's so exciting to me about these wins is how they happened. Find me an east county resident who didn't get their door knocked on at least three times by the Kahl and Matthews campaigns (or by the candidates themselves).

    Grassroots organizing is the story of many of these races to me. For example, the Bus Project knocked on over 60,000 doors for all of these folks. That's huge in races that were all decided by less than 3,000 votes.

    I'm one of over 2000 volunteers who've gotten to knock on doors with the Bus in those races (in addition to thousands of other average citizens out there). It's great to see that together we've made such an impact on the state.

  • LT (unverified)

    Folks, it appears Hanten Day has lost, but at one point the margin was only 341 votes. Not bad considering the "conventional wisdom" that Dist. 19 was a lost cause.

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    LT, you never again get to accuse me of spinning. That was hilarious. Maybe you should try, "After the first 100 votes counted, he was only down by 15 votes!!!!!"

    God bless Hanten Day for taking on the very tough challenge of running in HD 19. But he got smoked by 12%, or well over 2000 votes out of 18,000 cast.

  • rural resident (unverified)

    What happened in HD 39? That one seems to have changed sides, with Kennemer now ahead.

  • Vicente (unverified)

    Yeah, right now it's Kennemer: 13,024 to Forsberg: 12,721


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