37 Seats? Not so fast... Forsberg in trouble.
Kari Chisholm
It seems that the media reports declaring Toby Forsberg the winner in HD 39 over Bill Kennemer may have been a bit premature.
The latest results from Clackamas County show Kennemer leading by a vote of 13,024 to 12,721 -- a margin of 303 votes.
Clackamas County has finished tallying 173,036 ballots and Republican Bill Kennemer leads Democrat Toby Forsberg by 303 votes.County clerk Sherry Hall says they hope to have results by the end of the day from some 4,600 additional ballots that ended up in Washington and Multnomah counties. She doesn't know how many of those are in House District 39, all of which sits in Clackamas County.
Also, there are about 16,500 ballots that need to be reviewed because of bad signatures or other problems.
In short: Kennemer's got 13,024 votes but it's too early to declare him the official winner.
One more thing: Under state law, a recount will be ordered if the margin is less than one-fifth of one percent. In this case, 52 votes.
Stay tuned.
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connect with blueoregon
9:18 p.m.
Nov 6, '08
Woot! Beat The O's story on their own screwup by 15 minutes! They really should have admitted that they officially called the race and have had to backtrack. It's the one thing you do NOT want to do as a media outlet making projections--have to call one back. Notice how nervous and defensive Hibbits was about his Merkley call...it matters to the credibility of the outlet/pundit.
Sherry Hall, the Clackamas Clerk, was very nice and helpful, and gave me the same info she gave The O. She said she had spent most of the day on the phone; I believe it. But she got back to a lowly blogger just like anybody else, so that was good of her.