Quick Hits: Ron Wyden vs. Sarah Palin

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

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    [Full disclosure: My firm built websites for Ron Wyden and Earl Blumenauer, but I speak only for myself.]

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Quick hit I could find no better place for:

    Probe also under way in Oregon on [Republican] fraud allegations

    Attacks on ACORN are meant as a distraction for Republican fraud and vote suppression.

  • RW (unverified)

    Old news Thomas! I posted that a week and more ago! :)... well, not THAT one. But several others!

    GOP is even admitting to the tactics being used in swing states! And then changing the subject to ACORN...

    Ego defense mechanism called disadvantageous comparison.

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    Punditology. I dunno; I always get killed. The more obscure you get, the more I get killed. I'd say have a kiddie table where the amateurs can sit so we don't make such asses of ourselves.

    On the economic front, I'll put in a plug for Patrick's website, which has been one of those valuable sources I've been going to during the crisis.

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    Um, Tom? That article is from 2004.

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Aargh! Betrayed by a usually reliable source who was betrayed by a usually reliable source. Mea culpa.

  • Ms Mel Harmon (unverified)


    You're probably already planning to inlcude it, but the Mult Co Commissioner #4 race is interesting. Carla Piluso and Diane McKeel, both Democrats, are on the ballot. Both have a history of service to their community---Carla as Gresham Police Chief and involved in social services issues, Diane as Director of the Columbia Gorge Chamber of Commerce and involved in economic/business issues.

    My personal take is that the two both bring strong personalities and ideas to the table; however, their approach in how to bring prosperity to East County is different. Carla's approach appears to focus on public safety and social services--the idea being that businesses will follow once these services are in place and the businesses feel secure about investing in the area. Diane's approach appears to focus on economic development and getting businesses on board and then this will improve the livability of the area and thus improve public safety and social services.

    I'm probably oversimplifying, but that's my take. Same ideas, different approaches on how to get there. But it makes for an interesting race and everyone in East County is talking about it. One of the constant discussions I hear out here is folks trying to guess which of these candidate's ideas and personalities would work best with the others on the Commission.

    <h2>It's a race worth watching.</h2>

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