Wyden wades into the Senate race; Smith & Merkley debate tonight
Kari Chisholm
Tonight, Jeff Merkley and Gordon Smith will face off in their only statewide televised debate.
Watch the debate at 7 p.m. on KGW - or watch it streaming online at the Oregonian. And once again, we'll be live-blogging here at BlueOregon. Update: Yes, the archived video will be available, in full, at KGW.com about an hour after the debate concludes.
As the two candidates finally get a chance to go head-to-head, Senator Ron Wyden has placed his marker down in a new television ad that sweeps aside all the attack ads and makes it clear who he'd rather work with.
The East Oregonian has the details on the format:
Tracy Barry, weeknight anchor of KGW Northwest NewsChannel 8, will serve as moderator. A panel of three Oregon journalists will question Smith and Merkley in front of an audience. Jeff Mapes, political reporter with The Oregonian, Phil Wright, senior reporter with the East Oregonian, and a reporter with KGW will deliver the questions.The debate format will exclude opening statements. The candidates will have one minute to answer questions and 45 seconds to deliver rebuttals. Smith and Merkley also will have 30 seconds each to answer any follow-up questions from the panel. Then Barry will go to the audience for questions.
At least one of the panelists, the O's Jeff Mapes, would like some suggestions for his debate questions. The Oregonian is also fielding question suggestions here.
The Politicker has some advance punditry on the debate - asking Jack Roberts, Len Bergstein, and Robert Eisinger for advice for the candidates.
For Smith, they advise him to "show off your record" (not that he actually has any major accomplishments):
Even as Smith has seen his poll numbers steadily fall as his disapproval numbers have trended steadily upward, the incumbent Senator has something Merkley does not: 12 years of working in the Senate. If he wants to win, experts said, he will remind voters what he's done in that time.Democratic lobbyist Len Bergstein is puzzled as to why Smith has not been touting his own accomplishments all along.
For Merkley, they advise him to "tell people what you will do for them":
Bergstein and Roberts, whose opinion differ on most issues, agreed on one point: If Merkley wants to be elected, he needs to tell voters how he will help them."People will be looking for some solutions," Bergstein said. "They want someone who talks about people problems instead of candidate problems."
What do you think each candidate must do to win? What are you hoping to see tonight? Are there issues that deserve more coverage?
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2:34 a.m.
Oct 9, '08
[Full disclosure: My firm built campaign websites for Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, but I speak only for myself.]
Oct 9, '08
I'm out of the area for the time being and missed the stream - is the video up somewhere?
9:29 a.m.
Oct 9, '08
Huh? The ad is posted right here, via the magic of YouTube.
Oct 9, '08
Kari as long as you're into full disclosure, why don't you explain your ACORN ties?
Oct 9, '08
I live in Eugene and I'm wondering if anyone is going to be watching this live via satellite and if you're willing to have a debate watching party?
10:04 a.m.
Oct 9, '08
I was going to ask the same thing as JP--I've got a meeting from 6-9 tonight. Will it be online anywhere?
10:08 a.m.
Oct 9, '08
Jeff & JP -- From the post: "or watch it streaming online at the Oregonian." Not sure if they'll archive the full video, though.
And as for John Brunswick: You're funny. I don't work for ACORN. I have no ACORN "ties". I don't believe I've ever even met anyone who works for ACORN. Until you asked, and I went a-googlin', I didn't even know there was an ACORN chapter in Oregon.
Now, can we get back on topic, please?
Oct 9, '08
Hey folks, just wanted to give you all the info about the debate happening tonight. The debate will be livestreamed here:
And, the Merkley Campaign is throwing a debate watch party tonight at:
Blitz Bar 110 NW 10th Ave Portland, Oregon
-sarahlane, netroots director for OR-Sen candidate Merkley
Oct 9, '08
Oh, one more thing. There is also a debate watch party in Eugene as well. Here's the info:
7pm Davis' Restaurant 94 W. Broadway Eugene, Oregon
-sarahlane, netroots director for OR-Sen candidate Merkley
11:20 a.m.
Oct 9, '08
I'm going to see the debate live! I want to see the candidates talk about population growth. I think this is going to be a good night for Merkley!
btw, am organizing a house party this Sunday for Obama/Merkley - details here
Oct 9, '08
Kudos to Ron Wyden! This is a watershed moment in a competitive race that will help put Jeff over the top. And I'd just like to acknowledge Senator Wyden's political courage and leadership at this critical juncture. Of course, it's not hard to support Jeff, but frankly, most Senators, regardless of party, in other states would be content to sit on the sidelines. We may not like it but that's the truth and Wyden deserves credit.
For too long Smith has been the net beneficiary trading off the "bipartisan" facade of his relationship with Wyden while consistently supporting a Republican agenda intent on dismantling this country one institution at a time.
This ad makes it perfectly clear: there is only one candidate in this race that will partner (and not cancel out) Wyden's work in the US Senate and there is only one candidate who will aggressively support (and not stall) Barack Obama's agenda for fundamental change and reform --<u>that candidate is Jeff Merkley. </u>
The key now is that people see this ad so that Smith's millions aren't able to muddle the choice with disingenuous but heart rendering ads that belie his true record -- you know the one that strongly supported and defending the war in Iraq, said John Kerry was "too French" to be president, went on an Abramoff connected golfing excursion in Scotland, voted for obscene and irresponsible tax breaks to the ultra wealthy that have ballooned the deficit and debt, generated the greatest income disparities in history, and now have cost millions of hard working Americans their life savings. Yeah that's that's Gordon Smith we get for every 5 years out of 6.
For anyone who didn't believe already, this race can and should be won. If you can afford to make a contribution of any size -- make it right now to Jeff Merkley for Senate -- www.jeffmerkley.com.
And finally, it wouldn't be a bad idea to acknowledge Senator Wyden's leadership here either -- too often politicians only hear from constituents when they are upset. Here's a great opportunity to give credit where credit is due and model some positive reinforcement. We're going to need all the collective good will we can muster to dig this country out of the Bush / Republican calamity we're experiencing.
note: I don't work for nor speak for the campaign. Just my two cents!
Oct 9, '08
Any info on a debate watch in So. Or. Ashland/Medford?
Oct 9, '08
Merkley needs Obama to run a similar ad, right as the ballots drop.
An Oregon campaign visit would be even better, conceivably tied in to a visit to Nevada, but I'm not holding out for that, although Obama needs to cut ads for the Democratic Senate candidates in the swing states of MN, NM, CO and ME where he'll have serious coattails by winning all by significant margins.
12:04 p.m.
Oct 9, '08
Hey folks -- I've just confirmed with KGW that the archived video will be available, in full, at KGW.com about an hour after the debate concludes.
Oct 9, '08
Neel said: "And finally, it wouldn't be a bad idea to acknowledge Senator Wyden's leadership here either"
Yes, I'm on with that!
1:41 p.m.
Oct 9, '08
You guys OK with Tracy Barry as the moderator and Jeff Mapes, et. al, for objectivity?
At least Lars Larson wasn't invited to the panel, although that did specify, "journalists."
Oct 9, '08
This is a great ad from Senator Wyden. It's positive and makes it clear -- in less than 30 seconds -- that together Jeff Merkley and Wyden will be a great Senate team on behalf of Oregon citizens. Any idea what TV markets this is running in and how often?
3:21 a.m.
Oct 10, '08
I saw the commercial tonight while I was watching tv. I believe it was on during Eleventh Hour, which was on CBS after CSI.
10:48 a.m.
Oct 10, '08
I thought Merkley did pretty well although I would have laughed out loud after Smith boasted about being such a team mate with Wyden. It took until the closing statement for Merkley to mention how Smith cancelled out 1700 votes by Wyden. Inadequate rebuttal of Smith's constant reiteration of moderation and working across political lines!
And when Smith kept insisting that Merkley had voted so many times to raise taxes was there any sort of rebuttal? No! I distinctly remember being in the chamber when the Republicans went appoplectic when any hint of tax raising came up. If any tax measures were passed in the '07 legislature while Merkley was Speaker, they would have to have been supported by Republicans. Again, we saw inadequate refutation of Smith's repeated lies.