Ouch. Jon Stewart smacks down Oregon's Tucker Bounds
Kari Chisholm
Last night, on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart went off one of his patented comic tirades - and this time his target was McCain spokesman and Oregonian Tucker Bounds.
He was interviewing CNN's Campbell Brown, whose interview with Tucker was a YouTube sensation, about retribution from the political campaigns.
Brown: I did an interview with someone from the McCain campaign that the McCain campaign thought was too tough.Stewart: Tucker Bounds --
Brown: Exactly.
Stewart: -- who I have seen on almost every network being kicked around like one of those things - you know, he's terrible. I mean, he is.
I don't say this lightly, but to see a stupid person put out there as a spokesman. (You could just nod you head.)
Brown: I don't think he's a stupid person, but he's not answering questions, and it's a waste of my time, it's a waste of the audience's time. I don't want to hear it. If you're going to come on and just blather -- spare us all!
Stewart: Send someone with a functioning cerebral cortex.
Sensing, perhaps, that his court-jester act had crossed the line, Jon Stewart closed the show this way:
Join us tomorrow night at 11 o'clock. Tucker Bounds will be our guest! I'm kidding. I really don't know who he is. I'm sure he's very smart. I was being glib. I'm an asshole. Actually, our guest tomorrow night will be one of my favorite all time, Steve Martin.
Here's the interview that Campbell Brown and Jon Stewart were talking about:
I'll post the Daily Show video clip as soon as it's online.
Update: Here's the clip:
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Oct 28, '08
You gotta feel sorry for young Tucker, though. He's got his hands full with the train-wreck Republican campaign. I think the latest is the question of whether Palin is going to vote for Ted Stevens. Of course, she won't directly answer the question. I would hope that people like Bounds and especially Nicole Wallace will go away after the election or take a job in the private sector and never be heard from again.
Oct 28, '08
"Tucker Bounds" isn't a real spokesmodel; he's a character played by Six Feet Under'sPeter Krause. Has anyone ever seen them in the same room together?
9:41 a.m.
Oct 28, '08
Tucker Bounds is an absolute schmuck, yet another example of McCains's poor judgement about who is on his team. No wonder they are getting crushed.
10:15 a.m.
Oct 28, '08
And our side has this guy. Thank you very much.
Bill Burton
10:38 a.m.
Oct 28, '08
I love the part of the interview where Dan Senor's wife presses him to name one decision Sarah Palin made as commander-in-chief of the Alaska National Guard. As he struggles to come up with any example of such a decision, he responds petulantly, stating that "Any decision she has made as the commander of the National Guard that is deployed overseas is more of a decision than Barack Obama has been making as he has been running for President for the past two years." The "I'm rubber and your glue..." tone in his voice as he says it is priceless.
Oct 28, '08
Why the McCain campaign didn't bring on Kevin Madden is something I'll never know. That guy is solid.
11:39 a.m.
Oct 28, '08
Kari, The clip is online at the Huffington Post under "media."
Oct 28, '08
I had no idea this moronic shill was from Oregon.
Oct 28, '08