Quick Hits: Cagefighting & Sing-along Edition

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

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    [Full disclosure: My firm built the website for Greg Matthews, but I speak only for myself.]

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    The palinaspresident site has gotten hit so much they had to move to another server:


    I happened to see that one in an email last week. Funny stuff indeed.

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    If you go to the site, make sure to click on the red phone! It's a blast!

  • RW (unverified)

    Kari! I just like the title! Hahahahahaah.

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    Brad rocks. That's a great ad. In a rather stressful year of politics, he is a light-hearted, inspiring bright spot.

  • Slimbo Kice (unverified)

    So I guess if you've ever watched Mixed Martial Arts, Suze VanOrman doesn't want your vote.

    I once saw a man paralyzed from the neck down during a "brutal" hit in an NFL game.

    I suppose VanOrman doesn't want the votes of people who enjoy football, either. It can be brutal, you know.

  • mp97303 (unverified)

    Ever see video of Kermit Washington and Rudy T? Guess fans of the NBA aren't for her either. What about LT's sack to Joe Theismann? Ouch. So much for NFL'ers too.

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    Slimbo, Suzanne said the fights (her opponenn's "day job") are brutal and are not her thing, never said she wants to ban them. Also said she loves Baseball, Football & Basketball. Don't put words in her mouth.

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    Glen, Wow what an attempt to redirect. Slimbo did not accuse her of wanting to "ban" them. How in the world did you get there from here? Talk about putting words in someone's mouth. D'oh!


    Oh and guess what. Matt's "day job" is running a gym. Might want to get that little fact straight as well.

    But then again liberals never let a little thing like facts get in the way of a good anti-narrative.

    yip yip

    ps. Can you guys ask the VanOrman campaign to keep running this ad? Thanks.

  • Mike (unverified)

    Well, then. I thought I was going to vote 100 percent Democrat, but I guess I'll be making one exception.

    I train in mixed martial arts. As do all my friends, most of whom lean left politically. This is ad is such an outrageous stereotype. Mixed martial arts is about discipline and respect, blending wrestling, boxing, jiu-jitsu, judo, taekwondo and more.

    Despite what Ms. VanOrman apparnetly thinks, the sport draws its athletes and fans from all walks of life. Ms. VanOrman does not understand how many people who might have voted her that she insulted and smeared with this ad.

    Oh, and, the ad calls Lindland a "cage fighter," but the clips clearly show him in a boxing-style ring, with ropes, not a cage. If that's an example of her attention to details, I don't want her working on a state budget.

    <h2>Anyway, if by "one of the year's best ads," you mean, "an ad that took one voter who was going to vote all Democrat and got him to switch this particular vote to the GOP candidate," then yeah, this was super-effective.</h2>

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