Senate '08: Gordon Smith, Mike Erickson, and the imprimatur of authenticity

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

SmithwydenadI've been doing some thinking about the big ol' dust-up late last week. To recap: Smarting from the ad in which Ron Wyden spoke straight to camera and endorsed Jeff Merkley, Gordon Smith released an ad featuring his own Ron Wyden clips.

The Smith ad included a forged Ron Wyden signature. Wyden asked them to take the ad down, and under pressure, Smith edited the ad to remove the signature.

But let's go back to the initial decision to include the forged signature. Why was the forged Wyden signature in the ad in the first place?

After all, a signature isn't exactly a pretty graphic design element. A signature exists for one, and only one, reason: to convey the imprimatur of authenticity. It's a validator. It says, "this is approved".

In short, forging a signature is a kind of fraud. It's a lie.

What kind of person would do that? Gordon Smith already had the clips of Ron Wyden saying nice things about him (to the frustration of a lot of Democrats), and the clips of the two of them walking in a parade, waving flags... But it's a sign of how desperate Gordon Smith has become in this campaign: Those clips weren't enough, he had to have the imprimatur of authenticity - Wyden's signature. And so, his campaign forged it.

What kind of person would do that? What kind of campaign would go that far?

Oh yeah, I know: Mike Erickson. Remember the Oregonian's editorial in May?

Ugly developments in Oregon's 5th Congressional District race make it clear that one of the leading Republican contenders should drop out. ...

Erickson has put out campaign materials that appear to have misrepresented his employment history and political endorsements. Oregon Right to Life, for example, has endorsed Mannix in this race, yet some of Erickson's campaign literature makes it seem as though he is the group's favored candidate.

Then there's the cloud over Erickson's political past. He was disqualified as Portland State University student body president during the 1987-88 school year when the student constitution committee found that he altered a letter written by then Gov. Neil Goldschmidt to make it appear as an endorsement. In a failed bid for the Oregon House in 1988, Erickson did a similar thing with a letter from then Sen. Mark Hatfield.

"Political sociopath" is an awfully harsh label, but it's going to stick on Erickson...

Here's hoping that the Oregonian sees the parallels between Erickson's behavior and Smith's. Equally disturbing, equally wrong. (But I won't hold my breath.)

And a couple of quick hits on the Senate race:

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    [Full disclosure: My firm built the websites for Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, and Kurt Schrader, but I speak only for myself.]

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    I believe this is the first use of "imprimatur" in a BlueOregon post title. Good man.

  • DanOregon (unverified)

    Has anyone seen an Erickson ad yet that wasn't a hit piece on Schrader? Can't he hire some more actors to speak on his behalf?

    And speaking of fake, that Dino Rossi sure has that "eyebrows raised" way of trying to make a point that oozes "sincerity" - Paul Begala does the same thing and it drives me nuts.

  • eerie (unverified)

    Didn't Smith refuse to endorse Erickson because of his ethical lapses?

    I wonder if Erickson will withhold his endorsement of Smith now. Hehe.

  • Ray Duray (unverified)

    This tempest in a teapot puts me in mind of Huey Long's well-received stump speech about the difference between the two wings of the Corporate Party:

  • Ray Duray (unverified)

    This tempest in a teapot puts me in mind of what Huey Long had to say about the differences between the two wings of the Corporate Party:

  • ChickieBlue (unverified)
    <h2>I make it a point to Google "Mike Erickson" at least once a week to see what bombshell is coming out next about him. "October Surprise" anyone?</h2>

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