Civil War: Ducks vs. Beavers
Kari Chisholm
It's been quite some time since a Civil War game had so much at stake. In addition to "the right to live in the state", the OSU Beavers could clinch a trip to the Rose Bowl for the first time in 44 years. And the Ducks would love nothing more than to deny their rivals exactly that.
Governor Ted Kulongoski, a University of Missouri alumnus who usually stays neutral, has taken a position this year:
Gov. Ted Kulongoski tipped his hand today on which team he wants to win Saturday's "Civil War" football game between the University of Oregon Ducks and the Oregon State University Beavers. Color him black and orange."The Ducks won't go to the Rose Bowl if they win," the governor said. "I want the Beavers to go to the Rose Bowl."
After a year of dividing ourselves along red and blue lines, this is the day for dividing ourselves along green and orange lines. Where do you come down?
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connect with blueoregon
Nov 29, '08
I just saw a truck going down Kings Blvd. with a toy Duck being dragged behind the rear bumper. The Beavers are fired up and ready to go!
Nov 29, '08
10:31 a.m.
Nov 29, '08
Black and Orange.
10:56 a.m.
Nov 29, '08
Can you keep a secret ? My family LOVES the Ducks. We have season tickets.One child 's faith in God was strengthened by the Ducks comeback win over Cal in 2004. Another child cried when the Ducks were only up by 3 in the ASU game. But today, I will not be devastated if the Beavs win. I'm fairly confident that they will find a way to f@#$ it up but I will be ok if they win. The Rogers'Brothers sound like terrific kids and at the end of the day, its a football game. A great game, but still a game.Here's hoping JJ has a great day and that the people of Corvallis have locked up their sheep.
10:57 a.m.
Nov 29, '08
Go Beavs!
Nov 29, '08
Go motherf***ing Beavs! Let feathers and fur fly!
Nov 29, '08
The Civil War ended in the 1860s.
THIS is a real football game.
Nov 29, '08
As a Duck Alum I'm rooting for them, but wouldn't be sad if the Beavs go to the Rose Bowl. I just hope they aren't humiliated by Penn State like they were the first game of the season.
2:22 p.m.
Nov 29, '08
OK,this discussion is entirely too civil for a civil war. Let's up the ante.
As progressives shouldn't we all be supporting OSU? The ducks get their sports money from a plutocrat and uses it to recruit star players that are overly pampered. OSU gets the players that were passed over as not elite enough and turns them into a hardworking, winning team. In addition, OSU does more local recruiting than the Ducks. Real Oregon patriots should be cheering for the local team, the Beavers,(which of course is the state symbol) not some California-oriented team with poultry as a mascot.
Nov 29, '08
Hello everyone at Blue --
I'm a transplanted Oregonian -- via Boston, New York and Miami, but eagerly awaiting the football game today.
Can't say I have a favorite, because I am a graduate of the University of Miami (Florida) and undergraduate work at U.C.L.A.
Anyone else a HURRICANE BRUIN (sp? BREWIN')...??
Good luck to BOTH teams. We'll be watching today.
Peace, love and happiness,
Ellen Kimball Beaverton, OR
Welcome to my blog!
Nov 29, '08
Progressives should root for the Ducks. UO has a better track record of producing progressive champions, and does a far better job of community organizing.
OSU is the more politically conservative institution. Their Forestry Dept. is owned by the timber industry, and OSU does a far worse job of registering and turning out their students to vote.
Nov 29, '08
Since my Vikings are in now way contenders for anything this year I'm going with the Beavers, simply because it would be awesome to see an Oregon team in the Rose Bowl. I rooted for the Ducks when they had their chance (years ago), now it's only fair for the Beavers to go -- if they earn it by barbequeing the Ducks today.
Nov 29, '08
The Ducks haven't gone to the Rose Bowl since I went to UO, which should tell you everything you need to know. The luck of the bounce, the tipped ball, the bad call... It all comes down to the hocus pocus of the kegger ritual, the mystic rhythms of the bonfire dance, and the sex magick of the bouncing, tailgate party, conversion van.
That's why the Ducks have dominated this rivalry. That's why Beaver Boys chase Duck tail and Beaver Girls, deep down inside, want to nest with a Duck and fly high, instead of be dammed by some buck-toothed, log spanking State guy.
OSU is definitely the conservative's school, no doubt about it. Corvallis is a small town, so the rednecks feel comfortable there. Sure they'd rather be at Eastern Oregon State, but where will that degree get you beyond shift manager at Carl's Junior? So they go OSU where the stadium is named after Reser's Foods Corp, which serves up a delicious buffet of Denny's quality potato salad and cole slaw, along with those particularly yummy (to Beavers) burritos made with an assortment of "meat by-products."
That's what the Ducks are going to make of the Beavers. A "bye product."
Nov 29, '08
Nov 29, '08
As a sixteen year old kid on her own at UofO, the point WAS that we were the absolute bottom of the Pac 10. And it rained or snowed on us always.
5:48 p.m.
Nov 29, '08
So much for THAT Rose Bowl...
Nov 29, '08
37 to 24 with the Ducks ahead.
This is a pretty exciting game. Is anybody live-blogging it?
EK in Beaverton
Nov 29, '08
Amazing. The Ducks are a completely different team in games that don't mean anything to them. They've played three meaningful games this year -- and been blown out in all three.
They looked like a Divison II team against that power of powers, Boise State. And had they played half this well against either Cal or USC, they might have been in a position to go to the Rose Bowl themselves, instead of preparing for a trip to the Sun or Las Vegas Bowls. Where was all this offense (44 points as of the end of the third quarter) in THOSE two games? It would be nice if Oregon could learn to actually play decently in games that mean something to THEM.
I can just see those overseeing the budgets for the Oregon University System sobbing. Goodbye $3 million payoff to the two schools for having a second Pac 10 team in a BCS bowl. Hello to splitting $100K for the Emerald Bowl.
Nov 29, '08
GO DUCKS! quack quack
Nov 29, '08
Blown out in the three meaningful games? They were destroyed by USC, but otherwise they lost by 5 to BSU (after their 3rd string QB got knocked out on a cheap shot), and by ten to Cal. Speaking of being blown out in important games...
8:19 p.m.
Nov 29, '08
Okay, I'll be the first to say it: OSU failed the quiz(z).
8:34 p.m.
Nov 29, '08
I knew the Beavs would choke.Its an Oregon tradition that knows no boundaries. Blunt and JJ rocked it. Hello, Holiday Bowl!
Nov 29, '08
Let's recap. Oregon trailed Boise State 37-13 after three quarters and was getting destroyed on both sides of the ball. Even with UO's failed comehack, BSU still had 150+ more yards passing than UO. The game was important because it was the only (sort of) quality non-conference opponent UO had. They beat a bad Purdue team (4-8, defeating a couple of directional schools and a terrible Michigan team) in overtime, and Utah State, an even worse 3-9.
In the Cal game, Cal had five turnovers and a ton of penalties, and still controlled the ball for ten more minutes. Oregon's magnificent offense had all of 84 yards in passing and was 4 of 18 on third down situations. And Cal played its backup quarterback. Yes, given how mediocre Cal was this year, this is as much of a beatdown as Cal is capable of. It never really seemed like Oregon was in that game, even though they "only" lost by 10. And Oregon, not Cal, was the team with something to play for in that game -- only it came up small, as usual.
I'm not arguing the OSU played well tonight. They didn't and they certainly don't deserve to go to any kind of widely-watched bowl game. I am saying that it would be nice if UO could -- just once -- have this kind of performance in a game where they're really playing for something other than ruining someone else's season. UO has earned its right to show off its great offense and defense against the fourth or fifth place team from some weak conference in the Meaningless Bowl. I can hardly -- yawn!! -- wait.
9:23 p.m.
Nov 29, '08
How many OSU freshman does it take to change a lightbulb ? None. That's a sophomore course.
What's the average Beaver get on his SAT's ? Drool.
Just kiddin'folks.Riley and the Rogers Boys are good guys.
Nov 29, '08
'woulda liked to have seen Beavers in Rose Bowl instead of obnoxious USC, (tables turned I would have rooted on the Ducks)... but I'm a Jayhawk, so I'm pretty pleased that my 'Hawks held off the Gov's tiggees.
9:46 p.m.
Nov 29, '08
'woulda liked to have seen Beavers in Rose Bowl instead of obnoxious USC
As a USC guy, I was rooting for the Beavs too -- so that 'SC could go to some other BCS bowl and beat up some SEC team, rather than those slow kids from the Midwest again.
Oh well.
Nov 30, '08
Oh sweet Jesus, SC? This explains a lot.
Nov 30, '08
I stopped watching both when they started using public bond money for stadium improvements, coincident with subscription-only viewing of the game. If you want public bond money, you can give local channels access.
I do envy your four-day week-end sports viewing, to be able to get distracted from the economy and all for a bit. Don't usually think of it that way, but a good mate of mine was supposed to go to Mumbai with the Middlesex cricket team and check into the Taj hotel yesterday. Obvioulsy we're glad he didn't decide to go a day early, or the teams for that matter, but this week's terror attacks have blown a 2 month hole in the cricket calendar, not to mention peoples' sense of normalcy, fragile as that may have been. The impacat/scale is basically as if an Al-Queda hit squad had shown up at the very beginning of March madness and went on a shooting spree in each of the cities where the tourney was going to be held, starting around the auditoriums and hotels, with the result that the whole thing is cancelled until Fall. "Cricket is religion in India" aside, the attacks succeeded in penetrating the common person's sense of everydayness, which sense was most poignant watching people watch the Civil War.
We'll be discussing this again, likely. Pakis are going to end up pulling most their troops off the Afghan border as Indians become more outraged. Puts some pressure on the Pres-elect. He said he'd consider authorizing unilateral border incursions if the Pakistanis weren't doing anything, and I figured he'd dignify most anything they held up as "doing something." It may be hard to make that case now, if there's no one stationed on the border!
Nov 30, '08
I bet all this losers feel kinda dumb to read the comments they dropped previous to the game
Can you Say you guys got your ass Smashed? I mean even the duck pet ate a Rose
I'm Sorry but did we squash your dream to the Rose Bowl? haha!!
Green and Yellow Baby!
Now Imma Quack Outta here!
12:11 p.m.
Nov 30, '08
i'm a Duck, but also the son of an aardvark (dad went to UO for BS, OSU for PhD), and i lived in Corvallis for 5 years. i was really torn on this game. i can't root against the Ducks, of course, but it would have been great for OSU to go to the Rose Bowl -- and not the frackin Trojans. alas, Oregon brought it's A game today (not sure why they couldn't have whupped on Cal this way) and the Beavers demonstrated they were not Rose-worthy.
now the Ducks will get to play Texas, Texas Tech or Oklahoma in the Holiday Bowl? wow. there's a reward for you.