Will Gordon Smith fire robocall firm FLS-Connect?

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

As John McCain defends the robocalls tying Barack Obama to Bill Ayers, Gordon Smith is desperately trying to distance himself.

Today, his campaign told the Huffington Post that Smith is opposed to negative robocalls:

"They [the Ayers calls] are not taking place in Oregon and Senator Smith does not condone these sort of calls. Negative robocalls are not appropriate and have no place in campaigns."

But here's the thing. The company that is producing these attack robocalls for John McCain, FLS-Connect, has been paid nearly $100,000 by Gordon Smith over the last year.

Not only that, but Gordon Smith - right now, in Oregon - is the beneficiary of a series of negative robocalls being produced by Karl Rove and Freedom's Watch attacking Jeff Merkley.

I have two questions:

If Gordon Smith won't fire FLS-Connect and call on Karl Rove to stop robocalling Oregonians, then it's clear that this is just a cheap publicity stunt. Nothing more.

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    [Full disclosure: My firm built Jeff Merkley's website, but I speak only for myself.]

  • Curious (unverified)

    "Not only that, but Gordon Smith - right now, in Oregon - is the beneficiary of a series of negative robocalls being produced by Karl Rove and Freedom's Watch attacking Jeff Merkley."

    You got a source for that Kari?

    Speaking of shady tactics.....

    From the Oregonian

    "Merkley, who is speaker of the Oregon House, was among state lawmakers who helped pass a bill that made political recorded messages off-limits to households that registered their phone numbers on the federal list of those who don't want solicitation calls.

    But the new law doesn't take effect until Jan. 1, and the Merkley campaign was placing recorded calls earlier this week with Merkley's voice to people on the no-call list.

    On Tuesday, Merkley's campaign manager Jon Isaacs said the campaign had broken no law. Asked whether Merkley should follow the spirit of the law, Isaacs declined comment."

  • Jiang (unverified)

    Oh, now it's news! How 'bout a traceback to a month ago's thread when you all were saying this didn't exist/wasn't an issue...

  • Jim H (unverified)

    Forget about Robo-calls. I'm seeing anti-Merkley internet ads from Freedom's Watch everywhere I go. Is it wrong to click on them just to send a few cents to my favorite progressive blogs?

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    Just gave big props at LoadedO to Team Merkley for jumping on him immediately and calling him out as a hypocrite. Smith walked into that uppercut like he was throwing the fight. What an idiot. But good war room work by Canter and Co.

  • backbeat (unverified)


    Oregon Republicans:


  • Rulial (unverified)

    Jim H, I enjoy clicking the anti-Merkley ads, to waste their money, and to see what we're up against. Why would it be wrong to click them? They are paying to bring people to their site, not just to bring undecided voters to their site.

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    Click away! Don't go too crazy, otherwise Google will think it's click-fraud. But if Karl Rove is going to advertise to BlueOregon's readers, well, I think we have a duty to click on his ads!

    <h2>And besides, that money goes to fund our Fellowship program as well development on that long-delayed BlueOregon 2.0.</h2>

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