Quick Hits: With one eye on my beer and one eye on Bill Sizemore...
Kari Chisholm
- When we first launched BlueOregon, one of our several taglines was simply "One eye on my beer, one eye on Bill Sizemore..." Well, there's a new website out now to help you do just that. Find out the initiative racketeer really makes his money at NoMoreSizemore.com
- Former Oregon congressman Les AuCoin is spending the last month of the campaign in Ohio, stumping for Barack Obama. Be sure to check out his blog, the Ohio Political Journal.
- Check out the TV spot for Michele Eberle - running for the legislature in HD 37 (West Linn) against Rep. Scott Bruun.
- And be sure to check out the TV spot for Toby Forsberg - running in the open seat to replace in Wayne Scott in HD 39 (Oregon City & Canby).
- The Oregonian has endorsed Jessica Adamson over Matt "The Screwdriver" Wingard in HD 29 (Sherwood).
Both Wingard and Marc Delphine of Sherwood, running a vigorous campaign as a Libertarian, advocate so zealously for shrinking state government that their brand of fiscal conservatism looks a lot more like fiscal recklessness.
In Wingard's case, we also are troubled by his 2002 guilty plea to striking his then-7-year-old son on the head with a screwdriver. That should disqualify him from serving in the Legislature, no matter what his political leanings are.
- And in the same item, the O endorsed Rep. Larry Galizio against the faux Rev. Dr. Tony Marino in HD 35 (Tigard).
His challenger, Tigard Republican Tony Marino, has not mounted a credible campaign. The self-professed motivational speaker and consultant did not respond to invitations for endorsement interviews, though he did distribute an open letter to newspaper readers listing his flaws, including five divorces, bankruptcy, a federal tax lien and an ersatz degree from an online diploma mill.
- Give some ActBlue love to this batch of new House Democrats - Toby Forsberg, Michele Eberle, and Jessica Adamson. It should be a good year in Oregon, which means that this is the time, as Markos says, to throw some anvils to drowning Republicans.
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4:48 p.m.
Oct 8, '08
I believe I coined that fine tagline. No good with titles. Taglines--they're my gift.
Oct 8, '08
"It should be a good year in Oregon, which means that this is the time, as Markos says, to throw some anvils to drowning Republicans."
Or as Dire Straits/Mark Knopfler smoothly sawed out, "if they're drowning, put a hose in their mouths"...
Eck. Civility. Who needs it, eh?
Oct 8, '08
Why doesn't Forsberg's website show that he's a Democrat?
Oct 8, '08
Okay, so that ActBlue link says Forsberg is a Demo, but I couldn't dind it on his campaign website...
Oct 8, '08
Isn't the Bus Project stumping for Michele Eberle this weekend? I'm planning on going along.
Oct 8, '08
Actually, I think the Bus Project canvas is the following weekend.
Oct 8, '08
Every morning I drive past The Buses on my way to work. Warms the cockles of my reactionary li'l heart. And, unfortunately, I think of THIS BLOG. Not very romantic for a pre-dawn ramble thru the moody skies of an industrial morning.
Oct 8, '08
Reinhard may be out at the O.
Oct 9, '08
Got a call at home from someone from a so-called Oregon research with a push poll about Measure 64 and Bill "Seizemore". (And no, don't bore me with picayune arguments about what constitutes a push poll.) "Seizemore": fantastic. This call came the same day as a front page story in The O about "Seizemore"'s shenanigans using his Nevada PAC as an ATM.
Oct 9, '08
Got a call at home from someone from a so-called Oregon research with a push poll about Measure 64 and Bill "Seizemore". (And no, don't bore me with picayune arguments about what constitutes a push poll.) "Seizemore": fantastic. This call came the same day as a front page story in The O about "Seizemore"'s shenanigans using his Nevada PAC as an ATM.