Last chance for Punditology
Kari Chisholm
Just a quick reminder, folks. Tonight at midnight is the deadline for the 2008 Punditology Challenge.
Who will win the U.S. Senate race and the statewide offices? How many seats will the Democrats pick up in the Oregon House? Which ballot measures will pass and which will fail? And which states will Barack Obama and John McCain win?
If you think you know, then prove your mettle against the best. In 2004, Intel policy guy Jonathan Williams correctly predicted every presidential state right except New Hampshire, as well as every Senate race and every gubernatorial race in the nation. In 2006, three people correctly picked 40 out of 44 races - OLCV's Jonathan Poisner, State Senator Richard Devlin, and attorney Jack Isselmann.
Show us what you got. Do the Punditology Challenge. And on Tuesday morning, I'll let you know how the conventional wisdom shakes out. (Knowing full well that we're usually right, but when we're wrong, oh man we're spectacularly wrong.)
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Oct 31, '08
Since it wasn't an option in the challenge (a serious oversight on your part, Kari), let it be known that I also predict a 1 EV win for Obama from Nebraska.
11:48 a.m.
Oct 31, '08
Duly noted, Jim. :)
Oct 31, '08
I forgot to answer the tie-breaker :-(
I will make a wild prediction and say Obama grabs 1,162,267 Oregon votes.
3:53 a.m.
Nov 1, '08
I missed the cut off for being mentioned by one last time. Damn I want to win this time around. I got my predictions in early. Since I am out of state, I had to take a guess at some of the races for legislature.
By the way, just in case there is electronic fraud going on I've got my answers copied into an email. HAHA!