Sizemore's Contempt

Jeff Alworth

SizemoreBill Sizemore is not a popular guy.  His name is so toxic that his foes immediately attach it to whichever measure he manages to put on the ballot.  Politically, he's a spectacular failure, both as a sponsor of ballot measures and candidate.  But you have to hand it to him--when it comes to shady dealings, he's in a class all by himself.  Add this latest news to the list:

While he was orchestrating the effort that placed five initiatives on the Nov. 4 ballot, conservative activist Bill Sizemore personally collected about $855,000 from the same two wealthy benefactors who financed the signature-gathering campaign for his initiatives, a Multnomah County court was told Thursday.

That lucre puts Sizemore in the courts again, where a judge will determine whether he's in contempt of court for a 2003 injunction against him for a "pattern of racketeering" that included forging signatures and faking financial documents.

At the heart of the case is a tax-exempt organization that Sizemore set up in Nevada in 2006. Hartman called the organization a "sham foundation" that was used to funnel money to Sizemore and enable him to continue work on the five initiatives, circumventing the injunction.

Nevada, you ask--why does that sound familiar?  Oh right, because that's where the shady, shadowy Loren Parks lives.  Parks is the font of money that has funded Kevin Mannix's career for years--and here he is again, funding Sizemore. 

Hartman said that of the total $1.1 million ATRF collected from Parks, Hire Calling and some smaller donors, $855,972, or 76 percent, flowed to Sizemore, his wife, Cindy, and CBS Consulting, a company they own...

During this same time, Parks provided $491,500 and Hire Calling $325,000 to Democracy Direct, a company that was gathering signatures for six Sizemore-sponsored initiatives. Five of those initiatives qualified for the Nov. 4 ballot.

Sizemore's explanation is about as half-assed as his run for governor: "[Sizemore's lawyer] described Hire Calling as "in the nature of a think tank" and said of Sizemore's duties for it, "This being a think tank, he thought a lot."

These tin-pot antics are so pathetic as to be pitiable except that they have such a corrosive effect on elections.  This year, Sizemore managed to qualify five measures for the ballot.  As usual, they probably won't pass, but it will take thousands of dollars and volunteer hours to defeat them.  And now it looks like they were qualified by a man who was laundering money through a fake nonprofit.  Contemptible.

  • dddave (unverified)

    Sizemore never passed a single measure in Oregon. You seem to think Oregonians dont deserve to make decisions at the voter booth, that the initiative process is somehow bad. The suit Sizemore lost was the largest SLAPP suit on earth. The unions said they "were forced to spend millions to defeat Sizemore measures". Please. Like what they said had any guaranteed affect on an election? idiots. How about some info on how the unions offered Sizemore money to stay out of the initiative business and how that was against the law?? Oregonians aren't stupid, and if you think PERS benefits and retirement packages are fair, you must be on the dole as well.

  • Pedro (unverified)

    Hey "dddave", are you one of racketeer Bill Sizemore's co-conspirators?

    The facts are Sizemore is flagrantly ignoring the Court order regarding his illegal activities. He and his deep pocket friends need to do time in jail so they can learn a little respect for the law.

  • Eric Parker (unverified)

    I belive we should amend some laws that mirror what happens to you if you are convicted of certain crimes by banning Sizemore of his right to hijack the initiative system until he pays up all his debts attached to him by the courts. Having court jugements against you should be simular to being a serious felony conviction and you should be made a pariah for such behavior.

    And why is Loren Parks getting involved with Oregon matters? Loren, you live in Nevada, and what happens here in Oregon is none of your business what so ever.

  • (Show?)

    Pedro, righties are all about law and order when it's a poor dope-smoker. When it's a corrupt Republican ... not so much.

  • Eric Parker (unverified)

    "This being a think tank, he thought a lot."

    Translation: Bill was bored with his life and needed something to do - even if it was unconstructive and detrimental to others and society.

  • bc (unverified)

    oh come on, dddave, there are a lot of stupid Oregonians. Along with Sizemore, just look to the Governor and the legislature.

    Btw I’m the “dole”, but its $500 less a month than it was 4 years ago and PERS says I owe them $10,000…so I really don’t have any respect for people like you or the rest of the lying cheating Oregonians. Hope you all rot in hell.

  • RichW (unverified)

    Didn't Lon Mabon use the same tactics to earn a living for himself. After his run for the Senate against Gordo, he seems to have disappeared into the woodwork. Didn't he go to jail for contempt of court over a court judgement against the OCA? Maybe Sizemore should suffer the same fate.

  • Joey Kerns (unverified)

    Oregon's initiative system is corrupt and needs reform. All out-of-state money needs to be banned from our inititative system. This includes funding for collecting signatures and funding the campaigns. If ballot measures are a state issue (as they fundamentally are), they should only be funded by Oregon citizens and/or Oregon businesses. Just like federal regulations allow only US citizens the ability to donate to federal candidates. I view our initiative system in the same manner.

  • RW (unverified)

    Campaign Finance Reform is our true Holy Grail.

  • (Show?)

    We did a Politi-Poll about this just about a year ago at the Washco Dems website, you can see the results HERE

  • Michael (unverified)

    It's disappointing that Oregon's teachers engage in ad hominem attack against a political foe.

    Are they teaching children to engage in name calling rather intelligent persuasion to get their way?

  • Pedro (unverified)

    @ Michael

    Would you mind listing the names of "Oregon's teachers engaged in ad hominem attacks against a political foe"?

    If you want to hear some real name calling just tune in to Lars Larson. Oh, I see Lars is just exercising his first amendment rights, but teachers.

  • RW (unverified)

    Maybe the teachers are modeling to the children that justice can take a very very long time, and you may have to fight the battle over and over even after it is won until you get the promised and correct result manifested.

    I know someone sent to prison [her business partner was laundering money and running a doctorless internet pharmacy overseas that we frantically were trying to get the truth on] and her conviction was overturned THREE TIMES, THREE TIMES, yet she went back to sit in that cell again while the FEDS dragged their feet. They went to court a total of three times to finally secure the release. She left behind another year and a half of life while they delivered the results of justice at their own evil and godly pace.

    Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..... these kids are not stupid even if they are full of hopes. They see a lot. These teachers are showing them that you MUST pay attention, and keep your grit engaged to win some battles. They are teaching the kids you can and must fight bullies.

  • Jim (unverified)

    The Sizemore Stench is probably worth a negative 5 to 10 points on anything his name can be tied to - his brand is shot, I wish we could tie him to Gordo.

  • Byard Pidgeon (unverified)

    Don't forget...Sizemore's other multi-millionaire benefactor is the equally shady, shadowy and dangerous Dick Wendt, of Klamath Falls.

    If you want to help reduce what Wendt has to give Sizemore...BOYCOTT all Jeld-Wen products and, doors, lumber, resorts, financial institutions, employment services and the lot..and tell the manager at Home Depot why you're not buying there. Sure, it may take a little time to research before you buy, but it's worth doing.

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